6th Grade Physical Education


The Vision of the HMS PE Department is to refocus physical education to a wellness-based model that encourages fitness for a lifetime, regardless of athletic ability. Students are exposed to multiple activities he or she can embrace and enjoy for a lifetime. Along the way students will:
  • Participate in team activities while demonstrating sportsmanship, teamwork, and cooperation.
  • Understand how being fit can affect their physical, mental and social well-being.
  • Use technology as a tool to monitor and improve their level of fitness. 

Ø  Sports/Health Units

Students will be introduced to a variety of team sports and individual activities.  Rules, written assessments and physical skills tests are used as a means of showing comprehension for each unit.

Dance                            Volleyball                          Hawaiian Softball          Track                    

Basketball                      Volley-Tennis                    Pilates                           Circuit Training

Soccer                            Badminton                        Hockey                         Yoga

Ultimate Frisbee             Fitness Testing                 Football                         Pickle Ball

Ø  California Physical Fitness Test (FITNESSGRAM®)

The FITNESSGRAM® is composed of the following six fitness areas, with a number of test options provided for most areas:

  1. Aerobic Capacity
    • One Mile Run
    • Pacer
  1. Abdominal Strength and Endurance
    • Curl-Up
    • Sit-Up
  1. Upper Body Strength and Endurance
    • Push-Up
    • Modified Pull-Up
    • Flexed-Arm Hang
  1. Body Composition
    • Body Mass Index
  1. Trunk Extensor Strength and Flexibility
    • Trunk Lift
  1. Flexibility 
    • Back-Saver Sit and Reach
    • Shoulder Stretch