Ms Katy Simpson » Introduction


Katy Simpson has worked as the HMS Band Director in SMUSD since 2019 and loves our San Marino community and students! She has taught middle school band for 10+ years and can't imagine a better age group to partner with! 
Ms. Simpson received her Bachelor of Music in Music Education from the University of Colorado Boulder and completed her Masters of Music Education from Central Washington University. She graduated both programs with top honors. While she is passionate about all instruments, Ms. Simpson's primary instrument is the clarinet and she still loves to play and practice daily!
Ms. Simpson grew up in Colorado Springs, Colorado and is a recent transfer to California. She loves to explore new places in California, scuba dive, enjoy the beach, and attend LA Phil performances at the Hollywood Bowl. She lives with her husband and golden retriever, Minnie. 
Check out Ms. Simpson wishing you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!