Posting for Thursday, February 13
Career Day is tomorrow!
It is also a Minimum Day.
Students - you do not need to bring anything
with you to my classes. Leave your belongings
in your locker so you can give your full attention
to our speakers!

Thursday Classwork:
- Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report Check-In
- Plot Diagram for book report project
- Introduction of Climax/Turning Point Triorama project
- IXL G.2, G.3 (Making Inferences) - due tomorrow (Friday)
- Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - Use the Plot Diagram that was passed out today to record the key elements of the plot. This will be part of the book report project and is due on Wednesday 2/26. Also, remember that the reading/Stop & Jot due date is also Wednesday 2/26. (Note: The directions for the Stop & Jot are also posted below.)
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: Lesson 15 Test = Hinduism
Homework: If you have not yet returned the Little Buddha permission slip, please get a parent signature and return it tomorrow. It is also posted below.
Upcoming Dates
Friday (2/14): Career Day!!
Friday (2/14): Happy Valentine's Day! ❤️
Friday (2/14): IXL G.2, G.3 due
Friday (2/14): Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (2/17) - Friday (2/21): Presidents Week (No School)
Monday (2/24): Professional Development Day for Teachers
Tuesday (2/25): School Resumes for Students
Wednesday (2/26): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report due date
(You will need to bring your book and Stop & Jot to class on this day)