6th Grade English and Social Studies Assignments

Upcoming Assignments RSS Feed



Posting for Thursday, February 13
Career Day is tomorrow!
It is also a Minimum Day.
Students - you do not need to bring anything
with you to my classes. Leave your belongings
in your locker so you can give your full attention
to our speakers!
Thursday Classwork:
  • Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report Check-In
  • Plot Diagram for book report project
  • Introduction of Climax/Turning Point Triorama project
  •  IXL G.2, G.3 (Making Inferences) - due tomorrow (Friday)
  • Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - Use the Plot Diagram that was passed out today to record the key elements of the plot. This will be part of the book report project and is due on Wednesday 2/26. Also, remember that the reading/Stop & Jot due date is also Wednesday 2/26. (Note: The directions for the Stop & Jot are also posted below.)
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: Lesson 15 Test = Hinduism
Homework: If you have not yet returned the Little Buddha permission slip, please get a parent signature and return it tomorrow. It is also posted below.
Upcoming Dates
Friday (2/14):  Career Day!!
Friday (2/14):  Happy Valentine's Day! âĪïļ
Friday (2/14): IXL G.2, G.3 due
Friday (2/14):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (2/17) - Friday (2/21):  Presidents Week (No School)
Monday (2/24):  Professional Development Day for Teachers
Tuesday (2/25):  School Resumes for Students
Wednesday (2/26): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report due date
(You will need to bring your book and Stop & Jot to class on this day)

Past Assignments



Posting for Wednesday, February 12
Career Week continues!
Tomorrow's theme is 
Your Future is Not a Dream!
Therefore, it is one-sie day!
Wednesday Classwork: Sentence Combining Activity
  • IXL G.2, G.3 (Making Inferences) - due Friday
  • A check-in for your Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report progress will happen tomorrow! Bring your book and Stop & Jot to class and be prepared to tell me about the plot, especially the climax (if you have gotten that far). The reading due date is Wednesday 2/26.
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork:
  • Lesson 15 Note-taking packet (Hinduism) with TCI online for Section 7
  • Lesson 15 "Explore: How Hinduism Has Affected American Culture" and "Literature: The Ramayana" - reading and discussion
  • The Lesson 15 Hinduism Test is tomorrow (Thursday). Use the purple Review Guidelines for reminders about how to review (also posted below)
  • Permission Slip - Parent Signature needed for permission to view Little Buddha (also attached below)
  • Lesson 15 Note-taking packet - pages 10 and 11 on "Hindu Beliefs"
  • Lesson 15 "Matrix of Knowledge" Lesson Game (review for test)
Upcoming Dates
Monday (2/10) - Friday (2/14):  Career Week/Spirit Week
Thursday (2/13): Social Studies Lesson 15 Test (Hinduism)
Friday (2/14):  Happy Valentine's Day! âĪïļ
Friday (2/14): IXL G.2, G.3 due
Friday (2/14):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (2/17) - Friday (2/21):  Presidents Week (No School)
Monday (2/24):  Professional Development Day for Teachers
Tuesday (2/25):  School Resumes for Students
Wednesday (2/26): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report due date
(You will need to bring your book and Stop & Jot to class on this day)



Posting for Tuesday, February 11
Career Week continues!
Tomorrow is College Pride day.
Note: Students will be bringing home a permission slip for 
the movie, Little Buddha, which requires a parent signature.
Please return at your earliest convenience. 
(There is also a copy attached below).
Thank you!
Tuesday Classwork:
  • Daily Language Review
  • Making Inferences with IXL G.2, G.3
  • Online StudySync "Blast" Activity with Peer Reviews
  • IXL G.2, G.3 (Making Inferences) - due Friday
  • Keep reading your Fantasy or Science Fiction Book Report book while doing your Stop & Jot annotations. The reading due date is Wednesday 2/26. (Note: I will start checking Stop & Jot this week, so you can show my your post-its as soon as you are finished.)
Social Studies
Monday Classwork:
  • Lesson 15 Note-taking packet (Hinduism) with TCI online Sections 5 and 6 
  • Permission Slip - Parent Signature needed for permission to view Little Buddha (also attached below)
  • Social Studies IXL H.4 (Hinduism) - due tomorrow (Wednesday)
  • The Lesson 15 Hinduism Test will be on Thursday
Upcoming Dates
Monday (2/10) - Friday (2/14):  Career Week/Spirit Week
Wednesday (2/12): Social Studies IXL H.4 due (Origins of Hinduism)
Thursday (2/13): Social Studies Lesson 15 Test (Hinduism)
Friday (2/14):  Happy Valentine's Day! âĪïļ
Friday (2/14): IXL G.2, G.3 due
Friday (2/14):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (2/17) - Friday (2/21):  Presidents Week (No School)
Monday (2/24):  Professional Development Day for Teachers
Tuesday (2/25):  School Resumes for Students
Wednesday (2/26): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report due date
(You will need to bring your book and Stop & Jot to class on this day)



Posting for Monday, February 10
Career Week is this week!
Screenshot 2025-02-05 8.15.40 AM.png
Monday Classwork:
  • "Eleven" Written Response (RACES)
  • Daily Language Review 
  • IXL G.2, G.3 (Making Inferences) - due Friday
  • Keep reading your Fantasy or Science Fiction Book Report book while doing your Stop & Jot annotations. The reading due date is Wednesday 2/26. (Note: I will start checking Stop & Jot this week, so you can show my your post-its as soon as you are finished.)
Social Studies
Monday Classwork:
  • Lesson 15 Note-taking packet (Hinduism) - page 7 (Figurative Language/Multiple Meanings) and page 8 (Hindu Gods and Goddesses)
  • TCI Online text - Sections 4 and 5 with notes
  • BrainPop - "Diwali" Movie, Review Quiz, Grade Quiz (due tomorrow)
  • Social Studies IXL H.4 (Hinduism) - due Wednesday
  • The Lesson 15 Hinduism Test will be on Thursday
Upcoming Dates
Monday (2/10) - Friday (2/14):  Career Week/Spirit Week
Tuesday (2/11): BrainPop "Diwali" Assignment due
Wednesday (2/12): Social Studies IXL H.4 due (Origins of Hinduism)
Thursday (2/13): Social Studies Lesson 15 Test (Hinduism)
Friday (2/14):  Happy Valentine's Day! âĪïļ
Friday (2/14): IXL G.2, G.3 due
Friday (2/14):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (2/17) - Friday (2/21):  Presidents Week (No School)
Monday (2/24):  Professional Development Day for Teachers
Tuesday (2/25):  School Resumes for Students
Wednesday (2/26): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report due date
(You will need to bring your book and Stop & Jot to class on this day)



Posting for Friday, February 7
Career Week is next week!
Screenshot 2025-02-05 8.15.40 AM.png
Friday Classwork: "Eleven" Unit Test 
  • The RACES Response part of the "Eleven" Test will be on Monday
  • Keep reading your Fantasy or Science Fiction Book Report book while doing your Stop & Jot annotations. The reading due date is Wednesday 2/26.
Social Studies
Friday Classwork: Lesson 15 = Learning About World Religions: Hinduism - Section 3 with notes in note-taking packet
Homework: Social Studies IXL H.4 (Origins of Hinduism) - due Wed. 2/12
Upcoming Dates
Monday (2/10) - Friday (2/14):  Career Week/Spirit Week
Monday (2/10): "Eleven" Test Part 2 - RACES Response
Wednesday (2/12): Social Studies IXL H.4 due (Origins of Hinduism)
Friday (2/14):  Happy Valentine's Day! âĪïļ
Friday (2/14):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (2/17) - Friday (2/21):  Presidents Week (No School)
Monday (2/24):  Professional Development Day for Teachers
Tuesday (2/25):  School Resumes for Students
Wednesday (2/26): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report due date
(You will need to bring your book and Stop & Jot to class on this day)



Posting for Thursday, February 6
Thursday Classwork: 
  • "Eleven" green packet p. 6 - Compare Symbolism
  • "Eleven" green packet p. 7-8 - Figurative Language in "Eleven"
  • The "Eleven" Unit Test is tomorrow. Use the pink Study Guide for reminders about how to review (also posted below). Remember, the test will also include a separate IXL quiz on pronouns and commas. 
  • "Eleven" green packet - page 2 (Vocabulary) due tomorrow and be ready to turn in the entire packet
  • Pronouns packet - be ready to turn in the completed packet tomorrow
  • Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - Bring your book to class tomorrow (Friday) for a check-in. Be ready to share some thoughts about your protagonist's character traits. 
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: Lesson 15 = Learning About World Religions: Hinduism - Sections 1 and 2 with notes in note-taking packet
Homework: Social Studies IXL H.4 (Origins of Hinduism) - due Wed. 2/12
Upcoming Dates
Friday (2/7): "Eleven" Unit Test
Monday (2/10) - Friday (2/14):  Career Week/Spirit Week
Wednesday (2/12): Social Studies IXL H.4 due (Origins of Hinduism)
Friday (2/14):  Happy Valentine's Day! âĪïļ
Friday (2/14):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (2/17) - Friday (2/21):  Presidents Week (No School)
Monday (2/24):  Professional Development Day for Teachers
Tuesday (2/25):  School Resumes for Students
Wednesday (2/26): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report due date
(You will need to bring your book and Stop & Jot to class on this day)



Posting for Wednesday, February 5
Wednesday Classwork:
  • Symbolism in Literature lesson in English Journal page 27 
  • Google Classroom - Symbolism in "Eleven" assignment
  • Symbolism in "Eleven" Google Classroom assignment - Make sure you have completed and turned in.
  • Commas Review - 5th Grade IXL TT.1 - TT.6 is due tomorrow. (Note: For these skills sections, you do not need to reach a SmartScore of 100. A score of 80 will suffice.) 
  • The "Eleven" Unit Test will be on Friday. Use the Study Guide for reminders about how to review (also posted below). 
  • Keep reading your Fantasy or Science Fiction Book Report book while doing your Stop & Jot annotations. The reading due date is Wednesday 2/26.
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork:  Lesson 15 = Learning About World Religions: Hinduism - Introduction and Section 1 (first part)
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (2/6): 5th Grade IXL TT.1-TT.6 (Commas) due
Friday (2/7): "Eleven" Unit Test
Monday (2/10) - Friday (2/14):  Career Week/Spirit Week
Friday (2/14):  Happy Valentine's Day! âĪïļ
Friday (2/14):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (2/17) - Friday (2/21):  Presidents Week (No School)
Monday (2/24):  Professional Development Day for Teachers
Tuesday (2/25):  School Resumes for Students
Wednesday (2/26): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report due date
(You will need to bring your book and Stop & Jot to class on this day)



Posting for Tuesday, February 4
Tuesday Classwork:   Types of Characters in English Journal on page 25 (left side) with practice on green worksheet
  • Commas Review - 5th Grade IXL TT.1 - TT.6 (Note: For these skills sections, you do not need to reach a SmartScore of 100. A score of 80 will suffice.)
  • The "Eleven" Unit Test will be on Friday. It will also cover the grammar skills we have been practicing, pronouns and commas. 
  • Keep reading your Fantasy or Science Fiction Book Report book while doing your Stop & Jot annotations. The reading due date is Wednesday 2/26.
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork:
  • Lesson 14 = Unlocking the Secrets of Mohenjodaro - Overview with videos and discussion
  • Lesson 15 = Learning About World Religions: Hinduism - Preview Activity in note-taking packet
Homework:  The Lesson 13 Video Activity on the Geography of Ancient India is due Wednesday (if you did not finish in class)
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (2/5): Lesson 13 Video Activity due (Geography of Ancient India)
Thursday (2/6): 5th Grade IXL TT.1-TT.6 (Commas) due
Friday (2/7): "Eleven" Unit Test
Monday (2/10) - Friday (2/14):  Career Week/Spirit Week
Friday (2/14):  Happy Valentine's Day! âĪïļ
Friday (2/14):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (2/17) - Friday (2/21):  Presidents Week (No School)
Monday (2/24):  Professional Development Day for Teachers
Tuesday (2/25):  School Resumes for Students
Wednesday (2/26): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report due date
(You will need to bring your book and Stop & Jot to class on this day)



Posting for Monday, February 3
Monday Classwork: Characterization - "Eleven" Activity and definitions in notes on page 26 in English Journal
  • IXL HH.3, HH.4 (Possessive Pronouns) - due tomorrow (Tuesday)
  • Keep reading your Fantasy or Science Fiction Book Report book while doing your Stop & Jot annotations. The reading due date is Wednesday 2/26.
  • The "Eleven" Unit Test will be on Friday. It will also cover the grammar skills we have been practicing, pronouns and commas. 
Social Studies
Monday Classwork: Lesson 13 = The Geography and Early Settlement of India 
  •  The TCI online Unit 2 Timeline Challenge is due tomorrow (Tuesday). Note: If the click and drag timeline section does not work, don't worry. I will only be checking the written answers to the questions. Don't forget to write in complete stand-alone sentences in the boxes at the bottom (where we started writing before). 
  • The Lesson 13 Video Activity on the Geography of Ancient India is due Wednesday (if you did not finish in class)
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (2/4): IXL HH.3, HH.4 due (Pronouns)
Tuesday (2/4): TCI Unit 2 Timeline Challenge due
Friday (2/7): "Eleven" Unit Test
Monday (2/10) - Friday (2/14):  Career Week/Spirit Week
Friday (2/14):  Happy Valentine's Day! âĪïļ
Friday (2/14):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (2/17) - Friday (2/21):  Presidents Week (No School)
Monday (2/24):  Professional Development Day for Teachers
Tuesday (2/25):  School Resumes for Students
Wednesday (2/26): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report due date
(You will need to bring your book and Stop & Jot to class on this day)



Posting for Friday, January 31
Friday Classwork:
  • BrainPop - Characterization
  • Partner Activity - Characterization in "Eleven"I
  • If you did not finish the BrainPop assignment on "Characterization," finish it this weekend. It needs to be completed before class on Monday.
  • IXL HH.3, HH.4 (Possessive Pronouns) - due Tuesday 2/4
  • There will be a Grammar Quiz on commas and pronouns on Wednesday 2/5
  • Keep reading your Fantasy or Science Fiction Book Report book while doing your Stop & Jot annotations. The reading due date is Wednesday 2/26.
Social Studies
Friday Classwork:  Judaism Assessment
Homework: The TCI online Unit 2 Timeline Challenge is due Tuesday
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (2/4): IXL HH.3, HH.4 due (Pronouns)
Tuesday (2/4): TCI Unit 2 Timeline Challenge due
Wednesday (2/5): Grammar Quiz (Commas and Pronouns)
Monday (2/10) - Friday (2/14):  Career Week/Spirit Week
Friday (2/14):  Happy Valentine's Day! âĪïļ
Friday (2/14):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (2/17) - Friday (2/21):  Presidents Week (No School)
Monday (2/24):  Professional Development Day for Teachers
Tuesday (2/25):  School Resumes for Students
Wednesday (2/26): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report due date
(You will need to bring your book and Stop & Jot to class on this day)



Posting for Thursday, January 30
Thursday Classwork:
  • Textual Evidence lesson in Testing Our Limits workbook on p. 7-8
  • "Eleven" First Read Assignment - Vocabulary and Think question #3
  • Character Traits in English Journal on p. 25
  • The "Eleven" First Read assignment is due tomorrow
  • If you did not finish in class, complete the yellow "Character Trait" worksheet
  • Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - please bring your book and Stop & Jot to class tomorrow (Friday) for a "check-in."
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork:
  • Lesson 12=Learning About World Religions: Judaism - Summary section
  • Test review guidelines and reminders
  • Unit 2 Unit Project - Timeline Challenge 
  • The Social Studies Assessment on Judaism is tomorrow (Friday). It will cover Lesson 11 (just the main ideas) and Lesson 12. Use the "How to Prepare for a Social Studies Test" handout for reminders about how to review (also posted below).
  • The Lesson 12 "Information Excavation" Lesson Game is due tomorrow (Note: this assignment needs to be completed BEFORE the test. It will not be accepted late.)
  • The Unit 2 Project - Timeline Challenge is due Tuesday
Upcoming Dates
Friday (1/31): Social Studies Test - Judaism (Lessons 11/12)
Wednesday (2/26): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report due date
(You will need to bring your book and Stop & Jot to class on this day)
Monday (2/10) - Friday (2/14):  Career Week/Spirit Week
Friday (2/14):  Happy Valentine's Day! âĪïļ
Friday (2/14):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)



Posting for Wednesday, January 29
Happy Chinese New Year!!
Wednesday Classwork:
  • Pronouns packet - pages 3-4 checked and corrected
  • BrainPop - Lunar New Year assignment
  • Year of the Snake activities, Spring Festival Jokes and Notes
  • If you did not finish the BrainPop assignment on Lunar New Year, finish it for homework
  • IXL HH.1, HH.2 (Subject & Object Pronouns)- due tomorrow (Thursday) 
  • Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - continue to read your approved book and complete the Stop & Jot annotations as you go. The reading due date is Wednesday, February 26. Also, please bring your book and Stop & Jot to class on Friday for a "check-in."
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork:
  • Lesson 12=Learning About World Religions: Judaism - Section 3  with notes in note-taking packet
  • Lesson 11 Reading - section on "Profiles in History: The Power of Friendship - The Lives of Naomi and Ruth"
  • Lesson 11 Reading - section on "Literature: The Ten Commandments"
  • The Social Studies Assessment on Judaism will be Friday. It will cover Lesson 11 (just the main ideas) and Lesson 12.
  • The Lesson 11 "Matrix of Knowledge" Lesson Game is due tomorrow
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (1/29):  Happy Chinese New Year!ðŸŪ
Wednesday (1/29):  Activities - Group Yearbook Photos ðŸ“ļ
Thursday (1/30): IXL HH.1, HH.2 due
Thursday (1/30):  VAPA Yearbook Photos ðŸ“ļ
Friday (1/31): Social Studies Test - Judaism (Lessons 11/12)
Wednesday (2/26): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report due date
(You will need to bring your book and Stop & Jot to class on this day)



Posting for Tuesday, January 28
Parents and Students -
If you have not already returned the 
Technology Use Agreement,
please do so at your earliest convenience.
Thank you!
Tuesday Classwork: 
  • Pronouns Packet - pages 1-2 checked and corrected
  • Testing Our Limits workbook pages 4-5 with video on "Test Dependent Responses"
  • Online StudySync assignment -  First Read: "Eleven" with Think questions #1 and #2
  • Pronouns packet pages 3-4
  • Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - continue to read your approved book and complete the Stop & Jot annotations as you go. The reading due date is Wednesday, February 26. Also, please bring your book and Stop & Jot to class on Friday for a "check-in."
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: Lesson 12=Learning About World Religions: Judaism - Section 2  with notes in note-taking packet
Homework: Please return the Technology Use Agreement with parent signature as soon as possible
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (1/29):  Happy Chinese New Year!ðŸŪ
Wednesday (1/29):  Activities - Group Yearbook Photos ðŸ“ļ
Thursday (1/30): IXL HH.1, HH.2 due
Thursday (1/30):  VAPA Yearbook Photos ðŸ“ļ
Wednesday (2/26): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report due date
(You will need to bring your book and Stop & Jot to class on this day)



Posting for Monday, January 27
A Technology Use Agreement was sent home today
for students to review with their parents. 
Hopefully these guidelines about appropriate use
of technology here at HMS will serve as 
important reminders for students.
Parents and students should both sign at the
bottom and return the form at your earliest convenience.
Thank you!
Monday Classwork:
  • Growth Mindset - English/Social Studies Reflection on 2024 progress
  • "Eleven" Annotation Assignment - discussion and additional notes with Testing Our Limits workbook pages 1-3
Homework: Pronouns packet - pages 1-2
Social Studies
Monday Classwork:  Lesson 12=Learning About World Religions: Judaism - Section 2 (first part) with notes in note-taking packet
Homework: Please return the Technology Use Agreement with parent signature as soon as possible
Upcoming Dates
Monday (1/27):  Q2/S1 Grades Posted Online
Wednesday (1/29):  Happy Chinese New Year!ðŸŪ
Wednesday (1/29):  Activities - Group Yearbook Photos ðŸ“ļ
Thursday (1/30): IXL HH.1, HH.2 due
Thursday (1/30):  VAPA Yearbook Photos ðŸ“ļ
Wednesday (2/26): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report due date
(You will need to bring your book and Stop & Jot to class on this day)



Posting for Friday, January 24
Friday Classwork: 
  • Pronouns packet pages 1, 3
  • Introduction of IXL HH.1, HH.2 (Subject & Object Pronouns)
  • Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - Stop & Jot assignment
  • Use the Stop & Jot assignment directions while you read your Fantasy/Science Fiction book. The reading due date is Wednesday 2/26. All Stop & Jot annotations should be made by then, and you will need to bring your book with post-its to class that day.
  • IXL HH.1 and HH.2 (Subject & Object Pronouns) - due Thursday 1/30
Social Studies
Friday Classwork:
  • Lesson 12=Learning About World Religions: Judaism - Section 1 with notes in note-taking packet
  • Kahoot - Ancient Egypt
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Monday (1/27):  Q2/S1 Grades Posted Online
Wednesday (1/29):  Happy Chinese New Year!ðŸŪ
Wednesday (1/29):  Activities - Group Yearbook Photos ðŸ“ļ
Thursday (1/30): IXL HH.1, HH.2 due
Thursday (1/30):  VAPA Yearbook Photos ðŸ“ļ
Wednesday (2/26): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report due date
(You will need to bring your book and Stop & Jot to class on this day)



Posting for Thursday, January 23
Thursday Classwork: "Eleven" by Sandra Cisneros in Testing Our Limits workbook on pages 1-3 with Annotation assignment in green packet on page 2
  • If you did not finish the "Eleven" annotation assignment, please finish it for homework. Use the directions on page 2 in the green "Eleven" packet for reminders about the direcitons.
  • Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - book approval is due tomorrow (Friday). Use the pink handout for reminders about requirements for this book choice. You should plan on filling out the form and showing Mrs. Doan your book choice sometime this week. 
  • IXL GG.5 - Correct Inappropriate Shifts in Pronoun Number and Person - due Friday
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: Lesson 12 - Learning About World Religions: Judaism
  • Preview Activity in note-taking packet on page 1
  • Introduction in online TCI text
  • Section 1 - section on Monotheism with notes in packet on page 2
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Friday (1/24): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - book approval due
Friday (1/24): IXL GG.5 due
Friday (1/24):  6th Grade Dance ðŸ•šðŸŧ
Monday (1/27):  Q2/S1 Grades Posted Online
Wednesday (1/29):  Happy Chinese New Year!ðŸŪ
Wednesday (1/29):  Activities - Group Yearbook Photos ðŸ“ļ
Thursday (1/30):  VAPA Yearbook Photos ðŸ“ļ



Posting for Wednesday, January 22
Wednesday Classwork: 
  • Video - "Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance" (TedTalk)
  • IXL GG.5 - Correct Inappropriate Shifts in Pronoun Number and Person with Group Jam
  • "Eleven" green packet - page 1 Pre-Reading Activity
  • Figurative Language Review on page 14 in the English Journal with notes on definition and oxymora
  • IXL GG.4 (Identify All the Possible Antecetdents) - due tomorrow (Thursday)
  • Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - book approval is due Friday 1/24. Use the pink handout for reminders about requirements for this book choice. You should plan on filling out the form and showing Mrs. Doan your book choice sometime this week. 
  • IXL GG.5 - Correct Inappropriate Shifts in Pronoun Number and Person - due Friday
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork: History Alive Lesson 11 = Origins of Judaism with Video Activity (TCI)
Homework: If you did not finish the Lesson 11 Video Activity in class, finish it for homework (due tomorrow)
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (1/23): IXL GG.4 due 
Thursday (1/23): History Alive Lesson 11 Video Activity due
Friday (1/24): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - book approval due
Friday (1/24): IXL GG.5 due
Friday (1/24):  6th Grade Dance ðŸ•šðŸŧ
Monday (1/27):  Q2/S1 Grades Posted Online
Wednesday (1/29):  Happy Chinese New Year!ðŸŪ
Wednesday (1/29):  Group Yearbook Photos ðŸ“ļ
Thursday (1/30):  VAPA Yearbook Photos ðŸ“ļ



Posting for Tuesday, January 21
Tuesday Classwork: 
  • Pronouns packet - page 5 on Pronouns and Antecedents
  • IXL GG.4 (Identify All the Possible Antecedents) - Group Jam
  • IXL GG.4 (Identify All the Possible Antecetdents) - due Thursday
  • Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - book approval is due Friday 1/24. Use the pink handout for reminders about requirements for this book choice. You should plan on filling out the form and showing Mrs. Doan your book choice sometime this week. 
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: Ancient Egypt Art - silhouette pieces added to watercolor background
  • BrainPop - "Martin Luther King" assignment was due today. If you finish it by tonight, you will get full credit.
  • Ancient Egypt Research Report - final printed copy (black and white, one-sided, stapled) is due tomorrow. You will be turning in all the related papers - Research Notes, 5 Ws, Appositives, Sources list, Guided Essay, etc.
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (1/22): BrainPop "Martin Luther King" assignment due
Wednesday (1/22): Ancient Egypt Research Report due (printed copy)
Thursday (1/23): IXL GG.4 due 
Friday (1/24): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - book approval due
Friday (1/24):  6th Grade Dance ðŸ•šðŸŧ
Monday (1/27):  Q2/S1 Grades Posted Online
Wednesday (1/29):  Happy Chinese New Year!ðŸŪ



Posting for Friday, January 17
Friday Classwork: Revising and Editing - Tips & Tools
Homework: Start thinking about your Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report choice. The handout is posted below for your reference. It includes information about some of the requirements for this book choice. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.
Social Studies
Friday Classwork: 
  • Ancient Egypt Research Report - final edits
  • Egypt - watercolor sunset art
  • BrainPop - "Martin Luther King" Video, Review Quiz, Graded Quiz
  • BrainPop - "Martin Luther King" assignment
  • Ancient Egypt Research Report - final printed copy (black and white, one-sided, stapled) is due on Tuesday. You will be turning in all the related papers - Research Notes, 5 Ws, Appositives, Sources list
Upcoming Dates
Monday (1/20): Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - No school!
Tuesday (1/21): BrainPop "Martin Luther King" assignment due
Tuesday (1/21): Ancient Egypt Research Report due (printed copy)
Friday (1/24):  6th Grade Dance ðŸ•šðŸŧ
Monday (1/27):  Q2/S1 Grades Posted Online
Wednesday (1/29):  Happy Chinese New Year!ðŸŪ



Posting for Thursday, January 16
Thursday Classwork: New Year's Resolutions collected
Homework: IXL T.3 and T.4 (Citations) - due tomorrow (Friday)
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: Ancient Egypt Research Report -
  • Adding Images with Captions
  • Final Revisions
  • Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just? essay - final revisions should be completed by tomorrow (Friday). You will need to print a final presentation copy and turn it in with the original essay and grading rubric in order for your score to be modified. Directions are posted below. 
  • Ancient Egypt Research Report - 4 Images with complete sentence captions (if not completed in class)
Upcoming Dates
Friday (1/17): Hammurabi's Code - final revised printed copy due
Friday (1/17): IXL T.3, T.4 due (Citations)
Monday (1/20): Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - No school!
Friday (1/24):  6th Grade Dance ðŸ•šðŸŧ
Monday (1/27):  Q2/S1 Grades Posted Online
Wednesday (1/29):  Happy Chinese New Year!ðŸŪ



Posting for Wednesday, January 15
Wednesday Classwork: New Year's Resolutions project
Homework: The New Year's Resolutions project is due tomorrow. Review the directions as you proofread, and be ready to turn it in with the pink directions/grading rubric handout.
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork:
  • IXL T.3 - Recognize the Parts of a Works Cited Entry
  • Ancient Egypt Research Report - Works Cited page using Google Tools for Citations
  • Hammurabi's Code Argumentative Essay - final revisions and edits based on teacher feedback
  • If you did not finish your Egypt report Works Cited page, you will need to finish it for homework.
  • Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just? essay - final revisions should be completed by Friday. You will need to print a final presentation copy and turn it in with the original essay and grading rubric in order for your score to be modified. Directions are posted below. 
  •  IXL T.3 (Recognize the Parts of a Works Cited Entry) - due Friday
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (1/16): New Year's Resolutions due
Friday (1/17): Hammurabi's Code - final revised printed copy due
Friday (1/17): IXL T.2, T.3 due (Citations)
Monday (1/20): Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - No school!
Friday (1/24):  6th Grade Dance ðŸ•šðŸŧ
Monday (1/27):  Q2/S1 Grades Posted Online
Wednesday (1/29):  Happy Chinese New Year!ðŸŪ



Posting for Tuesday, January 14
Tuesday Classwork: 
  • Video - "10 Ways to Build and Develop Resilience" (also posted below)
  • New Year's Resolutions project
Homework:  IXL GG.3 (Vague Pronouns) - due tomorrow (Wednesday)
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: 
  • Ancient Egypt Research Report - Conclusion paragraph
  • Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just? essay - final revisions
  • If you did not finish the Conclusion paragraph for your Ancient Egypt Research Report, you need to finish it tonight for homework
  • Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just? essay - final revisions should be completed asap. You will need to print a final presentation copy and turn it in with the original essay and grading rubric in order for your score to be modified. Directions are posted below. 
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (1/15): IXL GG.3 due (Vague Pronouns)
Thursday (1/16): New Year's Resolutions due
Thursday (1/16): Fire Drill (12:10 PM) ðŸ§Ŋ
Monday (1/20): Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - No school!
Friday (1/24):  6th Grade Dance ðŸ•šðŸŧ
Monday (1/27):  Q2/S1 Grades Posted Online
Wednesday (1/29):  Happy Chinese New Year!ðŸŪ



Posting for Monday, January 13
It was so great to see all of you back at school today!
Take care of yourself, and remember to reach out
to an adult if you need support. 
Monday Classwork: 
  • Video - "10 Ways to Build and Develop Resilience" with Growth Mindset discussion
  • New Year's Resolutions project
  • IXL GG.1 and GG.2 - due tomorrow (Note: This was originally due last Friday, but if you have not completed it, you need to work on it tonight. The new due date is tomorrow). 
  • IXL GG.3 (Vague Pronouns) - due Wednesday
Social Studies
Monday Classwork: Ancient Egypt Research Report - directions for conclusion paragraph
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (1/14): IXL GG.1 and GG.2 due (Pronouns & Antecedents)
Wednesday (1/15): IXL GG.3 due (Vague Pronouns)
Thursday (1/16): Fire Drill (12:10 PM) ðŸ§Ŋ
Monday (1/20): Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - No school!
Friday (1/24):  6th Grade Dance ðŸ•šðŸŧ



Posting for Tuesday, January 7
Tuesday Classwork: 
  • Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset page in English Journal on page 23 with practice
  • Video - "Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset" (also posted below)
  • Introduction of IXL GG.1 and GG.2 (Pronouns and Their Antecedents)
  • IXL GG.1 and GG.2 - due Friday
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: Ancient Egypt Research Report - Introduction Paragraph
Homework: If you did not finish your Ancient Egypt Research Report Introduction Paragraph in class, you will need to complete it for homework. 
Upcoming Dates
Friday (1/10): IXL GG.1 and GG.2 due (Pronouns & Antecedents)
Thursday (1/16): Fire Drill (12:10 PM) ðŸ§Ŋ
Monday (1/20): Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - No school!
Friday (1/24):  6th Grade Dance ðŸ•šðŸŧ



Posting for Monday, January 6
Happy New Year! 
I hope you had a wonderful, restful holiday
with family and friends.
It was great to see everyone today!
Monday Classwork:
  • BrainPop - "Silver Anniversary" video and "New Year's" Video
  • Community Circle meeting
  • Growth Mindset Student Survey
  • IXL C.2 (Which sentence is more formal?) - due tomorrow
  • If you did not finish your Growth Mindset Survey in class, please finish is for homework.
Social Studies
Monday Classwork: Ancient Egypt Research Report
  • 4 Body Paragraphs - Revisions
  • Introduction Paragraph - planning and 5 Ws
Homework: All 4 body paragraphs should now be complete and revisions done
Upcoming Dates
Monday (1/6):  School Resumes (Quarter 3 Begins)
Monday (1/20): Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - No school!
Friday (1/24):  6th Grade Dance 🕚ðŸŧ



Posting for Wednesday, December 18
Our Holiday Party is tomorrow!
Don't forget to bring your food/drink
contribution for the pot luck. 
If you did not bring your Secret Elf gift to class today,
please bring it tomorrow!!
Wednesday Classwork: Writing Reminders/Review
Homework: none
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork: Ancient Egypt Research Report - body paragraphs #2 and 3
Homework:  You should be finishing up Body Paragraphs 2 and 3 (due tomorrow). Use the Google Classroom assignment doc for the writing/typing. All information should come from your research notes. Remember, don't have a source open (book or a website) while you are typing to avoid plagiarism. Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence and end with a "wrap-it-up" statement.
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (12/19): Holiday Party! 
Friday (12/20):  VAPA Winter Assembly ðŸŽķ 
Friday (12/20):  Quarter 2 Ends (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (12/23) - Friday (1/3):  WINTER BREAK â›„ïļ â„ïļ
Monday (1/6):  School Resumes (Quarter 3 Begins)



Posting for Tuesday, December 17
Important reminder for tomorrow!
Don't forget to bring your wrapped present
to class with the gift tag attached. 
If you want to sign up to bring something for our 
Holiday Party, use the sign-up sheet
posted in Google Classroom.
Thank you, in advance, for your contribution!
Tuesday Classwork: Writing Reminders - compound and complex sentences, appositives, formal academic writing
Homework: none
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: Ancient Egypt Research Report - body paragraph #1
  • Your research notes should now complete! If you are behind, you need to get caught up tonight! Don't forget to keep track of your sources on your Works Cited list. FYI, the "List of Approved Online Sources" is posted in Google Classroom. 
  • Body Paragraph #1 should also now be complete. Use the Google Classroom assignment doc for the writing/typing. All information should come from your research notes. Remember, don't have a source open (book or a website) while you are typing to avoid plagiarism. Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence and end with a "wrap-it-up" statement.
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (12/18): Bring your "Secret Elf" gift to class by this date ðŸŽ
Thursday (12/19): Holiday Party! 
Friday (12/20):  VAPA Winter Assembly ðŸŽķ 
Friday (12/20):  Quarter 2 Ends (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (12/23) - Friday (1/3):  WINTER BREAK â›„ïļ â„ïļ
Monday (1/6):  School Resumes (Quarter 3 Begins)



Posting for Monday, December 16
Hello all you Secret Elves!
Don't forget to bring your wrapped present
to class by this Wednesday with the gift tag attached. 
If you want to sign up to bring something for our 
Holiday Party, use the sign-up sheet
posted in Google Classroom.
Thank you, in advance, for your contribution!
Monday Classwork: 
  • Topic Sentences
  • "How Do I Turn My Notes Into Paragraphs?"
Homework: none
Social Studies
Monday Classwork:  Ancient Egypt Research Report - Research Notes and Body Paragraph #1
  • Your Research Notes should now be complete. If not, please finish them up tonight in order to meet the deadline tomorrow. Don't forget to keep track of your sources on your Works Cited list. FYI, the "List of Approved Online Sources" is posted in Google Classroom. 
  • Don't forget that you need two direct quotes in your notes. Refer to the bright yellow "Egypt Research Note-Taking Tips & Reminders" handout (#10) for information on this (posted below).
  • Your "Appositives" List is also due tomorrow. 
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (12/18): Bring your "Secret Elf" gift to class by this date ðŸŽ
Thursday (12/19): Holiday Party! 
Friday (12/20):  VAPA Winter Assembly ðŸŽķ 
Friday (12/20):  Quarter 2 Ends (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (12/23) - Friday (1/3):  WINTER BREAK â›„ïļ â„ïļ
Monday (1/6):  School Resumes (Quarter 3 Begins)



Posting for Friday, December 13
Hello all you Secret Elves!
Don't forget to bring your wrapped present
to class by this Wednesday with the gift tag attached. 
If you want to sign up to bring something for our 
Holiday Party, use the sign-up sheet
posted in Google Classroom
Friday Classwork: appositives with specialized terms
Homework: none
Social Studies
Friday Classwork: Ancient Egypt Research Report - Research Notes
Homework: If you need to work on your research notes this weekend, don't forget to keep track of your sources on your Works Cited list. The "List of Approved Online Sources" is posted in Google Classroom. Remember to only use the sources from the list. Most of your research should be completed by Monday.
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (12/18): Bring your "Secret Elf" gift to class by this date ðŸŽ
Thursday (12/19): Holiday Party! 
Friday (12/20):  VAPA Winter Assembly ðŸŽķ 
Friday (12/20):  Quarter 2 Ends (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (12/23) - Friday (1/3):  WINTER BREAK â›„ïļ â„ïļ
Monday (1/6):  School Resumes (Quarter 3 Begins)



Posting for Thursday, December 12
Please consider signing up for our "potluck" holiday feast next 
Thursday, December 19th! 
The Google Doc for signing up is in Google Classroom. 
Thank you, in advance, for your contribution!
Social Studies and English
Thursday Classwork: Ancient Egypt Research Report - Research Notes 
  • BrainPop assignment on "Plagiarism" due tomorrow (Friday)
  • BrainPop assignment on "Egyptian Pharaohs" due tomorrow (Friday)
Upcoming Dates
Monday (12/9) - Friday (12/13): HMS Spirit Week ðŸŽ‰
Friday - HMS Spirit Day
Wednesday (12/18): Bring your "Secret El" gift to class by this date 🎁
Thursday (12/19): Holiday Party! 
Friday (12/20):  VAPA Winter Assembly ðŸŽķ 
Friday (12/20):  Quarter 2 Ends (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (12/23) - Friday (1/3):  WINTER BREAK â›„ïļ â„ïļ
Monday (1/6):  School Resumes (Quarter 3 Begins)



Posting for Wednesday, December 12
Tomorrow is Pajama Day!
Wednesday Classwork:  BrainPop - "Plagiarism"
  • IXL N.1, R.1, and T.1 (Research Skills) - due Thursday
  • BrainPop - "Plagiarism" assignment is due Friday
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork:
  • Lesson 8 Assessment
  • Egypt Research Note-Taking Tips and Reminders 
  • Research on Note-Taking Sheets
Homework: none
A letter about our Winter Holiday Party was sent home today.
It is also posted below for your reference. Hopefully each student
can bring something to contribute to our
 pot luck celebration next Thursday 12/19! 
The sign-up sheet is in your student's Google Classroom.
Thank you!
Upcoming Dates
Monday (12/9) - Friday (12/13): HMS Spirit Week ðŸŽ‰
Thursday - Pajama Day
Friday - HMS Spirit Day
Thursday (12/12): IXL N.1, R.1, T.1 due 
Thursday (12/19): Holiday Party! 
Friday (12/20):  VAPA Winter Assembly ðŸŽķ 
Friday (12/20):  Quarter 2 Ends (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (12/23) - Friday (1/3):  WINTER BREAK â›„ïļ ❄ïļ
Monday (1/6):  School Resumes (Quarter 3 Begins)



Posting for Tuesday, December 10
Tomorrow is Ugly Sweater Day!
Screenshot 2024-12-05 at 12.34.50â€ŊPM.png
Tuesday Classwork: Expository Writing - Ideas & Content and Organization
Homework:  IXL N.1, R.1, and T.1 (Research Skills) - due Thursday
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: 
  • Lesson 8=The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs - Section 5 with notes, Summary, and Reading Further: "Egyptian Mummy Project"
  • Introduction of Ancient Egypt Research Report, topic choice, Research Notes (note-taking sheets)
  • The Lesson 8 Assessment is tomorrow. Use the purple paper for reminders about "How Do I Successfully Prepare for a TCI Social Studies Test?"
  • Online Lesson 8 "Information Excavation" Lesson Game - This is homework BEFORE the test (due by 8:00 a.m. tomorrow morning)
Upcoming Dates
Monday (12/9) - Friday (12/13): HMS Spirit Week ðŸŽ‰
Wednesday - Ugly Sweater Day
Thursday - Pajama Day
Friday - HMS Spirit Day
Wednesday (12/11): Social Studies Lesson 8 Test
Thursday (12/12): IXL N.1, R.1, T.1 due 
Friday (12/20):  VAPA Winter Assembly ðŸŽķ 
Friday (12/20):  Quarter 2 Ends (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (12/23) - Friday (1/3):  WINTER BREAK â›„ïļ ❄ïļ
Monday (1/6):  School Resumes (Quarter 3 Begins)



Posting for Monday, December 9
If you have not returned your Secret Elf 
permission letter yet, please
return it by tomorrow. 
There is a copy posted below, 
or your parent can just email me. 
Whatever works!
Monday Classwork: 
  • Four Types of Writing in English Journal on page 22
  • Expository Writing - introduction of research report
Homework:  IXL N.1, R.1, and T.1 (due Thursday)
Social Studies
Monday Classwork: 
  • Lesson 8=The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs - Partner Activity with Section 3 notes and Section 4 with notes
  • Introduction on Ancient Egypt Research Report 
  • The Ancient Egypt Map is due tomorrow
  • Be thinking about your topic for the Ancient Egypt Research Report. You will be choosing tomorrow.
  • The Lesson 8 test will be on Wednesday. You might want to review your notes for Sections 1-4 and make sure they are complete (they will be collected on Wednesday). 
Upcoming Dates
Monday (12/9) - Friday (12/13): HMS Spirit Week ðŸŽ‰
Monday - Flannel Day
Tuesday - Festive Footwear Day
Wednesday - Ugly Sweater Day
Thursday - Pajama Day
Friday - HMS Spirit Day
Tuesday (12/10): Egypt Map due
Wednesday (12/11): Social Studies Lesson 8 Test
Thursday (12/12): IXL N.1, R.1, T.1 due (Research Skills)
Friday (12/20):  VAPA Winter Assembly ðŸŽķ 
Friday (12/20):  Quarter 2 Ends (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (12/23) - Friday (1/3):  WINTER BREAK â›„ïļ ❄ïļ
Monday (1/6):  School Resumes (Quarter 3 Begins)
Screenshot 2024-12-05 at 12.34.50â€ŊPM.png



Posting for Friday, December 6
Please remember to bring back the Secret Elf
letter with a parent signature
(copy also posted below). 
Parents can also just send me a quick email to 
give your student permission to participate.
Thank you! 
Friday Classwork: Introduction of new IXL assignment on research skills and transitions
Homework: IXL N.1, R.1, and T.1 (due Thursday)
Social Studies
Friday Classwork:
  • Lesson 8=The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs - Partner Activity with sections 2 and 3
  • Egypt Map
  • The Egypt Map is due Tuesday
  • The Lesson 8 Assessment will be on Wednesday
Thank you to those who donated supplies! 
FYI, we could still use more 
Clorox Wipes,
Facial Tissue/Kleenex, and
Antibacterial Hand Wipes.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Upcoming Dates
Monday (12/9) - Friday (12/13): HMS Spirit Week ðŸŽ‰
Monday - Flannel Day
Tuesday - Festive Footwear Day
Wednesday - Ugly Sweater Day
Thursday - Pajama Day
Friday - HMS Spirit Day
Tuesday (12/10): Egypt Map due
Wednesday (12/11): Social Studies Lesson 8 Test
Thursday (12/12): IXL N.1, R.1, T.1 due (Research Skills)
Friday (12/20):  VAPA Winter Assembly ðŸŽķ 
Friday (12/20):  Quarter 2 Ends (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (12/23) - Friday (1/3):  WINTER BREAK â›„ïļ ❄ïļ
Monday (1/6):  School Resumes (Quarter 3 Begins)



Posting for Thursday, December 5
Today, students are bringing home a Secret Elf
information letter to be signed by a parent. 
Please try to return this form as soon as possible. 
Thank you! 
Thursday Classwork: 
  • Daily Language Review - Week 3/Tuesday
Homework:  IXL QQ.1-QQ.5 on Commas is due tomorrow (Friday).
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: 
  • Lesson 8 = The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs - Preview activity in note-taking packet, Introduction in online TCI program, Section 1 in online text with notes in note-taking packet on p. 2
  • Ancient Egypt Map project
Homework: The TCI Unit 2 Geography Challenge and the Lesson 7 Video Activity were due today. If you have not completed them, please do so for homework!
Thank you to those who donated supplies! 
FYI, we could still use more 
Clorox Wipes,
Facial Tissue/Kleenex, and
Antibacterial Hand Wipes
Any help would be much appreciated!
Upcoming Dates
Friday (12/6): IXL QQ.1-QQ.5 due (Commas)
Monday (12/9) - Friday (12/13): HMS Spirit Week ðŸŽ‰
Friday (12/20):  VAPA Winter Assembly ðŸŽķ 
Friday (12/20):  Quarter 2 Ends (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (12/23) - Friday (1/3):  WINTER BREAK â›„ïļ ❄ïļ
Monday (1/6):  School Resumes (Quarter 3 Begins)



Posting for Wednesday, December 4
Thank you to those who donated supplies! 
FYI, we could still use more 
Clorox Wipes,
Facial Tissue/Kleenex, and
Antibacterial Hand Wipes
Any help would be much appreciated!
Wednesday Classwork:
  • Daily Language Review - Week 3/Monday
  • IXL QQ.5 Video on Commas Usage
  • Independent Commas Practice with IXL QQ.1-QQ.5
  • IXL QQ.1-QQ.5 (due Friday)
  • The Hatchet Plot Line was due today. Hopefully you have turned it in!  
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork:
  • Unit 2 Geography Challenge: Ancient Egypt and the Middle East
  • Lesson 7 Video Activity: The Geography of Egypt, Kush, and Canaan
  • TCI (History Alive) - The online Unit 2 Geography Challenge is due tomorrow. We will not be doing the other Unit activities like the Inquiry Project, just the Geography Challenge. Don't forget to write complete sentences that fully explain your thinking.
  • TCI - Lesson 7 Video Activity: The Geography of Egypt, Kush, and Canaan is due tomorrow. Remember to read and highlight the sections carefully before answering the questions. 
Upcoming Dates
Friday (12/6): IXL QQ.1-QQ.5 due (Commas)
Monday (12/9) - Friday (12/13): HMS Spirit Week ðŸŽ‰
Friday (12/20):  VAPA Winter Assembly ðŸŽķ 
Friday (12/20):  Quarter 2 Ends (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (12/23) - Friday (1/3):  WINTER BREAK â›„ïļ ❄ïļ
Monday (1/6):  School Resumes (Quarter 3 Begins)



Posting for Tuesday, December 3
Welcome back!
As we enter cold and flu season, I'm running
low on classroom supplies like:
Clorox Wipes
Facial Tissue/Kleenex
Antibacterial Hand Wipes
Any help would be much appreciated!
Tuesday Classwork:
  • Commas Rules in English Journal on page 21
  • Gratitude journal writing in Google Classroom
  • The Hatchet Plot Line is due tomorrow (if you have not already turned it in). Remember to use the Directions/Grading Rubric for reminders. Add color to the plot line just like the colors we used in the English Journal on page 8. You can glue your paper onto the green construction paper background tomorrow in class. 
  • If you did not finish your Gratitude journal writing in Google Classroom, finish it for homework. It is due before the start of school tomorrow.
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: TCI History Alive Unit 2 online Geography Challenge 
Homework: Since so many students need to work on the Hatchet Plot Line (and many have activities), I have decided not to assign the Geography Challenge for homework. If you do finish it, great! Don't forget to write 2-3 complete sentences to answer the Critical Thinking questions completely. You will have time to work onit in class tomorrow.
Upcoming Dates
Monday (12/9) - Friday (12/13): HMS Spirit Week 🎉
Friday (12/20):  VAPA Winter Assembly ðŸŽķ 
Friday (12/20):  Quarter 2 Ends (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (12/23) - Friday (1/3):  WINTER BREAK ⛄ïļ ❄ïļ
Monday (1/6):  School Resumes (Quarter 3 Begins)



Posting for Thursday, November 21
Thursday Classwork: Hatchet Plot Line
  • Make sure you have completed pages 1-6 in the pink Hatchet Activity Packet. We will finish p. 7-9 in class tomorrow, then turn it in.
  • Be ready to return you Hatchet book to the Library tomorrow.
  • Hatchet Plot Line - we will continue to work on this is in class. It is not homework. 
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork:  Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just?
  • Directions for writing the Conclusion paragraph using the Guided Essay and examples
  • Self-Edit Checklist (pink paper) for revising, editing, and proofreading! 
Homework: The Hammurabi's Code argumentative essay is due tomorrow. Be ready to turn in a printed, one-sided, black and white, stapled copy with the pink Self-Edit Checklist (filled out). You do not need to turn in the essay through Google Classroom, just the printed copy.
Please Consider
.... supporting Operation Christmas Child!
The deadline is tomorrow!
Our goal is for each student to bring in
two small items to donate to this worthy cause.
Click on the link below for more information!
Thank you so much!
Upcoming Dates
Friday (11/22): Hammurabi's Code Essay due
Friday (11/22):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (11/25) - Friday (11/29):  Thanksgiving Break! ðŸĶƒ
Monday (12/2):  Professional Development Day (No School for Students)
Tuesday (12/3):  School resumes for students



Posting for Wednesday, November 20
Wednesday Classwork: 
  • Hatchet Unit Test
  • Hatchet Book Report project - Plot Line
Homework: In the pink Hatchet Activity Packet, make sure pages 1-6 are complete. 
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork:  Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just?
  • reminders about how to cite a pair of laws in Doc E
  • Body Paragraphs #2-3
Homework: If you have not finished your body paragraphs for the Hammurabi's Code argumentative essay, you will need to work on them for homework. Use your white Guided Essay packet, your blue packet with the actual laws, and your orange planning sheet for reference. 
Please Consider
.... supporting Operation Christmas Child!
Our goal is for each student to bring in
two small items to donate to this worthy cause.
Click on the link below for more information!
Due Date: Friday, November 22nd
Thank you so much!
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (11/21):  NWEA Test #2 (Math)
Thursday (11/21): Hammurabi's Code Essay - body paragraphs due
Friday (11/22): Hammurabi's Code Essay due
Friday (11/22):Hatchet Plot Line due
Friday (11/22):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (11/25) - Friday (11/29):  Thanksgiving Break! ðŸĶƒ
Monday (12/2):  Professional Development Day (No School for Students)



Posting for Tuesday, November 19
Tuesday Classwork: 
  • Hatchet yellow packet review activities- page 4 RACES response, page 9 (bottom) on Narrator POV, and pages 17-18 (Theme)
  • Reminders for Hatchet Unit Test - suggestions on how to review
  • Hatchet Plot Line project
  • The Hatchet Unit Test is tomorrow. Don't forget to use the Test Review Guidelines for reminders about how to study (also posted below). You might want to look over your English Journal, review the yellow packet, and do some work in the IXL sections we have covered. Also, review the excerpt in the "Testing Our Limits" workbook on pages 26-29. You should spend at least 30 minutes reviewing for the test. 
  • Be ready to turn in your yellow Hatchet packet. It should be complete, except for pages 10, 13, 14, and 15 (which were done elsewhere). 

Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just?
  • reminders about how to write Sum-It-Up sentences for each of the body paragraphs
  • Body Paragraphs #2-3
Homework: none
Please Consider
.... supporting Operation Christmas Child!
Our goal is for each student to bring in
two small items to donate to this worthy cause.
Click on the link below for more information!
Due Date: Friday, November 22nd
Thank you so much!
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (11/20): Hatchet Unit Test
Thursday (11/21):  NWEA Test #2 (Math)
Friday (11/22):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (11/25) - Friday (11/29):  Thanksgiving Break! ðŸĶƒ
Monday (12/2):  Professional Development Day (No School for Students)



Posting for Monday, November 18
Monday Classwork:
  • Yellow Hatchet packet - Practice RACECES response on pages 5-6
  • Hatchet Plot Analysis final project
  • In the yellow Hatchet packet, make sure you have completed p. 2 and p.16-17.
  • IXL B.1 and B.2 (Theme) - due tomorrow (Tuesday)
  • The Hatchet Unit Test will be on Wednesday. Use the "Test Review Guidelines" for reminders about how to review (also posted below).
Social Studies
Monday Classwork:  "Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just?" - Body Paragraphs with Guided Essay in Google Classroom assignment
Please Consider
.... supporting Operation Christmas Child!
Our goal is for each student to bring in
two small items to donate to this worthy cause.
Click on the link below for more information!
Due Date: Friday, November 22nd
Thank you so much!
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (11/19):  NWEA Test #2 (English Language Arts)
Tuesday (11/19):  IXL B.1 and B.2 due (Theme)
Wednesday (11/20): Hatchet Unit Test
Thursday (11/21):  NWEA Test #2 (Math)
Friday (11/22):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (11/25) - Friday (11/29):  Thanksgiving Break! ðŸĶƒ
Monday (12/2):  Professional Development Day (No School for Students)



Posting for Friday, November 15
Friday Classwork:  Hatchet Plot Analysis with plot diagram and Stop & Jot
  • If you did not complete the BrainPop online assignment on "Point of View," please don't forget to do it for homework. Click on "Notifications" in BrainPop to find it. 
  • IXL B.1 and B.2 (Theme) - due Tuesday 11/19
  • The Hatchet Unit Test will be on Wednesday. Use the "Test Review Guidelines" for reminders about how to review (also posted below).
Social Studies
Friday Classwork:  "Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just?" - Body Paragraph #1 with Guided Essay in Google Classroom assignment
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (11/19):  NWEA Test #2 (English Language Arts)
Tuesday (11/19):  IXL B.1 and B.2 due (Theme)
Wednesday (11/20): Hatchet Unit Test
Thursday (11/21):  NWEA Test #2 (Math)
Friday (11/22):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (11/25) - Friday (11/29):  Thanksgiving Break! ðŸĶƒ
Monday (12/2):  Professional Development Day (No School for Students)



Posting for Thursday, November 14
Thursday Classwork: 
  • Discussion of Chapter 19 and Epilogue with green packet p. 22-23
  • Pink Hatchet Activity Packet - page 5 on "Theme Thoughts"
  • Stop & Jot collected 
  • BrainPop online assignment on "Point of View" - Video, Review Quiz, Graded Quiz
  • Hatchet green packet due tomorrow
  • Hatchet Activity Packet - page 5 on "Theme Thoughts" (if you did not finish in class)
  • IXL B.1 and B.2 (Theme) - due Tuesday 11/19
  • Hatchet Unit Test - Wednesday 11/20
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: "Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just?" - Introduction Paragraph in Google Classroom assignment
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (11/19):  NWEA Test #2 (English Language Arts)
Tuesday (11/19):  IXL B.1 and B.2 due (Theme)
Wednesday (11/20): Hatchet Unit Test
Thursday (11/21):  NWEA Test #2 (Math)
Friday (11/22):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (11/25) - Friday (11/29):  Thanksgiving Break! ðŸĶƒ
Monday (12/2):  Professional Development Day (No School for Students)



Posting for Wednesday, November 13
Wednesday Classwork: Theme in Literature - Partner Activity with examples and practice
  • Hatchet Chapter 19 and Epilogue with green Chapter Packet p. 22-23 due tomorrow (Thursday) 
  • Hatchet - Stop & Jot with novel - due tomorrow (Thursday) - Remember to make sure your post-its are labeled with page numbers and the element of the plot you have identified for each one (If you don't have your Stop & Jot directions, they are also posted below for your reference).
  • IXL B.1 and B.2 (Theme) - due Tuesday 11/19
  • Hatchet Unit Test - Wednesday 11/20
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork: "Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just?"  - Organization (graphic organizer) for Argumentative Writing project and 5 Ws for Introduction background section
Homework: none
Please Consider
.... supporting Operation Christmas Child!
Our goal is for each student to bring in
two small items to donate to this worthy cause.
Click on the link below for more information!
Due Date: Friday, November 22nd
Thank you so much!
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (11/14): Hatchet Chapter 19/Epilogue with packet p. 22-23 due
Thursday (11/14):  Hatchet - Stop and Jot due
Tuesday (11/19):  NWEA Test #2 (English Language Arts)
Tuesday (11/19):  IXL B.1 and B.2 due (Theme)
Wednesday (11/20): Hatchet Unit Test
Thursday (11/21):  NWEA Test #2 (Math)
Friday (11/22):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (11/25) - Friday (11/29):  Thanksgiving Break! ðŸĶƒ
Monday (12/2):  Professional Development Day (No School for Students)



Postingt for Tuesday, November 12
Tuesday Classwork: 
  • Hatchet - Discussion of Chapters 17-18 with green packet
  • Hatchet - read aloud of first few pages in Chapter 19 with discussion
  • Theme in Literature - English Journal page 20 with theme song from "Full House"
  • Yellow packet page 16 - Practice & Assess "Theme"
  • IXL - BB.1 (Context Clues) and I.1 (Trace An Argument) - due Wednesday 11/13
  • Hatchet Chapter 19 and Epilogue with green Chapter Packet p. 22-23 due Thursday 11/14
  • Hatchet - Stop & Jot with novel - due Thursday 11/14
  • Hatchet Unit Test - Wednesday 11/20
Social Studies
Friday Classwork: "Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just?"  - Organization (graphic organizer) for Argumentative Writing project
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (11/13): IXL I.1 and BB.1 due
Thursday (11/14): Hatchet Chapter 19/Epilogue with packet p. 22-23 due
Thursday (11/14):  Hatchet - Stop and Jot due



Posting for Friday, November 8
Friday Classwork: 
  • Descriptive Essays - final presentation copy
  • Reminders about Stop & Jot
  • IXL - BB.1 (Context Clues) and I.1 (Trace An Argument) Explanation
  • Hatchet Chapters 17-18 with green Chapter Packet p. 20-21 due Tuesday 11/12
  • IXL - BB.1 (Context Clues) and I.1 (Trace An Argument) - due Wednesday 11/13
  • Hatchet Chapter 19 and Epilogue with green Chapter Packet p. 22-23 due Thursday 11/14
  • Hatchet - Stop & Jot with novel - due Thursday 11/14
  • Hatchet Unit Test - Tuesday 11/19
Social Studies
Friday Classwork: "Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just?" Planning Sheet for Argumentative Writing project
Homework: none 
Upcoming Dates
Monday (11/11):  Veterans Day (No School)
Tuesday (11/12): Hatchet Chapters 17-18 with packet p. 20-21 due
Tuesday (11/12):  Lockdown Drill (10:00 AM)
Wednesday (11/13): IXL I.1 and BB.1 due
Thursday (11/14): Hatchet Chapter 19/Epilogue with packet p. 22-23 due
Thursday (11/14):  Hatchet - Stop and Jot due



Posting for Thursday, November 7
Some students asked for one more day to order
from Scholastic Books, so here is the information one more time.
The website is scholastic.com/readingclub
and use our class code, LB99V (the flyer is also attached below).
Your orders enable me to use bonus points to choose
books for our classroom library!
Thursday Classwork: 
  • Discussion of Hatchet Chapters 15-16 with Chapter Packet p. 18-19 
  • Pink Activity packet - page 4 "Before and After" notes and page 6 "Would Your Rather" #1 and #2
  • Yellow Hatchet packet - page 2 (Vocabulary) and pages 11-12 (Internal and External Conflict) - due tomorrow (Friday)
  • Hatchet Chapters 17-18 with green Chapter Packet p. 20-21 due Tuesday 11/12
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: "Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just?" - Thrash Out (debate) citing laws as evidence of reasoning
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Friday (11/8):  Red Ribbon/Peace Week - HMS Spirit Day
Monday (11/11):  Veterans Day (No School)
Tuesday (11/12): Hatchet Chapters 17-18 with packet p. 20-21 due
Tuesday (11/12):  Lockdown Drill (10:00 AM)
Wednesday (11/13):  Hatchet - Stop and Jot due



Posting for Wednesday, November 6
Red Ribbon/Peace Week (November 4th - 8th)
Please click on the link below to see the schedule for this week's
spirit dress-up days! 🎉 ðŸ“Ģ âĪïļ
Tomorrow (Thursday) is Crazy Socks Day.
Wednesday Classwork: Lesson on "Conflict in Literature" in English Journal on page 19 with yellow practice worksheet
Homework:   Hatchet Chapters 15-16 with Chapter Packet p. 18-19 due tomorrow (Thursday)
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork: Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just? -
  • Document E on p. 10 with notes
  • Page 5 - Pre-Bucketing to consider guiding question "Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just?" 
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Monday (11/4) - Friday (11/8):  Red Ribbon/Peace Week 
Thursday (11/7): Hatchet Chapters 15 and 16 with green packet p.18-19 due
Monday (11/11):  Veterans Day (No School)
Tuesday (11/12):  Lockdown Drill (10:00 AM)
Wednesday (11/13): Hatchet Chapters 17 and 18 with green packet p.20-21 due



Posting for Tuesday, November 5
Red Ribbon/Peace Week (November 4th - 8th)
Please click on the link below to see the schedule for this week's spirit dress-up days! 🎉 ðŸ“Ģ âĪïļ
Tomorrow (Wednesday) is "bring your peace partner (stuffed animal) day"
Tuesday Classwork:
  • Hatchet - Discussion of chapters 13-14 with green packet p. 16-17
  • Hatchet - Pink activity packet pages 1, 2, 3
  • Descriptive Essays - final revisions
  • If you did not finish making final revisions to your Descriptive Essay in class, please do that for homework. If possible, print a final one-sided color copy (not stapled).
  • IXL - KK.1, KK.2, KK.3 (Simple Verb Tenses) and O.2 (Choose Evidence to Support a Claim) due Wed. 11/6
  • Hatchet Chapters 15-16 with Chapter Packet p. 18-19 due Thursday
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork:  Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just? - Document D on p. 9 with notes
Homework: none
FYI, if you would like to order from Scholastic Books,
the orders are due Wednesday.
You can visit scholastic.com/readingclub
and use our class code, LB99V (the flyer is also attached below).
Your orders enable me to use bonus points to choose
books for our classroom library!
Upcoming Dates
Monday (11/4) - Friday (11/8):  Red Ribbon/Peace Week 
Wednesday (11/6): IXL KK.1, KK.2, KK.3 and O.2 due
Thursday (11/7): Hatchet Chapters 15 and 16 with green packet p.18-19 due
Monday (11/11):  Veterans Day (No School)
Tuesday (11/12):  Lockdown Drill (10:00 AM)



Posting for Monday, November 4
Red Ribbon/Peace Week (November 4th - 8th)
Please click on the link below to see the schedule for this week's spirit dress-up days! 🎉 ðŸ“Ģ âĪïļ
Tomorrow (Tuesday) is sunglasses day! ðŸ•ķ 😎
Monday Classwork: Descriptive Essays - Teacher feedback used to do final revisions
  • If you did not finish making final revisions to your Descriptive Essay in class, please do that for homework. If possible, print a final one-sided color copy (not stapled).
  • Hatchet Chapters 13-14 with packets pages 16-17 due tomorrow (Tuesday) 
  • IXL - KK.1, KK.2, KK.3 (Simple Verb Tenses) and O.2 (Choose Evidence to Support a Claim) due Wed. 11/6
  • Hatchet Chapters 15-16 with Chapter Packet p. 18-19 due Thursday
Social Studies
Monday Classwork: Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just? - Document C on p. 8 with notes
Homework: none
FYI, if you would like to order from Scholastic Books,
the orders are due Wednesday.
You can visit scholastic.com/readingclub
and use our class code, LB99V (the flyer is also attached below).
Your orders enable me to use bonus points to choose
books for our classroom library!
Upcoming Dates
Monday (11/4) - Friday (11/8):  Red Ribbon/Peace Week 
Tuesday (11/5): Hatchet Chapters 13 and 14 with green packet p.16-17 due
Tuesday (11/5):  Election Day! ðŸ‡šðŸ‡ļ 
Wednesday (11/6): IXL KK.1, KK.2, KK.3 and O.2 due
Thursday (11/7): Hatchet Chapters 15 and 16 with green packet p.18-19 due
Monday (11/11):  Veterans Day (No School)
Tuesday (11/12):  Lockdown Drill (10:00 AM)



Posting for Friday, November 1
Friday Classwork: 
  • Simple Verb Tenses with introduction of IXL KK.1, KK.2, KK.3
  • Community Circle
  • Hatchet Chapters 13-14 with packets pages 16-17 due Tuesday 11/5
  • IXL - KK.1, KK.2, KK.3 (Simple Verb Tenses) and O.2 (Choose Evidence to Support a Claim) due Wed. 11/6
  • Hatchet Chapters 15-16
Social Studies
Friday Classwork:  BrainPop - "Presidential Election" with Review Quiz and Challenge activity
Homework: If you did not finish the BrainPop assignment on the "Presidential Election", please complete it for homework
Upcoming Dates
Monday (11/4) - Friday (11/8):  Red Ribbon/Peace Week 
Tuesday (11/5): Hatchet Chapters 13 and 14 with green packet p.16-17 due
Tuesday (11/5):  Election Day! ðŸ‡šðŸ‡ļ 
Wednesday (11/6): IXL KK.1, KK.2, KK.3 and O.2 due
Thursday (11/7): Hatchet Chapters 15 and 16 with green packet p.18-19 due
Monday (11/11):  Veterans Day (No School)
Tuesday (11/12):  Lockdown Drill (10:00 AM)



Posting for Thursday, October 31
Happy Halloween! ðŸ‘ŧ 🎃

No homework!  Enjoy the holiday! ðŸ‘ŧ 🎃

Thursday Classwork: 
  • History of Halloween - BrainPop "Halloween" with Review Quiz
  • Hatchet - Discussion of Chapters 11-12 and green packet pages 14-15
Homework: Hatchet Chapters 13-14 with packets pages 16-17 (due next Tuesday 11/5)
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork:  Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just? - Document A on p. 7 with notes
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Monday (11/4) - Friday (11/8):  Red Ribbon/Peace Week 
Tuesday (11/5): Hatchet Chapters 13 and 14 with green packet p.16-17 due
Tuesday (11/5):  Election Day! ðŸ‡šðŸ‡ļ 
Monday (11/11):  Veterans Day (No School)
Tuesday (11/12):  Lockdown Drill (10:00 AM)



Posting for Wednesday, October 30
Halloween is tomorrow! 
Wearing costumes is encouraged, 
but just remember to follow the guidelines below. 
Halloween 2.0.png
Wednesday Classwork:
  • Hatchet Activity Packet - pages 2 and 3
  • Online StudySync program - Hatchet First Read assignment with Vocabulary activity and Think Question
  • If you did not finish your online StudySync first read assignment, you should complete it for homework.
  • Hatchet Chapters 11 and 12 with green "Student Chapter Packet" pages 14-15 - due tomorrow (Thursday )
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork:  Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just? - page 5 (Pre-Bucketing), and page 6 (Document A) with notes
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (10/31): Hatchet Chapters 11 and 12 with green packet p.14-15 due
Thursday (10/31):  Happy Halloween! ðŸŽƒ ðŸ‘ŧ
Tuesday (11/5): Hatchet Chapters 13 and 14 with green packet p.16-17 due
Monday (11/4) - Friday (11/8):  Red Ribbon/Peace Week 
Tuesday (11/5):  Election Day! ðŸ‡šðŸ‡ļ 
Monday (11/11):  Veterans Day (No School)
Tuesday (11/12):  Lockdown Drill (10:00 AM)



Posting for Tuesday, October 29
FYI, information about how to order from Scholastic Books
was passed out today. Totally optional, but if you are
interested in ordering, you can visit scholastic.com/readingclub
and use our class code, LB99V (the flyer is also attached below).
You orders enable me to use bonus points to choose
books for our classroom library!
Tuesday Classwork:
  • Hatchet discussion of Chapters 9-10 
  • New Hatchet Activity Packet - page 1 "Brian's Fire"
  • IXL G.1 (Narrative Point of View), EE.8 (Dependent and Independent Clauses), and EE.9 (Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences) - due tomorrow 
  • Hatchet Chapters 11 and 12 with green "Student Chapter Packet" pages 14-15 (due Thursday 10/31)
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: 
  • "Whole-Group Discussion Learning Targets" discussion and writing exercise
  • Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just? - Background Essay on page 3 with answers in blue packet on page 4
  • Video - "Ancient Mesopotamia" (Mr. Nicky)
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (10/30): IXL G.1, EE.8, and EE.9 due 
Thursday (10/31): Hatchet Chapters 11 and 12 with green packet p. 14-15 due
Thursday (10/31):  Happy Halloween! ðŸŽƒ ðŸ‘ŧ
Monday (11/4) - Friday (11/8):  Red Ribbon/Peace Week 
Tuesday (11/5):  Election Day! ðŸ‡šðŸ‡ļ 
Monday (11/11):  Veterans Day (No School)
Tuesday (11/12):  Lockdown Drill (10:00 AM)



Posting for Monday, October 28
Please don't forget to bring your Hatchet book to class tomorrow!
Monday Classwork: 
  • Video - "Subordinating Conjunctions: A White Bus" (also posted below)
  • Practice & Assess yellow worksheet on "Independent and Dependent Clauses"
  • Google Classroom assignment - "Complex Sentences - Practice"
  • If you did not finish the Google Classroom assignment, "Complex Sentences - Practice", you will need to complete it for homework. Remember, you need to write 10 clear and complete complex sentences and "Turn In" through Google Classroom.
  • Hatchet Chapters 9 and 10 with green "Student Chapter Packet" pages 12-13 - due tomorrow (Tuesday) 
  • IXL G.1 (Narrative Point of View), EE.8 (Dependent and Independent Clauses), and EE.9 (Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences) - due Wed. 10/30
  • Hatchet Chapters 11 and 12 with green "Student Chapter Packet" pages 14-15 (due Thursday 10/31)
Social Studies
Monday Classwork: "Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just?" document-based question activity 
  • Hook Exercise: What Is Justice?
  • Case A and Case B: Is the outcome fair to the accused? Is the outcome fair to the victim? Is the outcome in the best interest of the general society? 
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (10/29): Hatchet Chapters 9 and 10 with green packet p. 12-13 due
Wednesday (10/30): IXL G.1, EE.8, and EE.9 due 
Thursday (10/31): Hatchet Chapters 11 and 12 with green packet p. 14-15 due
Thursday (10/31):  Happy Halloween! ðŸŽƒ ðŸ‘ŧ
Monday (11/4) - Friday (11/8):  Red Ribbon/Peace Week 
Tuesday (11/5):  Election Day! ðŸ‡šðŸ‡ļ 
Monday (11/11):  Veterans Day (No School)
Tuesday (11/12):  Lockdown Drill (10:00 AM)



Posting for Friday, October 25
Friday Classwork: Grammar Friday - 
  • Review of Compound Sentences with 5th Grade IXL JJ.8 practice
  • Video - "Justin Bieber - 'Baby' Lyrics with Compound Sentences" (posted below)
  • BrainPop - "Clauses" Movie
  • English Journal page 18 - Complex Sentences/Compound Sentences with Practice
  • Hatchet Chapters 9 and 10 with green "Student Chapter Packet" pages 12-13 (due Tuesday 10/29)
  • IXL G.1 (Narrative Point of View), EE.8 (Dependent and Independent Clauses), and EE.9 (Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences) - due Wed. 10/30
  • Hatchet Chapters 11 and 12 with green "Student Chapter Packet" pages 14-15 (due Thursday 10/31)
Social Studies
Friday Classwork: Sumerian Real Estate Ads - final presentation copies
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Saturday (10/26):  Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM)
Tuesday (10/29): Hatchet Chapters 9 and 10 with green packet p. 12-13 due
Wednesday (10/30): IXL G.1, EE.8, and EE.9 due 
Thursday (10/31): Hatchet Chapters 11 and 12 with green packet p. 14-15 due
Thursday (10/31):  Happy Halloween! ðŸŽƒ ðŸ‘ŧ
Tuesday (11/5):  Election Day! ðŸ‡šðŸ‡ļ 



Posting for Thursday, October 24
Thursday Classwork:
  • Narrator Point of View in Hatchet with yellow Hatchet  packet page 1 (bottom)
  • StudySync videos on Narrator Point of View with Hatchet yellow packet page 9 (top)
  • IXL G.1 - Narrative Point of View (due Wed. 10/30)
  • Hatchet Chapters 9 and 10 with green "Student Chapter Packet pages 12-13
Social Studies 
Thursday Classwork: Sumerian Real Estate Ad  - final draft
Homework: If you did not turn in your Sumerian Real Estate Ad, it is due tomorrow. Don't forget to reread the directions as you revise.
Upcoming Dates
Friday (10/25): Sumerian Real Estate due
Saturday (10/26):  Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM)
Tuesday (10/29): Hatchet Chapters 9 and 10 with green packet p. 12-13
Wednesday (10/30): IXL G.1 due (Narrative Point of View)
Thursday (10/31):  Happy Halloween! ðŸŽƒ ðŸ‘ŧ
Tuesday (11/5):  Election Day! ðŸ‡šðŸ‡ļ 



Posting for Wednesday, October 23
Wednesday Classwork:   Narrator Point of View - notes in English Journal on p. 17 with practice in yellow packet on p. 6-7
Homework:   Hatchet - Chapters 7 and 8 with green packet pages 10 and 11 - due tomorrow (Thursday). Remember, written responses need to be at least 2-3 sentences in length to explain your answer fully. 
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork: Sumerian Real Estate Ads - final draft
Homework: If you need to print out images or captions for your Sumerian Real Estate Ad, do that at home tonight. We will be finishing final drafts in class tomorrow and turning them in. If you need extra time, you should work on it at home in order to meet the deadline.
â€Ē Check out the Hauntington Breakfast website for information about prizes and ticket sales!
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (10/24): Hatchet - Ch. 7-8 with green packet p. 10-11 due
Saturday (10/26):  Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM)
Thursday (10/31):  Happy Halloween! 🎃 ðŸ‘ŧ
Tuesday (11/5):  Election Day! ðŸ‡šðŸ‡ļ 



Posting for Tuesday, October 22
Tuesday Classwork: 
  • StudySync - Excerpt from Hatchet Chapter 5 in "Testing our Limits" workbook p. 27-28 with Annotation Assignment in yellow packet page 1
  • RACES response in yellow packet on p. 3
  • IXL EE.5, EE.6, EE.7 (Sentences, Run-Ons, Fragments) - due tomorrow (Wednesday)
  • Hatchet - Chapters 7 and 8 with green packet pages 10 and 11 - due Thursday. Remember, written responses need to be at least 2-3 sentences in length to explain your answer fully. 
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: Sumerian Real Estate Ad - Final Drafts
Homework: If you need to print out images or captions for your Sumerian Real Estate Ad, try to do that at home tonight. We will be finishing final drafts in class tomorrow and turning it in on Thursday.
â€Ē Check out the Hauntington Breakfast website for information about prizes and ticket sales!
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (10/23): IXL EE.5, EE.6, EE.7 due
Thursday (10/24): Hatchet - Ch. 7-8 with green packet p. 10-11 due
Saturday (10/26):  Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM)
Thursday (10/31):  Happy Halloween! 🎃 ðŸ‘ŧ
Tuesday (11/5):  Election Day! ðŸ‡šðŸ‡ļ 



Posting for Monday, October 21
Monday Classwork: StudySync - Excerpt from Hatchet Chapter 5 in "Testing our Limits" workbook p. 26-27 with Annotation Assignment in yellow packet page 1
  • Hatchet - Chapters 5 and 6 with green packet pages 8 and 9 - due tomorrow (Tuesday). Remember, written responses need to be at least 3 sentences in length to explain your answer fully. 
  • IXL EE.5, EE.6, EE.7 (Sentences, Run-Ons, Fragments) - due Wednesday
Social Studies
Monday Classwork: Sumerian Real Estate Ad
  • TCI Online - Lesson 4 "Matrix of Knowledge" Lesson Game is due tomorrow
  • TCI Online - Make sure you completed the Lesson 5 "Information Excavation" Lesson Game last week. It was due Friday.
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (10/22): Hatchet Chapters 4-5 with green packet pages 8-9 due
Wednesday (10/23): IXL EE.5, EE.6, EE.7 due
Saturday (10/26):  Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM)



Posting for Thursday, October 17
Thursday Classwork:
  • Hatchet - discussion of Chapters 1 and 2 with green packet pages 4-5
  • Stop & Jot - Inciting Incident
  • Grammar - Sentences, Fragments, and Run-Ons in English Journal on page 16
Homework:   Hatchet - Chapters 3 and 4 with green packet pages 6 and 7 - due tomorrow (Friday)
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork:
  • Lesson 5 Activity Wrap-Up
  • Sumerian Real Estate Ad - directions for project
  • Lesson 5 Notes due tomorrow - Note: If you need to refer to them, the images of the artifacts are posted below. Also, make sure you proofread your notes before turning them in. 
  • History Alive - Online Lesson 5 "Information Excavation" Lesson Game is due tomorrow
Upcoming Dates
Friday (10/18): Hatchet Chapters 3-4 with green packet pages 6-7 due
Tuesday (10/22): Hatchet Chapters 4-5 with green packet pages 8-9 due
Saturday (10/26):  Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM)



Posting for Wednesday, October 16
Wednesday Classwork:  Hatchet - Chapters 1 and 2 with green packet pages 4 and 5
  • Hatchet - Chapters 1 and 2 with green packet pages 4 and 5 - due tomorrow (Thursday)
  • Hatchet - Chapters 3 and 4 with green packet pages 6 and 7 - due Friday
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork:  Lesson 5 = Ancient Sumer - Characteristics of Civilization activity 
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (10/17):  The Great California ShakeOut
Thursday (10/17):  Hatchet Chapters 1-2 with green packet pages 4 and 5 due
Friday (10/18): Hatchet Chapters 3-4 with green packet pages 6 and 7 due
Saturday (10/26):  Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM)



Posting for Tuesday, October 15
ðŸĐ·ðŸ’•Wear Pink tomorrow! ðŸĐ·ðŸ’•
Breast Cancer Awareness Month Poster 2.0.png
Tuesday Classwork: Hatchet - Chapter 1 with Stop & Jot annotations on plot analysis
Homework: none
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork:  Lesson 5 = Ancient Sumer - Characteristics of Civilization activity
Homework: Social Studies IXL B.1 (Early Mesopotamia) - due tomorrow
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (10/16): Social Studies IXL B.1 due (Early Mesopotamia)
Wednesday (10/16): Wear Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness day
Thursday (10/17):  The Great California ShakeOut
Saturday (10/26):  Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM)



Posting for Monday, October 14
Monday Classwork: 
  • Turn-In Directions for Descriptive Essay (typed copies collected)
  • Hatchet by Gary Paulsen - books and green packets passed out
  • lnterview with Gary Paulsen (posted below) with last page of green packet
Homework: The Gary Paulsen Interview is due tomorrow. Remember to answer the questions using stand-alone sentences on the last page of the new Hatchet green packet. 
Social Studies
Monday Classwork: Lesson 5 = Ancient Sumer - Characteristics of Civilization activity
Homework: BrainPop assignment on "Ancient Sumer" (Movie, Review Quiz, Graded Quiz)
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (10/15): Hatchet - Gary Paulsen Interview due
Tuesday (10/15): BrainPop - "Ancient Sumer" due
Wednesday (10/16): Wear Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness day
Thursday (10/17):  The Great California ShakeOut
Saturday (10/26):  Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM)



Posting for Friday, October 11
Thursday Classwork: Descriptive Essay - final revising/editing process
Homework:  The Descriptive Essay final draft is due Monday. Don't forget to use all the handouts and "writing tools" as resources while you write. You will also need to fill out and turn in the pink "Descriptive Essay Self-Grading Rubric with Revising Guidelines". For the essay, turn in a printed one-sided copy (black and white is okay). It does not need to be turned in through Google Classroom. 
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: Community Circle with Quarter 1 Reflections
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Monday (10/14):  Quarter 2 Begins!
Monday (10/14): Descriptive Essay due 
Thursday (10/17):  The Great California ShakeOut
Saturday (10/26):  Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM)



Posting for Thursday, October 10
Remember, Quarter 1 ends tomorrow (Friday-Minimum Day), 
so all make-up work should be submitted by then.
You might want to check PowerSchool to see
if there is anything missing.
Thursday Classwork: Descriptive Essay - review of expectations and reminders about what needs to be included 
Homework: You will have some time in class tomorrow to work on your Descriptive Essay to finish it up. If you need more time, you will need to take it home over the weekend. Don't forget to use all the handouts and "writing tools" as resources while you write. The final draft is due Monday. Please turn in a printed one-sided copy (black and white is okay). This is not your final final. I will be giving you some feedback.
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: Lesson 5 = Ancient Sumer - Characteristics of Civilization activity
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Friday (10/11):  End of Quarter 1 (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (10/14):  Quarter 2 Begins!
Monday (10/14): Descriptive Essay due 
Thursday (10/17):  The Great California ShakeOut
Saturday (10/26):  Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM)



Posting for Wednesday, October 9
Remember, Quarter 1 ends on Friday (Minimum Day), 
so all make-up work should be submitted by then.
You might want to check PowerSchool to see
if there is anything missing.
Also, fyi, we do not have "finals" in 6th Grade
English or Social Studies. If it's time for a test,
we'll have a test (but none are planned for this week).
The writing project you are working on, your
 Descriptive Essay, will be an important part
of your Quarter 1 English grade. 
Wednesday Classwork: Lesson on adding images to your essays with Mr. Cabaci
Homework: Most of your Descriptive Essay writing should have been completed in class during the last few days. Tomorrow and Friday, we will revise and edit, and then hopefully you will be ready to turn it in by end of class on Friday or Monday. 
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork:
  • Lesson 5 = Ancient Sumer - Introduction and Section 1 with notes in note-taking packet
  • Pink handout - Directions for Completing Your Interactive Student Notebook (ISN) pages!
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Friday (10/11):  End of Quarter 1 (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (10/14):  Quarter 2 Begins!
Thursday (10/17):  The Great California ShakeOut
Saturday (10/26):  Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM)



Posting for Thursday, October 3
Halloween Grams are now on sale! 🎃
Regular Grams are $0.25 (assorted candy)
Special Grams are $2.50 (Nerd Cluster)
On Sale: October 1st - 15th (or until they sell out)
Selling Location: The Ez-Up by the cafeteria and lunch court
Selling Time: 12:30 - 1:00 PM
Drop off completed grams into the "Gram Box" in the front office
Turn-In Deadline: October 17th (3:00 PM)
Also, check out the Hauntington Breakfast website for information
about prizes and ticket sales!
Thursday Classwork: Descriptive Essay - Remember, all writing will be done in class. Please do not work on this at home. The directions, graphic organizer, and writing tools will be kept in your Project Folder here in the classroom. 
  • Introduction Paragraph - Hook, Background, Thesis (with examples)
  • "Writing: Personal Anecdote" yellow packet - page one
  • "Writing Dialogue" orange packet
  •  IXL SS.4 (Formatting Quotations and Dialogue) - due tomorrow (Friday)
  • IXL P.3 (Stronger Verbs) and W.1, W.2 (Synonyms) - due Wednesday 10/9
Upcoming Dates
Friday (10/4): IXL SS.4 due (Dialogue)
Wednesday (10/9): IXL P.3, W.1, W.2 due
Friday (10/11):  End of Quarter 1 (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)
Thursday (10/17):  The Great California ShakeOut



Posting for Wednesday, October 3
Halloween Grams are now on sale! 🎃
Regular Grams are $0.25 (assorted candy)
Special Grams are $2.50 (Nerd Cluster)
On Sale: October 1st - 15th (or until they sell out)
Selling Location: The Ez-Up by the cafeteria and lunch court
Selling Time: 12:30 - 1:00 PM
Drop off completed grams into the "Gram Box" in the front office
Turn-In Deadline: October 17th (3:00 PM)
Also, check out the Hauntington Breakfast website for information
about prizes and ticket sales!
Wednesday Classwork:
  • Figurative Language in English Journal on page 14
  • Graphic Organizer for 5 paragraph Descriptive Essay (Cuyamaca Memories or Memorable Experience)
Homework:  IXL SS.4 (Formatting Quotations and Dialogue) - due Friday
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork: Impact Social Studies - Chapter Two on "Mesopotamia" (page 35-39)
Homework:  Social Studies IXL KK.1 is due tomorrow (Thursday) - Identify Primary and Secondary Sources
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (10/3): Social Studies IXL KK.1 due 
Friday (10/4): IXL SS.4 due (Dialogue)
Friday (10/11):  End of Quarter 1 (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)
Thursday (10/17):  The Great California ShakeOut



Posting for Tuesday, October 1
Tuesday Classwork:
  • "Show, Not Tell" practice writing on BrainPop green worksheet
  • Descriptive Writing notes in English Journal on page 13
  • Test-Taking Strategies discussion while going over "Stray" Unit Test
  • If you have not finished your "Cuyamaca Memories" or "Memorable Experience" brainstorming packet, you need finish it tonight. All 4 pages should be complete.
  • BrainPop "Friendship" assignment is due tomorrow (Wednesday). Watch the movie and do the Review Quiz. Don't forget to log into BrainPop through Clever on the hehms.us. website to access your personal BrainPop account and assignments. 
  • BrainPop "Literary Genres" assignment is also due tomorrow (Wednesday). For this one, watch the movie, do the Review Quiz, then do Graded Quiz for a score.
  • IXL SS.4 (Formatting Quotations and Dialogue) - due Friday
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: Primary/Secondary Sources in English Journal on page 15
Homework: Social Studies IXL KK.1 is due Thursday (Identify Primary and Secondary Sources)
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (10/20): BrainPop assignments due
Thursday (10/3): Social Studies IXL KK.1 due 
Friday (10/4): IXL SS.4 due (Dialogue)
Friday (10/11):  End of Quarter 1 (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)



Posting for Monday, September 30
Monday Classwork:
  • "Cuyamaca Memories" or "Memorable Experience" for those who did not attend - brainstorming for descriptive writing project
  • BrainPop - "Show, Not Tell" with green worksheet
  • Finish the "Cuyamaca Memories" or "Memorable Experience" brainstorming packet if you did not finish it in class. All 4 pages should be complete.
  • BrainPop "Friendship" assignment is due Wednesday (watch the movie and do the Review Quiz). Don't forget to log into BrainPop through Clever on the hehms.us. website to access your personal BrainPop account and assignments. 
  • BrainPop "Literary Genres" assignment is also due Wednesday (watch the movie, do the Review Quiz, then do Graded Quiz for a score)
Social Studies
Monday Classwork:
  • New Impact Social Studies textbook - Scavenger Hunt (blue worksheet)
  • Primary and Secondary Sources - BrainPop video
Homework: Social Studies IXL KK.3 (Timelines With BCE and CE) - due tomorrow (Tuesday)
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (10/1): Social Studies IXL KK.3 due
Wednesday (10/20): BrainPop assignments due
Friday (10/11):  End of Quarter 1 (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)



Postng for Friday, September 20
Looking forward to a great week at Camp Cuyamaca 
next week! For students who are not attending, 
enjoy the special program planned for you at HMS!
Friday Classwork:
  • "Stray" RACES Response (Part 2 of "Stray" Unit Test)
  • BrainPop - "Friendship" and "Literary Genres"
Homework: The BrainPop "Friendship" and "Literary Genres" assignments are due Wednesday after we get back, October 2
Social Studies
Friday Classwork: Lesson 3 Assessment = From Hunter-Gatherers to Farmers (online)
Homework: The Social Studies IXL KK.3 (Timelines with B.C.E. and C.E.) due Tuesday after we get back, October 1
Upcoming Dates
Friday (9/20):  6th Grade Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM)
(Theme: 80's Neon ~ Location: HMS Cafeteria)
Monday (9/23) - Friday (9/27):  Cuyamaca Outdoor Education Camp
Tuesday (10/1): Social Studies IXL KK.3 due
Wednesday (10/20): BrainPop assignments due
Friday (10/11):  End of Quarter 1 (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)



Posting for Thursday, September 19
Thursday Classwork: "Stray" Unit Test
Homework: The "Stray" Unit Test RACES response will be tomorrow. You will need to refer to your "Stray" story for text evidence. Note: This will be open-note as you will be able to refer to your English Journal while writing.
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: 
  • Lesson 3 Notes - reviewed and completed
  • Lesson 3 - From Hunters & Gatherers to Farmers: Summary in online text with Reading check
  • Social Studies IXL - A.1 (The Neolithic Period)
  • The Lesson 3 Assessment is tomorrow. Use the purple "How Do I Successfully Prepare for a History Alive Social Studies Test?" handout for reminders about how to review (also posted below).
  • The Lesson 3 Lesson Game "Charting the Course" is due tomorrow (before the test)
  • Be ready to turn in your Lesson 3 note-taking packet tomorrow before the test.
  • Social Studies IXL A.1 is not homework.
Upcoming Dates
Friday (9/20): Socials Studies Lesson 3 Test 
Friday (9/20):  6th Grade Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM)
(Theme: 80's Neon ~ Location: HMS Cafeteria)
Monday (9/23) - Friday (9/27):  Cuyamaca Outdoor Education Camp
Friday (10/11):  End of Quarter 1 (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)



Posting for Wednesday, September 19
Wednesday Classwork: 
  • "Stray" Unit Test - Test Review Guidelines (pink handout)
  • Elements of Plot - Practice (for review) yellow worksheet
  • RACES review  - page 9 in the green packet
  • The "Stray" Unit Test is tomorrow. Use the pink review guidelines for reminders about what will be included on the test (also posted below). 
  • Be ready to turn in your green "Stray" packet tomorrow. It should be complete, except page 12 (blank RACES form). We might use that for the test. 
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork:  Lesson 3 - From Hunters & Gatherers to Farmers: Sections 5 and 6 reading and notes with partner
Homework: The Lesson 3 assessment on "From Hunters & Gatherers to Farmers" will be on Friday. The Lesson Game "Charting the Course" will need to be completed before the test, along with other review activities outlined on your purple "How Do I Successfully Prepare for a History Alive Social Studies Test?" handout (also posted below).
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (9/18): IXL Z.1, Z.2, and EE.4 due
Thursday (9/19): "Stray" Unit - English Test 
Friday (9/20): Socials Studies Lesson 3 Test 
Friday (9/20):  6th Grade Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM)
(Theme: 80's Neon ~ Location: HMS Cafeteria)
Monday (9/23) - Friday (9/27):  Cuyamaca Outdoor Education Camp



Posting for Tuesday, September 17
Students attended an assembly today to go over
details about camp. If they have any additional
questions or concerns, we will talk it over a little
tomorrow in class. Looking forward to our
upcoming adventure!
Tuesday Classwork:
  • "Writing a Summary" in the green "Stray" packet on pages 13-14
  • Connotation and Denotation in the "Stray" packet on pages 10-11
  • RACES review in yellow packet with "Excitement in the Air" passage
  • IXL Z.1 (Differences Between Related Words), Z.2 (Positive and Negative Connotation), and EE.4 (Compound Subjects and Compound Predicates) - due tomorrow (Wednesday)
  • The "Stray" Unit Test will be on Thursday. We will go over the study guide tomorrow, but it is also posted below for your reference.
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork:  Lesson 3 - From Hunters & Gatherers to Farmers: Sections 3 and 4 reading and notes with partner
Homework: If you did not finish your notes for Section 4 in your white packet, please complete them for homework.
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (9/18): IXL Z.1, Z.2, and EE.4 due
Thursday (9/19): "Stray" Unit - English Test 
Friday (9/20): Socials Studies Lesson 3 Test 
Friday (9/20):  6th Grade Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM)
(Theme: 80's Neon ~ Location: HMS Cafeteria)
Monday (9/23) - Friday (9/27):  Cuyamaca Outdoor Education Camp



Posting for Monday, September 16
Monday Classwork: Compound Subjects and Compound Predicates in English Journal on page 12
Homework:  IXL Z.1 (Differences Between Related Words), Z.2 (Positive and Negative Connotation), and EE.4 (Compound Subjects and Compound Predicates) - due Wed.
Social Studies
Friday Classwork: Lesson 3 - From Hunters & Gatherers to Farmers: Section 1 notes, Section 2 in online text with notes in white packet
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (9/17): Cuyamaca Informational Meeting
12:30 PM in the HMS Gym
Wednesday (9/18): IXL Z.1, Z.2, and EE.4 due
Friday (9/20):  6th Grade Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM)
(Theme: 80's Neon ~ Location: HMS Cafeteria)
Monday (9/23) - Friday (9/27):  Cuyamaca Outdoor Education Camp



Posting for Friday, September 13
Note: The schedule for After-School Academic Support
classes is posted below for your reference.
Friday Classwork: Denotation/Connotation lesson in English Journal on p. 11 with practice using IXL Z.2
Homework: IXL Z.1 (Differences Between Related Words) and Z.2 (Positive and Negative Connotation) - due Wed., 9/18
Social Studies
Friday Classwork: Lesson 3 - From Hunters & Gatherers to Farmers: Section 1 (From Old Stone Age to New Stone Age) reading in online text
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (9/18): IXL Z.1 and Z.2 due
Friday (9/20):  6th Grade Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM)
(Theme: 80's Neon ~ Location: HMS Cafeteria)
Monday (9/23) - Friday (9/27):  Cuyamaca Outdoor Education Camp



Posting for Thursday, September 12
Note: The schedule for the After-School Academic Support
classes is posted below for your reference.
Thursday Classwork:
  • "What is the RACE Strategy?" yellow packet - practice with English Journal p. 10
  • "Stray" green packet - Vocabulary on pages 5 and 6
  • Finish the practice pages in the "What is the RACE Strategy?" yellow packet. 
  • "Stray" green packet - pages 5 and 6 (Vocabulary)
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: Lesson 3 =  Lesson 3 = From Hunters and Gatherers to Farmers - Introduction and Section 1 in online text
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Friday (9/20):  6th Grade Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM)
(Theme: 80's Neon ~ Location: HMS Cafeteria)
Monday (9/23) - Friday (9/27):  Cuyamaca Outdoor Education Camp



Posting for Wednesday, September 11
Academic Support classes began this week! 
Please see the 6th grade schedule linked below. 
My classroom will be open on Thursdays from 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.  
Wednesday Classwork:
  • Response to Literature "RACES" response lesson in English Journal on page 10
  • "Stray" - practice RACES response in green packet on page 7 with evidence from story using the white story packet
Homework: Complete page 7 -  "Finding Text Evidence" in "Stray" green packet. Don't forget to use the story packet to find your text evidence.
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork: Lesson 3 = From Hunters and Gatherers to Farmers - Preview Activity in Lesson 3 packet
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Friday (9/20):  6th Grade Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM)
(Theme: 80's Neon ~ Location: HMS Cafeteria)
Monday (9/23) - Friday (9/27):  Cuyamaca Outdoor Education Camp



Posting for Tuesday, September 10
Tuesday Classwork: "Stray" Plot Analysis activity in English Journal on page 8 (left side)
Homework:   IXL - EE.2 (Identify Complete Subject or Complete Predicate) and EE.3 (Identify Simple Subject and Simple Predicate) due tomorrow (Wed).
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: Lesson 2 = Early Hominins - Online Video Activity 
Homework: The Lesson 2 Video Activity is due tomorrow.
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (9/11):  Fire Drill
Wednesday (9/11): IXL EE.2, EE.3 due
Wednesday (9/11): Social Studies Lesson 2 Video Activity due
Friday (9/20):  6th Grade Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM)
(Theme: 80's Neon ~ Location: HMS Cafeteria)
Monday (9/23) - Friday (9/27):  Cuyamaca Outdoor Education Camp



Posting for Monday, September 9
Reminder: If possible, please bring earbuds to class each day. 
Monday Classwork:
  • Daily Language Review, Week 1 - Wednesday
  • "Stray" by Cynthia Rylant - reading, highlighting, annotating
  • Daily Language Review - bottom half of paper (Week 1/Th)
  • IXL - EE.2 (Identify Complete Subject or Complete Predicate) and EE.3 (Identify Simple Subject and Simple Predicate) due this Wed.
Social Studies
Monday Classwork: Lesson 2 = Early Hominins - Online Video Activity 
Homework: None (Note: The Lesson 2 Video Activity is not homework. We will work on it in class tomorrow.)
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (9/11):  Fire Drill
Wednesday (9/11): IXL EE.2, EE.3 due
Friday (9/20):  6th Grade Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM)
(Theme: 80's Neon ~ Location: HMS Cafeteria)
Monday (9/23) - Friday (9/27):  Cuyamaca Outdoor Education Camp



Posting for Friday, September 6
Thank you, parents, for responding to the "Parent Homework"
assignment. I appreciate your insights as I get to 
know my students this year. So helpful!
Friday Classwork: Lesson on Subjects and Predicates in English Journal on page 9 with practice worksheet
Homework: IXL - EE.2 (Identify Complete Subject or Complete Predicate) and EE.3 (Identify Simple Subject and Simple Predicate) due Wed. 9/11
Social Studies
Friday Classwork: Lesson 1 Assessment - Investigating the Past (open-note)
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (9/11):  Fire Drill
Wednesday (9/11): IXL EE.2, EE.3 due
Friday (9/20):  6th Grade Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM)
(Theme: 80's Neon ~ Location: HMS Cafeteria)
Monday (9/23) - Friday (9/27):  Cuyamaca Outdoor Education Camp



Posting for Thursday, September 15
Thursday Classwork:
  • The Plot Pyramid lesson - elements of plot and plot analysis in English Journal on page 8
  • "Elements of Plot" Practice in "Stray" green packet pages 3-4
Homework: none
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: 
  • Lesson 1 = Investigating the Past - Processing Activity (Period 1: in TCI online programs/Period 5: in Notes packet on p. 6)
  • "How to Successfully Prepare for a History Alive Social Studies Test" - purple handout with test review suggestions
  • Video - "Lascaux's Prehistoric Cave Paintings" (Rick Steves)
  • The Lesson 1 = Investigating the Past test is tomorrow (Friday). The test is open-note, so you can have your note-taking packet open during the test.
  • Use the purple "How to Successfully Prepare for a History Alive Social Studies Test" handout for suggestions about how to review for the Lesson 1 test tomorrow (also posted below).
  • If the TCI website is accessible, log in through Clever and you will be able to work on some of these optional activities:
* Use the purple Table of Contents on the left side of the screen and find "Lesson Games." Under the Unit/Lesson heading, choose Lesson 1 = Investigating the Past. Then you can work on the Vocabulary game or the "Crack the Code" Lesson Game. You will also see the Lesson Game "Crack the Code" pop up as an assignment. If at all possible, complete it as homework. Remember, you can do it multiple times. Try to get a perfect score, 20/20!
* Use the purple Table of Contents and go to "Reading." Then under the Unit/Lesson heading, choose Lesson 1. You will then be able to see the entire lesson, and each section has a little "Reading Check" activity at the bottom.
Upcoming Dates
Friday (9/6): Lesson 1 Social Studies Test 
Wednesday (9/11):  Fire Drill



Posting for Wednesday, September 4
Today, students are bringing home an optional 
"Parent Homework" assignment.
Parents - if you would like to complete the form, 
please return it at your earliest convenience. 
No hurry, though. Next week works fine!
Wednesday Classwork: 
  • Independent practice on Story Vocabulary in new green "Stray" packet, pages 1 and 2
  • Highlighting and Annotating lesson in English Journal on page 7
Homework: 5th Grade IXL - JJ.1 (Types of Sentences) - due tomorrow (Thursday)
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork: Lesson 1 = Investigating the Past - Cave Art partner activity while analyzing art and artifacts, then reading, and completing notes
  • Make sure you have completed all your notes for the Cave Art activity. The placards are posted below for your reference. 
  • Lesson 1 Assessment - the open-note assessment will take place on Friday. We will go over test review suggestions tomorrow. 
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (9/5): IXL - 5th Grade JJ.1 due (Types of Sentences)
Friday (9/6): Lesson 1 Social Studies Test 
Wednesday (9/11):  Fire Drill



Posting for Tuesday, September 3
 Tomorrow we will be having a "School Supplies Check."
 At a minimum, students need pencils, 
highlighters, and a red ballpoint pen. 
Sharpies and black flair pens are 
also really helpful! The entire list is 
posted below for your reference. Thank you!
Tuesday Classwork: Story Vocabulary lesson with "Fugu" Video in English Journal on page 6
  • IXL FF.1, FF.2, FF.3, FF.4, FF.5 is due tomorrow (Wednesday)
  • IXL - 5th Grade JJ.1 (Types of Sentences) - due Thursday
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: Lesson 1 = Investigating the Past - Cave Art partner activity while analyzing art and artifacts, then reading, and completing notes
Homework: If you did not finish in class, you will need to finish your notes for the Cave Art stations you have already visited. The placards are posted below for your reference. 
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (9/4): IXL FF.1, FF.2, FF.3, FF.4, FF.5 due
Wednesday (9/4): School Supplies Check
Thursday (9/5): IXL - 5th Grade JJ.1 due (Types of Sentences)
Wednesday (9/11):  Fire Drill



Posting for Friday, August 30
On Wednesday, we will be having a "School Supplies Check."
 At a minimum, students need pencils, 
highlighters, and a red ballpoint pen. 
Sharpies and black flair pens are 
also really helpful! The entire list is 
posted below for your reference. Thank you!
Friday Classwork: "All About Me" Presentations
Homework:  IXL FF.1, FF.2, FF.3, FF.4, FF.5 (due Wed 9/4)
Social Studies
Friday Classwork: Lesson 1 = Investigating the Past - Cave Art partner activity while analyzing art and artifacts, then reading, and completing notes
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Monday (9/2):  Labor Day - No School
Wednesday (9/4): IXL FF.1, FF.2, FF.3, FF.4, FF.5 due
Wednesday (9/4): School Supplies Check



Posting for Thursday, August 29
Students, please give your parents the information you received in Homeroom today
about the Hauntington Breakfast which will be held on Saturday, October 26th. 
Please go to https://www.hauntingtonbreakfast.com/ for more information.
Parents, I hope to see many of you tonight at Back to School Night! 
If you can't make it, no worries.
I will email my presentation tomorrow for your reference. 
Thursday Classwork: Guidelines for "All About Me" presentations with tips for effective public speaking
Homework:  IXL FF.1, FF.2, FF.3, FF.4, FF.5 (due Wed 9/4)
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: Lesson 1 = Investigating the Past - Cave Art Activity with Section 3 notes and reading in chapter packet
  • "Trash Bag Archaeology" worksheet - Don't forget to write 7-9 sentences and really explain your thinking! The last sentence/s should include something about the sequence of events, per the directions. 
  • If you have not already brought a flashlight, try to bring one if you can.
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (8/29):  Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 7:45 p.m.)
* Parents Only
Friday (8/30):  Minimum Day (12:40 p.m. dismissal)
Monday (9/2):  Labor Day - No School
Wednesday (9/4): IXL FF.1, FF.2, FF.3, FF.4, FF.5 due



Posting for Wednesday, August 28
Parents - Your student is bringing home a letter about 
our IXL Language Arts program. Please take a moment
to read it as it is an online program we will be using all year
to reinforce important Language Arts skills. 
(It is also attached below for your reference.)
Wednesday Classwork: 
  • Capitalization in English Journal on page 5 with practice
  • Introduction of IXL for Language Arts with Parent Letter
  • IXL Explanation for Sections FF.1 (Common and Proper Nouns) and FF.2, FF.3, FF4, FF.5 (Form Plurals of Nouns Ending in f, fe, o, and y)
  • Complete the orange practice worksheet on Capitalization (2-sided)
  • IXL FF.1, FF.2, FF.3, FF.4, FF.5 (due Wed 9/4)
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork: Writing Stand-Alone Sentences (Journal page 4)
Homework: If you have not already brought a flashlight, try to bring one if you can.
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (8/29):  NWEA Diagnostic Test (Math)
Testing will take place in Homeroom (8:10 - 9:55 AM)
Thursday (8/29):  Make-Up Picture Day ðŸ“ļ
Thursday (8/29):  Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 7:45 p.m.)
* Parents Only
Friday (8/30):  Minimum Day (12:40 p.m. dismissal)
Monday (9/2):  Labor Day - No School



Posting for Tuesday, August 27
Tuesday Classwork: 
  • Parts of Speech practice - yellow worksheet
  • "About Me" Google Slide assignment - reminders and proofreading
Homework: The "About Me" Slide assignment is due tomorrow (before class). Don't forget to turn it in through Google Classroom.
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: Writing complete stand-alone sentences practice
Homework: If you have not already brought a flashlight, try to bring one by tomorrow. 
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (8/28):  Lockdown Drill (Homeroom)
Wednesday (8/28): "All About Me" Google Slide Due
Submit through Google Classroom
Thursday (8/29):  NWEA Diagnostic Test (Math)
Testing will take place in Homeroom (8:10 - 9:55 AM)
Thursday (8/29):  Make-Up Picture Day ðŸ“ļ
Thursday (8/29):  Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 7:45 p.m.)
* Parents Only
Friday (8/30):  Minimum Day (12:40 p.m. dismissal)
Monday (9/2):  Labor Day - No School



Posting for Monday, August 26
FYI, the NWEA (Map Growth) Test will be administered to all students
this week on Tuesday (Language Arts) and Thursday (Math)
during Homeroom. There will be a revised schedule for those days
with an extended Homeroom period to accommodate the testing time
(the special schedule is posted below for your reference). 
Students do not need to bring their own laptops or chrome books.
They can just use borrowed chrome books from the classroom.
Monday Classwork: 
  • Back to School Manifesto
  • "Parts of Speech" rap song (also posted below)
  • Lesson on Parts of Speech in English Journal on page 3
Homework: The "All About Me" Google Classroom slide assignment is due Wednesday. Refer to the directions and grading rubric for reminders about what needs to be included.
Social Studies
Monday Classwork: 
  • Collaboration/Cooperative Learning - "Clock Partner" activity
  • Lesson 1 = Investigating the Past - Section 2 with notes in note-taking packet
Homework: If you have not already brought in a flashlight, it's not too late! Try to bring one tomorrow.
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (8/27):  NWEA Diagnostic Test (ELA)
Testing will take place in Homeroom (8:10 - 9:55 AM)
Wednesday (8/28): "All About Me" Google Slide Due
Submit through Google Classroom
Thursday (8/29):  NWEA Diagnostic Test (Math)
Testing will take place in Homeroom (8:10 - 9:55 AM)
Thursday (8/29):  Make-Up Picture Day ðŸ“ļ
Thursday (8/29):  Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 7:45 p.m.)
* Parents Only
Friday (8/30):  Minimum Day (12:40 p.m. dismissal)
Monday (9/2):  Labor Day - No School



Posting for Friday, August 23
Friday Classwork:
  • Daily Language Review with Proofreading Marks in English Journal page 1
  • "All About Me" Google Slide project - reminders and independent work
Homework: The "All About Me" Google Classroom slide assignment is due Wednesday. Refer to the directions and grading rubric for reminders about what needs to be included.
Social Studies
Friday Classwork:  Lesson 1 = Investigating the Past - Section 1 with notes in the note-taking packet 
Homework: If you have not already brought in a flashlight, try to bring one on Monday if you can! 
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (8/28): "All About Me" Google Slide Due
Submit through Google Classroom
Thursday (8/29):  Make-Up Picture Day ðŸ“ļ
Thursday (8/29):  Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 7:45 p.m.)
* Parents Only
Friday (8/30):  Minimum Day (12:40 p.m. dismissal)
Monday (9/2):  Labor Day - No School



Posting for Thursday, August 22
Please be sure to turn in your pink Cuyamaca health form
to your Homeroom teacher. Our Assistant Principal,
Mrs. Cota, would like them turned in by Friday, August 23rd. 
Extra copies are available in the front office.  
If your parents have any questions about the form
or about the outdoor education trip,
please have them contact Mrs. Cota at [email protected].
The English/Social Studies Course Outline was passed out yesterday.
If you have not already turned it in, please read it together
and return the bottom portion with your signatures.
Thank you!
Thursday Classwork: "All About Me" Google Slide project
  • Yellow "Stretch the Sentence" worksheet (Remember to replace the pronoun with a more exact "who.")
  • Work on getting some photos for the All About Me slide project. Your parent could log in as you, attach some photos, and then email you (so basically you are emailing them to yourself). If worse comes to worse, your parent can email me ([email protected]), and then I can email them to you.ðŸĪŠ
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: 
  • Lesson 1 = Investigating the Past - Preview Activity and Introduction
  • Archaeology Treasure Hunt (blue worksheet) with definitions of terms on p. 3
  • Complete the Archaeology Treasure Hunt blue packet. Make sure you complete p.1-3 and spend 10-15 minutes on the p. 4 Word Search. You do not need to complete the entire Word Search if it takes too long.
  • If possible, bring a flashlight to school for our Social Studies activity next week
Upcoming Dates
Friday (8/23): HMS Spirit Day
Friday (8/23):  Pink Cuyamaca Health Form Due
Wednesday (8/28): "All About Me" Google Slide Due
Submit through Google Classroom
Thursday (8/29):  Make-Up Picture Day ðŸ“ļ
Thursday (8/29):  Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 7:45 p.m.)
* Parents Only
Friday (8/30):  Minimum Day (12:40 p.m. dismissal)
Monday (9/2):  Labor Day - No School



Posting for Wednesday
Please be sure to turn in your pink Cuyamaca health form to your Homeroom teacher. 
Our Assistant Principal, Mrs. Cota, would like them turned in by Friday, August 23rd. 
Extra copies are available in the front office.  If your parents have any questions about the form
or about the outdoor education trip, please have them contact Mrs. Cota at [email protected].
The English/Social Studies Course Outline was passed out yesterday.
If you have not already, please read it together
and return the bottom portion with your signatures.
Thank you!
English/Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork:
  • English Journal - composition books passed out and set up (this will be our English Journal)
  • Proofreading Marks - page 1 in the English Journal
  • Stretch the Sentence - page 2 in the English Journal
  • "All About Me" Google Slide project
  • Return the green Course Outline signature if you have not already done so
  • If possible, bring a flashlight to school for our Social Studies activity
  • Expanding Sentences (yellow worksheet) - due tomorrow
  • "All About Me" Google slide project - We will work on this in class tomorrow. Start thinking about what photos you might want to use and get them sent to your gmail/school account. 
Upcoming Dates
Monday (8/19) - Friday (8/23):  Welcome Back Spirit Week ðŸŽ‰
Thursday (8/22): Polka Dot Day
Friday (8/23): HMS Spirit Day
Thursday (8/29):  Make-Up Picture Day ðŸ“ļ
Thursday (8/29):  Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 7:45 p.m.)
* Parents Only
Friday (8/30):  Minimum Day (12:40 p.m. dismissal)
Monday (9/2):  Labor Day - No School



Posting for Tuesday, August 20
Students and Parents -
The English/Social Studies Course Outline was passed out today.
Please read it together and return the bottom portion with your signatures.
Thank you!
Tuesday Classwork: Stretch the Sentence lesson
  • Complete the green Expanding Sentences worksheet. Use pencil to underline the ways you expanded your sentences and circle the expansion tip you used for each (you do not need to color them).
  • Please share the Course Outline with your parent and get a signature
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: Archaeology packet p. 4-6
  • Answer the questions in the Archaeology packet on pages 4-6. Don't forget to write in complete sentences.
  • If possible, bring a flashlight with your name on it by Thursday for our Cave Art activity. 
Upcoming Dates
Monday (8/19) - Friday (8/23):  Welcome Back Spirit Week ðŸŽ‰
Wednesday (8/21): Crazy Hair Day
Thursday (8/22): Polka Dot Day
Friday (8/23): HMS Spirit Day
Thursday (8/29):  Make-Up Picture Day ðŸ“ļ
Thursday (8/29):  Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 7:45 p.m.)
* Parents Only
Friday (8/30):  Minimum Day (12:40 p.m. dismissal)
Monday (9/2):  Labor Day - No School



Posting for Monday, August 19
Remember, bring to class the following:
- Binder Reminder
-New white binder
-Blue/Green folder (if you are still using it)
- Your homework
- Pencil case
Monday Classwork:
  • Classroom Rules with "Class Expectations" pink handout for note-taking
  • Emoji Project - presentation copies completed and turned in with rough draft and grading rubric
Social Studes
Monday Classwork: Archaeology packet p. 1 - 3
Homework: Answer the questions in the Archaeology packet on pages 1-3. Don't forget to write in complete sentences.
Upcoming Dates
Monday (8/19) - Friday (8/23):  Welcome Back Spirit Week ðŸŽ‰
Tuesday (8/20): Black Out Day (Wear Black)
Wednesday (8/21): Crazy Hair Day
Thursday (8/22): Polka Dot Day
Friday (8/23): HMS Spirit Day
Thursday (8/29):  Make-Up Picture Day ðŸ“ļ
Thursday (8/29):  Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 7:45 p.m.)
* Parents Only
Friday (8/30):  Minimum Day (12:40 p.m. dismissal)
Monday (9/2):  Labor Day - No School



Posting for Friday, August 16
The pink Camp Cuyamaca Student Registration form was sent home with students today.
Parents - Please complete the form and have your student return it to his/her Homeroom teacher.
FYI, if you have any questions or concerns about camp, please reach out to me. 
I attend camp every year, and I hope to see many of our incoming 6th graders there!
Our Assembly today was full of information about sports, clubs, and activities.
Think about what you might want to try and sign up!
Next week, ASB has planned a fun Spirit Week for us.
Here is the schedule. Try to dress up if you can!
Screenshot 2024-08-14 9.19.41 PM.png
Friday Classwork: "Starting Middle School" Emoji project - editing of paragraph and emoji art
Homework: If possible, have all your school supplies by Monday (the list is posted below)
Social Studies
  • "Who Is Mrs. Doan?" activity
  • "Starting Middle School: Fears and Faves" video
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Monday (8/19): School Supplies due
Monday (8/19) - Friday (8/23)Welcome Back Spirit Week 🎉
Monday (8/19): Celeb Day - Dress as Your Favorite Celeb
Tuesday (8/20): Black Out Day (Wear Black)
Wednesday (8/21): Crazy Hair Day
Thursday (8/22): Polka Dot Day
Friday (8/23): HMS Spirit Day
Thursday (8/29):  Make-Up Picture Day ðŸ“ļ
Thursday (8/29):  Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 7:45 p.m.)
* Parents Only
Friday (8/30):  Minimum Day (12:40 p.m. dismissal)
Monday (9/2):  Labor Day - No School



Posting for Thursday, August 15
If you are looking at this post, good job! You found our Classes/Homework page!
Students - to show me you were looking at this page, remember the secret code word "Foxes." 
Tomorrow, I may ask the class to quietly write down the secret code word. 
Then I'll know that you read this! 
Shhhhh....... Don't tell.
Thursday Classwork:
  • BrainPop - "Back to School" video
  • Emoji writing project - directions for a constructed paragraph and rough draft
  • If you did not finish the rough draft for your Emoji paragraph, please complete it for homework. Don't forget to read the directions carefully and use the grading rubric for reference.
  • Complete the "Who is Mrs. Doan?" pink paper (it should be in your blue/green folder). If you can't find it, no worries. I can give you another one tomorrow.
  • If you did not already complete the 2024 Google Student Survey which I emailed to you, please do that tonight.
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork:
  • Introduction to Ancient Civilizations with discussion of recent archaeological discoveries in Germany and Crete
  • "What is Archaeology? packet, page 1
Homework: none
- Please continue to gather your school supplies (due Monday). Refer to the blue handout.
The list is also posted below for your reference.
- Tomorrow, bring the following: blue/green folder with papers inside, Binder Reminder,
and pencil case if you have one.
- Thank you for your donations of kleenex, Clorox Wipes, and disinfecting hand wipes.
We appreciate it!
Upcoming Dates
Friday (8/16):  ASB Kickoff Assembly (HMS Gym) 🍎
Monday (8/19) - Friday (8/23):  Welcome Back Spirit Week 🎉
Thursday (8/29):  Make-Up Picture Day ðŸ“ļ
Thursday (8/29):  Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 7:45 p.m.)
* Parents Only
Friday (8/30):  Minimum Day (12:40 p.m. dismissal)
Monday (9/2):  Labor Day - No School



Posting for Wednesday, August 14
Happy First Day of School! ðŸĶŠ
Welcome to HMS!  What a great start we've had!  Although you were an attentive listener, you may feel a bit overwhelmed with the amount of information given to you today.  Please be reassured that teachers will review procedures repeatedly over the next few weeks.  I encourage you to ask questions and seek help when needed.  My goal is for all students to feel safe and comfortable in their new learning environment.  After meeting all of you, I know it will be a rewarding, fun, and successful year for all!
Tomorrow, please bring to class:
1. Binder Reminder;
2. Pencil bag/case with a pencil (and other supplies, if you have them)
3. The blue/green folder from class today with papers inside
4. Homeroom only: a reading book
All other workbooks and supplies can be left in the locker or at home to be used at a later date.
1. Fill out the "2024 Student Survey" online (Google Form) if you have not already completed it.  It was emailed to your student email account.  
3.  Begin gathering school supplies.  Today, you received a list of supplies (blue handout) with a list of supplies that are needed in our class.  The list was also emailed to you and your parents earlier this week.  It is posted below for your convenience.  Please have supplies by Monday, August 19th.  Thank you to all who donated Kleenex today!  It is so appreciated!
Please Note...
Please remember that students are not allowed in school hallways
prior to the 8:00 a.m. bell.  Thank you so much for your cooperation!
The HMS bell schedule is linked below. â° 🛎
Upcoming Dates
Friday (8/16):  ASB Kickoff Assembly (HMS Gym) 🍎
Monday (8/19) - Friday (8/23):  Welcome Back Spirit Week 🎉
Thursday (8/29):  Make-Up Picture Day ðŸ“ļ
Thursday (8/29):  Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 7:45 p.m.)
* Parents Only
Friday (8/30):  Minimum Day (12:40 p.m. dismissal)
Monday (9/2):  Labor Day - No School