6th Grade English and Social Studies

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I'm looking forward to the many adventures we'll have together
in Social Studies and English!


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Parents' Corner: When Your Child Complains

From www.biglifejournal.com:  (click on the above link for the printable)

Do you know how our ancestors stayed alive thousands of years ago when they were living in the wilderness? 

(When they could be attacked by an animal or meet any number of gruesome ends...) 

They survived, partly because their brains were wired to notice negative things in their environment or things out of place. 

That was super useful for them then.

BUT...in today's world, this tendency, aka negativity bias, is not as helpful.

This bias towards negativity can show up in your child as whining (even though it’s not necessarily a matter of survival). 

So when something doesn't go their way, or they don't get what they want, they complain.

Luckily for us parents, nowadays we have an effective antidote to this whining...

Gratitude is one of the most potent ways to counteract negativity. 

Now, that may sound simplistic, but I assure you it’s not just about looking past the negative...

It's about practicing refocusing the mind. 

So, when your child is whining about not getting something they want, one way to help them refocus their attention is to talk about gratitude. 

This might mean helping them look for things that went right in their day or finding something for which they are thankful. 

AND It’s not about pushing aside tough emotions...

It’s about teaching them to refocus on a more helpful thought  with the added benefit of reducing whining.

Want to support your child’s emotional development and perhaps limit his or her whining at the same time? 

Click on the words "Parents' Corner" above to get the free printable and more information on Growth Mindset.