6th Grade English and Social Studies Assignments

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Posting for Wednesday, May 29
I hope you all had a great time at Spirit Day today! πŸ“£
For tomorrow (LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!):
Remember to bring a pen for yearbook signing - an ultra-fine point Sharpie works best as it doesn't smear.
Tomorrow's Schedule
8:10 - 8:15 a.m. - Homeroom
8:15 - 9:15 a.m. - Gym (Yearbook Signing - 6th and 7th Grades)
9:15 - 9:25 a.m. - Break
9:25 - 10:25 a.m. - Gym (ASB-Sponsored Showdown Activities - 6th Grade)
10:25 - 10:35 a.m. - Break
10:35 - 11:35 a.m. - Auditorium (CAMFEL Assembly - 6th Grade)
11:35 - 11:45 a.m. - Line-Up in Hallways (6th and 7th Grades)
11:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - March Through the Arch
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (5/30):  Last Day of School! πŸŽ‰ (12:00 PM Dismissal)
Wednesday (8/14):  First Day of the 2024 - 2025 School Year! 🍎



Posting for Tuesday, May 28
We had a great time celebrating our last day of ELA/SS classes today!
Many thanks to those who made donations to the party!
Tomorrow is Spirit Day! Report to your homerooms by 8:10 a.m. like usual. You will be with your homeroom all day!
We will be on a Minimum Day schedule (12:40 p.m. dismissal).
Make sure you wear comfortable PE-type shoes, and remember that lunch will be provided.  
Reminders For Tomorrow (Spirit Day πŸ“£):
1.  Bring a pen for yearbook signing - an ultra-fine point Sharpie also works and doesn't smear.
2.  Plan to wear your Spirit Day t-shirt (you will receive your t-shirt in Homeroom tomorrow).
3.  You might want a water bottle (optional).
4.  Be ready to have a positive attitude and show your school spirit! 
Homeroom Announcements:
  • Parents: If your child did not purchase a yearbook, there may be extras. Please have your child bring a check payable to "HMS" in the amount of $90 directly to Mrs. Simpson in the Hutto Lab.
  • If no yearbook is desired, I have booklets for those students so they can share in the "yearbook signing" activities tomorrow and Thursday!
  • Please note: Students in 6th grade ELA/SS homerooms will keep the yearbooks in class (so they don't get lost and guarantee the students have them available the next two days). Students will bring the yearbooks home with them on Thursday!



Tomorrow (Tuesday) is our class party! 
Don't forget to bring your contribution for our Pot Luck feast.
If you have not already done so, the sign-up sheet is
posted in Google Classroom.
Periods 5/6 -
You may drop off your Pot Luck items in the morning
if you like. There is an area set aside in the far corner
where you can place your contributions.
Note: You will not need to bring any school supplies to class.
Your 6th Grade English/Social Studies portfolios look great!
You all did such amazing work this year.
Periods 5/6 brought their portfolios home on Friday.
Periods 1/2 - You will be taking them home on Tuesday.
Spirit Day is Wednesday!
It is a Minimum Day - 12:40 p.m. dismissal. 
Spirit Day T-shirts will be passed out in your Homeroom
classes on Wednesday morning.
Make sure you wear comfortable PE-type shoes, and
remember, lunch is provided that day. 
Thursday is the last day of school!!
12:00 p.m. dismissal will mark the beginning of SUMMER!
There are some fun activities planned for that day,
including yearbook signing and an assembly. 
Looking forward to a great week!



Posting for Thursday, May 23
Homeroom Students -
Tomorrow we will be cleaning out our lockers.
Please bring a bag or tote if you don't feel your
backpack is large enough. 
Also, I am completely out of Clorox Wipes. 
If you could bring some to share, that would be great!
Your locker will need to be thoroughly cleaned,
with no stickers or tape left behind. 
Our End of the Year Party will be on Tuesday, May 28th.
Think about what you
might want to bring to our Pot Luck!
The sign-up sheet is posted in Google Classroom. 
I hope you can participate by contributing something.
Thank you!
English/Social Studies
Thursday Classwork:
  • Polis Competition - Hercules Quiz
  • Movie - Hercules (Disney)
Quarter 4 ends tomorrow! Take a look at PowerSchool to make sure you have made up all missing work. Remember, you need to notify me by email or with a note in the Make-Up Work box of any work turned in after the due date.
Upcoming Dates
Friday (5/24):  End of Quarter 4 (Minimum Day)
Monday (5/27):  No School - Memorial Day πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
Tuesday (5/28): Class Party!
Wednesday (5/29):  Spirit Day! πŸ“£
* Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal
* Lunch will be provided for all students
Thursday (5/30):  Last Day of School! πŸŽ‰
* 12:00 PM Dismissal



Posting for Wednesday, May 22
Refer to the letter passed out today about our
End of the Year Party on Tuesday, May 28th,
and think about what you
might want to bring to our Pot Luck!
The sign-up sheet is posted in Google Classroom. 
I hope you can participate by contributing something.
Thank you!
Wednesday Classwork:  Greek Mythology Book Report - Red Figure Vase project
Homework: If you did not finish the final draft of your Greek Mythology summary paragraph, please complete it for homework. It needs to be written with black sharpie or black Flair pen.
Upcoming Dates
Friday (5/24):  End of Quarter 4 (Minimum Day)
Monday (5/27):  No School - Memorial Day πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
Tuesday (5/28): Class Party!
Wednesday (5/29):  Spirit Day! πŸ“£
* Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal
* Lunch will be provided for all students
Thursday (5/30):  Last Day of School! πŸŽ‰
* 12:00 PM Dismissal



Posting for Tuesday, May 21
Start thinking about what you might want to bring
to our class party on Tuesday! There will be a
sign-up sheet in class, starting tomorrow.
Tuesday Classwork: Greek Mythology Book Report - Red Figure Vase project
Homework: Finish up your rough drafts for the summary paragraph and vase design so that you can work on the final project tomorrow. 
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: Lessons 26/27 Assessment (Ancient Greece)
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Friday (5/24):  End of Quarter 4 (Minimum Day)
Monday (5/27):  No School - Memorial Day πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
Tuesday (5/28): Class Party!
Wednesday (5/29):  Spirit Day! πŸ“£
* Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal
* Lunch will be provided for all students
Thursday (5/30):  Last Day of School! πŸŽ‰
* 12:00 PM Dismissal



Posting for Monday, May 20
Monday Classwork: Greek Mythology Book Report - Red Figure Vase project
Homework: none
Social Studies
Monday Classwork:
  • "Ancient Greece" packet, pages 7-10
  • Lesson 27 = Life in Two City-States: Athens and Sparta.  - Vocabulary review activity and Summary section
  • The Lessons 26/27 Ancient Greece Test is tomorrow (Tuesday). The Lesson Games for both lessons will be due before the test. (Note: This test will cover Lessons 26 and 27 only. You will not be expected to know all the other information covered in the "Ancient Greece" packet.)
  • Use the "How to Prepare for a Social Studies" study guide for reminders about how to review for a History Alive test (also posted below).
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (5/21): Lessons 26/27 Social Studies Test (Ancient Greece)
Friday (5/24):  End of Quarter 4 (Minimum Day)
Monday (5/27):  No School - Memorial Day πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
Wednesday (5/29):  Spirit Day! πŸ“£
* Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal
* Lunch will be provided for all students
Thursday (5/30):  Last Day of School! πŸŽ‰
* 12:00 PM Dismissal



Posting for Friday, May 17th
Friday Classwork: Greek Mythology Book Report - Red Figure Vase project
Homework:  Be ready to select a Greek myth from the D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths for your book report Greek Vase project. You should have a first and second choice ready.
Social Studies
Friday Classwork:   Lesson 27 = Life in Two City-States: Athens and Sparta - Sections 5 and 9 ((Women and Slaves in Athens & Sparta)with notes in ISN on p. 202.
  • Social Studies IXL I.3 and I.4 (Athens & Sparta) will be due Monday
  • The Lessons 26/27 Ancient Greece Test will be on Tuesday. The Lesson Games for both lessons will be due before the test.
Upcoming Dates
Monday (5/20): Social Studies IXL - I.3 and I.4 due (Athens & Sparta)
Tuesday (5/21): Lessons 26/27 Social Studies Test (Ancient Greece)
Friday (5/24):  End of Quarter 4 (Minimum Day)



Posting for Thursday, May 16
Thursday Classwork:  "Who Started the Trojan War?" - Wanted Poster activity with directions, argumentative paragraph writing, and final draft poster
  • If you did not turn in your Wanted Poster for "Who Started the Trojan War?" today, you will need to complete it for homework. Don't forget, you will be turning in the blue "Apple of Discord" packet and the blue directions/grading rubric with your poster.
  • Be ready to select a Greek myth from the D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths for your book report Greek Vase project. You should have a first and second choice ready.
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: 
  •  Lesson 27 = Life in Two City-States: Athens and Sparta - Section 7 (Education in Sparta) with notes in ISN on p. 201
  • Primary Source documents on Education in Sparta - polis group work and presentations
  • Video - "This is Sparta: Fierce Warriors of the Ancient World" (TedEd)
  • IXL I.3 and I.4 (Athens & Sparta) will be due Monday
  • The Lessons 26/27 Ancient Greece Test will be on Tuesday. 
Upcoming Dates
Friday (5/17): "Who Started the Trojan War?" Wanted Poster due
Monday (5/20): Social Studies IXL - I.3 and I.4 due (Athens & Sparta)
Tuesday (5/21): Lessons 26/27 Social Studies Test (Ancient Greece)
Friday (5/24):  End of Quarter 4 (Minimum Day)



Posting for Wednesday, May 15
HMS Spirit Week ContinuesπŸ“£
Thursday - Throwback Thursday
(Fashion Prior to HMS)
Friday - Fox Day
Wednesday Classwork: "Who Started the Trojan War?" - Wanted Poster activity with directions, argumentative paragraph writing, and final draft poster
Homework: none
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork:  Lesson 27 = Life in Two City-States: Athens and Sparta
  • Sections 3 and 7 (Economy) with notes in ISN on p. 200
  • Section 4 (Education in Athens) with note in ISN on p. 201
Homework: Social Studies IXL I.1 and I.2 (Classical Athens) - due tomorrow (Thursday)
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (5/16): Social Studies IXL I.1 and I.2 due
Tuesday (5/21): Lessons 26/27 Social Studies Test (Ancient Greece)
Friday (5/24):  End of Quarter 4 (Minimum Day)



Posting for Tuesday, May 14
HMS Spirit Week ContinuesπŸ“£
Wednesday - Tie-Dye Day
Thursday - Throwback Thursday
(Fashion Prior to HMS)
Friday - Fox Day
Tuesday Classwork:
  • D'Aulaires Book of Greek Myths Activity Companion booklet collected
  • "Who Started the Trojan War?" Wanted Poster activity - directions, argumentative paragraph final draft
Homework:  Allusion to Greek Mythology assignment is due TOMORROW. Directions and an example are posted in Google Classroom for your reference. To turn in, just bring the two papers to class, one with the image and one with the paragraph. We will mount them on construction paper in class. 
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork:  Lesson 27 = Life in Two City-States: Athens and Sparta - Section 2 and 6 with notes in ISN on p. 199
Homework: Social Studies IXL I.1 and I.2 (Classical Athens) - due Thursday
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (5/15): Allusion to Greek Mythology project due
Thursday (5/16): Social Studies IXL I.1 and I.2 due
Friday (5/24):  End of Quarter 4 (Minimum Day)



Posting for Monday, May 13
Monday (5/13) - Friday (5/17):  HMS Spirit Week πŸ“£
Monday - Disney Day and 6th Grade Tug-of-War
Tuesday - Sports Jersey Day
Wednesday - Tie-Dye Day
Thursday - Throwback Thursday
(Fashion Prior to HMS)
Friday - Fox Day
Monday Classwork: "Who Started the Trojan War?" activity with blue packet - searching for text evidence while filling out the "Whodunnit?" chart
  • The D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths Activity Companion booklet is due tomorrow (Tuesday)! Remember to proofread to make sure you are writing complete stand-alone sentences that provide details, explanations, and elaboration. 
  • Allusion to Greek Mythology - Once you have had your allusion approved by Mrs. Doan, you should start working on the image and paragraph. The assignment is posted in Google Classroom. Use the directions and refer to the example as you work on this project. To turn in, just bring in the two papers, one with the image and one with the paragraph. We will mount them on construction paper in class. -  due Wednesday 5/15.
 Social Studies
Monday Classwork: 
  • Lesson 26 = The Rise of Democracy Processing Activity - Report Card in ISN on p. 196 and Vocabulary review 
  • Lesson 27 = Life in Two City-States: Athens and Sparta - Preview Activity in ISN on p. 197, Introduction in online text, Section 1 with notes in ISN on p. 198
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (5/14): D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths Activity Companion booklet due
Wednesday (5/15): Allusion to Greek Mythology project due
Friday (5/24):  End of Quarter 4 (Minimum Day)



Posting for Friday, May 10
Friday Classwork: "Who Started the Trojan War?" activity with new blue packet - searching for text evidence while filling out the "Whodunnit?" chart
  • Allusion to Greek Mythology - If you have not already had your allusion approved by Mrs. Doan, send an email this weekend with your choice. Remember, there needs to be a clear connection to Greek Mythology. The assignment is posted in Google Classroom. Use the directions and refer to the example as you get started on this project -  due Wednesday 5/15.
  • The D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths Activity Companion booklet is due Tuesday. Be ready to turn it in then.
Social Studies
Friday Classwork: Lesson 26 = The Rise of Democracy - 
  • Experiential Exercise  for different systems of government: Tyranny with Section 3 and notes in ISN on p. 193, and Democracy with Section 4 and notes in ISN on p. 195
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Sunday (5/12):  Happy Mother's Day! πŸ’
Tuesday (5/14): D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths Activity Companion booklet due
Wednesday (5/15): Allusion to Greek Mythology project due
Monday (5/13) - Friday (5/17):  HMS Spirit Week πŸ“£
Monday - Disney Day and 6th Grade Tug-of-War
Tuesday - Sports Jersey Day
Wednesday - Tie-Dye Day
Thursday - Throwback Thursday
(Fashion Prior to HMS)
Friday - Fox Day



Posting for Thursday, May 9
Thursday Classwork: "Who Started the Trojan War?" activity with new blue packet - reading of "The Apple of Dischord" play
  • Before we work on the "Who Started the Trojan War?" activity tomorrow, reread p. 178-188 in the D'Aulaires Book of Greek Myths to review this important myth 
  • The Allusion to Greek Mythology assignment is posted in Google Classroom. Use the directions and refer to the example as you get started on this project -  due Wednesday 5/15
  • The D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths should be read in its entirety by tomorrow (Friday) , and the last page in the Activity Companion booklet should be completed (p. 37). 
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: Lesson 26 = The Rise of Democracy
  • Preview Activity in ISN on p. 191
  • Experiential Exercise  for different systems of government: Monarchy with Section 1 and notes in ISN on p. 192, and Oligarchy with Section 2 and notes in ISN on p. 193
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Friday (5/10): Reading due date for D'Aulaires Book of Greek Myths
(Make sure you have read the entire book by this date)
Sunday (5/12):  Happy Mother's Day! πŸ’
Wednesday (5/15): Allusion to Greek Mythology project due
Monday (5/13) - Friday (5/17):  HMS Spirit Week πŸ“£
Monday - Disney Day and 6th Grade Tug-of-War
Tuesday - Sports Jersey Day
Wednesday - Tie-Dye Day
Thursday - Throwback Thursday
(Fashion Prior to HMS)
Friday - Fox Day



Posting for Wednesday, May 8
Wednesday Classwork:
  • Introduction of Allusion to Greek Mythology project
  • NWEA Testing
  • The Allusion to Greek Mythology assignment is posted in Google Classroom. Use the directions and refer to the example as you get started on this project -  due Wednesday 5/15
  • The D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths should be read by Friday (entire book), and the last page in the Activity Companion booklet should be completed (p. 37). 
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork:
  • "Ancient Greece"  packet p. 5-6
  • BrainPop - "Homer" assignment
Homework: If you did not finish the Classwork today (shown above), you will need to complete it for homework.
Upcoming Dates
Friday (5/10): Reading due date for D'Aulaires Book of Greek Myths
(Make sure you have read the entire book by this date)
Sunday (5/12):  Happy Mother's Day! πŸ’
Wednesday (5/15): Allusion to Greek Mythology project due
Monday (5/13) - Friday (5/17):  HMS Spirit Week πŸ“£



Posting for Tuesday, May 7
English/Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork:
  • Polis History competition
  • History Essay 1 - "Early Greek History" in packet on page 4
  • Video - "Introduction to the Minoans"
  • Greek Alphabet - p. 12-15 in packet
  • Choosing a Greek name for Nametags
  • The D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths should be read by Friday (entire book), and the last page in the Activity Companion booklet should be completed (p. 37). 
  • Make sure you completed IXL B.1 and B.2 (Theme). If you have not, these sections should be finished by tomorrow (Wednesday).
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (5/8): IXL B.1 and B.2 due (Theme)
Wednesday (5/8): NWEA Diagnostic English Assessment 
Friday (5/10): Reading due date for D'Aulaires Book of Greek Myths
(Make sure you have read the entire book by this date)
Sunday (5/12):  Happy Mother's Day! πŸ’
Monday (5/13) - Friday (5/17):  HMS Spirit Week πŸ“£



Posting for Monday, May 6
English/Social Studies
Monday Classwork: 
  • Han Dynasty Activity - IXL D.4 or TCI Lesson 22 with paragraph in Google Classroom
  • Introduction to Ancient Greece with packet - map on page 1 and "Why Study Ancient Greece?" on p. 2-3
  • Polis groups - history of each individual polis  (Argos, Corinth, Sparta, Athens, Thebes, or Megara) 
English Homework:
  • Greek Mythology Deadline #5: Read p. 96-107 and do p. 32-35 in booklet - due tomorrow (Tuesday)
  • The D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths should be read by Friday (entire book), and the last page in the Activity Companion booklet should be completed (p. 37). 
  • Make sure you completed IXL B.1 and B.2 (Theme) in class last week. These sections should be finished (due Wednesday).
Social Studies Homework: If you did not finish the Han Dynasty assignment in class, you will need to finish it for homework. It was your choice to either complete IXL D.4 (Han Dynasty) or write a paragraph in Google Classroom based on TCI Lesson 23.
Upcoming Dates
Monday (5/6):  Due Date for Selecting your 7th Grade Elective
Please contact Mrs. Gonzalez with any questions ([email protected]).
Tuesday (5/7): Greek Mythology: Read p. 96-107 and do p. 32-35 in booklet
Wednesday (5/8): IXL B.1 and B.2 due (Theme)
Friday (5/10): Reading due date for D'Aulaires Book of Greek Myths
(Make sure you have read the entire book by this date)



Posting for Friday, May 3
Have a great weekend!
Friday Classwork: D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths -
  • Video - "Overview of the Stone Lithography Process"
  • Discussion of pages 29 and 31 in the Activity Companion booklet
  • Greek Mythology Deadline #5: Read p. 96-107 and do p. 32-35 in booklet - due Tuesday 5/7
  • The entire book should be read by Friday, May 10. Work on doing some good reading this weekend!
Social Studies
Friday Classwork:
  • Wrap Up discussinon for Lesson 22 = China's First Emperor (Was the emperor of Qin an effective leader?)
  • Overview of Lesson 23 = The Han Dynasty
  • Student Choice - Complete IXL D.4 (The Han Dynasty) or write a paragraph in Google Classroom based on History Alive Lesson 23 
  • Optional - View some of the videos posted below about the Great Wall of China and the Han Dynasty
Upcoming Dates
Friday (5/3):  All School Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM)
Theme: Luau πŸ 🌺 🌊 β˜€οΈ
Monday (5/6):  Due Date for Selecting your 7th Grade Elective
Please contact Mrs. Gonzalez with any questions ([email protected]).
Tuesday (5/7): Greek Mythology: Read p. 96-107 and do p. 32-35 in booklet
Friday (5/10): Reading due date for D'Aulaires Book of Greek Myths
(Make sure you have read the entire book by this date)



Posting for Thursday, May 2
  • Greek Mythology Deadline #4: Read p. 74-95 and do p. 28-31 in booklet  - due Friday 5/3
  • Greek Mythology Deadline #5: Read p. 96-107 and do p. 32-35 in booklet - due Tuesday 5/7
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: Movie - "China's First Emperor" (Smithsonian)
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Friday (5/3): Greek Mythology: Read p. 74-95 and do p. 28-31 in booklet
Friday (5/3):  All School Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM)
Theme: Luau πŸ 🌺 🌊 β˜€οΈ
Monday (5/6):  Due Date for Selecting your 7th Grade Elective
Please contact Mrs. Gonzalez with any questions ([email protected]).
Tuesday (5/7): Greek Mythology: Read p. 96-107 and do p. 32-35 in booklet



Posting for Wednesday, May 1
The last day of CAASPP testing is tomorrow, Thursday (5/2). 
Dismissal will be at 1:20 p.m. 
Please make sure you bring your chrome book (fully charged)
and earbuds/headphones on testing days.
Wednesday Classwork: Review of Greek Mythology booklet pages 23, 25, 27.
  • Don't forget to go back and add additional details and explanations to your Greek Mythology answers based on our discussions in class. Use complete stand-alone sentences that fully explain your answers. Don't stop until you are proud!
  • Greek Mythology Deadline #4: Read p. 74-95 and do p. 28-31 in booklet  - due Friday 5/3
  • Greek Mythology Deadline #5: Read p. 96-107 and do p. 32-35 in booklet - due Tuesday 5/7
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork: Lesson 22 = The First Emperor of China -
  • Preview Activity in ISN on p. 159
  • Movie - "China's First Emperor" (Smithsonian)
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (5/2):  CAASPP Testing (Math)
Early Dismissal: 1:20 p.m.
Friday (5/3): Greek Mythology: Read p. 74-95 and do p. 28-31 in booklet
Friday (5/3):  All School Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM)
Theme: Luau πŸ 🌺 🌊 β˜€οΈ
Monday (5/6):  Due Date for Selecting your 7th Grade Elective
Please contact Mrs. Gonzalez with any questions ([email protected]).
Registration has begun for San Marino Summer Academy! β˜€οΈ
Registration closes on May 17th.



Posting for Tuesday, April 30
CAASPP testing continues Wednesday (5/1) and Thursday (5/2). 
Dismissal will be at 1:20 p.m. on both days. 
Please make sure you bring your chrome book (fully charged)
and earbuds/headphones on testing days.
Tuesday Classwork: Theme in Literature - partner activity
  • The IXL sections on Theme (B.1 and B.2) are not homework. We will be working on them in class.
  • Greek Mythology Deadline #4: Read p. 74-95 and do p. 28-31 in booklet  - due Friday 5/3
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: Lesson 21 Assessment = Three Chinese Philosophies
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (5/1):  CAASPP Testing (Math)
Early Dismissal: 1:20 p.m. - New Time!
Thursday (5/2):  CAASPP Testing (Math)
Early Dismissal: 1:20 p.m.
Friday (5/3): Greek Mythology: Read p. 74-95 and do p. 28-31 in booklet
Friday (5/3):  All School Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM)
Theme: Luau 🏝 🌺 🌊 β˜€οΈ
Monday (5/6):  Due Date for Selecting your 7th Grade Elective
Please contact Mrs. Gonzalez with any questions ([email protected]).



Posting for Monday, April 29
CAASPP testing continues Wednesday (5/1) and Thursday (5/2). 
Dismissal will be at 1:20 p.m. on both days. 
Please make sure you bring your chrome book (fully charged)
and earbuds/headphones on testing days.
Monday Classwork: Theme in Literature with IXL Video and B.1 (Match the Quotations with Their Themes)
  • The IXL sections on Theme (B.1 and B.2) are not homework. We will be working on them in class.
  • Greek Mythology Deadline #3: Read p. 56-73 and do p. 22-27 in booklet  - due tomorrow (Tuesday)
Social Studies
Monday Classwork: Lesson 21 = Three Chinese Philosophies -
  • Summary Section with Processing Activity (Family Homework Policy)
  • Video - Confucianism, Taoism and Legalism
  • Blue Packet - "Who Said What?" page with quote analysis
  • Blue Packet - "What Did the Philosophers Mean?" with chosen quotes from BrainyQuote.com and your interpretations
  • The Lesson 21 assessment will be tomorrow. Use the "How Do I Successfully Prepare for a Social Studies Test?" handout for reminders about how to review
  • The "Matrix of Knowledge" online Lesson Game for Lesson 21 is due tomorrow (before the test)
  • Remember to make sure you have completed the blue packet. It will be collected tomorrow. 
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (4/30): Greek Mythology Deadline #3: Read p. 56-73 and do p. 22-27 in booklet
Tuesday (4/30): Social Studies Lesson 21 Test = Three Chinese Philosophies
Wednesday (5/1):  CAASPP Testing (Math)
Early Dismissal: 1:20 p.m. - New Time!
Thursday (5/2):  CAASPP Testing (Math)
Early Dismissal: 1:20 p.m.



Posting for Friday, April 26
Have a great weekend!
Please note that the CAASPP testing schedule
for this coming week has changed slightly.
On both Wednesday and Thursday,
the dismissal time will be 1:20 p.m.
Friday Classwork: 
  • Greek Myths Activity Companion booklet - pages 19 and 21 corrected and discussed
  • D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Mythspages 80-85 read aloud and discussed in class (Eos, Helios & Phaethon)
Homework:  Greek Mythology Deadline #3: Read p. 56-73 and do p. 22-27 in booklet (due Tuesday)
Social Studies
Friday Classwork: Lesson 21 = Three Chinese Philosophies -
  • Experiencing Daoism while completing Section 3 with notes in ISN on p. 156
  • Legalism experience with Section 4 and notes in ISN on p. 157
Homework: The Lesson 21 Assessment will be on Tuesday. The "Matrix of Knowledge" Lesson Game will be due before the test. Students should also use the "How to Prepare for a Social Studies Test" handout for reminders about how to review (also posted below).
Upcoming Dates
Friday (4/26):  6th Grade Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM) - Sports Theme
Tuesday (4/30): Greek Mythology Deadline #3: Read p. 56-73 and do p. 22-27 in booklet
Tuesday (4/30): Social Studies Lesson 21 Test = Three Chinese Philosophies
Wednesday (5/1):  CAASPP Testing (Math)
Early Dismissal: 1:20 p.m. - New Time!
Thursday (5/2):  CAASPP Testing (Math)
Early Dismissal: 1:20 p.m.



Posting for Thursday, April 25
Congratulations, students, for working so hard to complete
the two days of ELA CAASPP testing!  You did it!
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: 
  • Video - "Who Was Confucius?" (Note: This TedEd video is also posted below for your reference.)
  • "Confucius: China's Great Teacher" blue packet - pages 1-4
Homework: none
Homework:   Greek Mythology book report - read pages 38-55 in the D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths and complete pages 18-21 in the Activity Companion booklet due tomorrow (Friday)
Upcoming Dates
Friday (4/26): Greek Mythology Deadline #2: Read p. 38-55 and do p. 18-21 in booklet
Friday (4/26):  6th Grade Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM) - Sports Theme
Tuesday (4/30): Greek Mythology Deadline #3: Read p. 56-73 and do p. 22-27 in booklet
Tuesday (4/30): Social Studies Lesson 21 Test = Three Chinese Philosophies
Wednesday (5/1):  CAASPP Testing (Math)
Early Dismissal: 1:00 p.m.
Thursday (5/2):  CAASPP Testing (Math)
Early Dismissal: 1:20 p.m.



Posting for Wednesday, April 24
Great job on state testing today!
Tomorrow will be the CAASPP ELA Performance Task.
The schedule for these special testing days is posted below.
Remember to arrive on time, bring your
charged chrome book and earbuds/headphones, 
and leave your smart watch and/or phone in your locker (or at home).
A good night's rest and healthy breakfast would also be a good idea!
Wednesday Classwork:
  • Reminders about 4 Types of Writing (English Journal p. 20) with additional notes about how to plan for Narrative, Expository/Informational, or Persuasive/Argumentative Writing.
  • Video - "CAASPP ELA PT" 
  • The video we watched today on the "CAASPP ELA - PT" is posted below for your reference. You might want to watch it again.
  • Optional - On the www.caaspp.org website, you can go to "Practice and Training Tests" again, but this time choose the "Grade 6 ELA Performance Task." This is a great way to see what tomorrow's test will look like and you can practice using the tools.
  • Optional - Review English Journal page 8 (Plot Pyramid), page 17 (Opinion/Argumentative/Persuasive Writing), and page 20 (Four Types of Writing).
  • Greek Mythology book report - read pages 38-55 in the D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths and complete pages 18-21 in the Activity Companion booklet (due Friday 4/26)
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (4/25):  CAASPP Testing (English Language-Arts)
Early Dismissal: 2:10 p.m.
Friday (4/26): Greek Mythology Deadline #2: Read p. 38-55 and do p. 18-21 in booklet
Friday (4/26):  6th Grade Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM) - Sports Theme
Tuesday (4/30): Greek Mythology Deadline #3: Read p. 56-73 and do p. 22-27 in booklet
Wednesday (5/1):  CAASPP Testing (Math)
Early Dismissal: 1:00 p.m.
Thursday (5/2):  CAASPP Testing (Math)
Early Dismissal: 1:20 p.m.



Posting for Tuesday, April 23
The first day of CAASPP testing is tomorrow!
Students should remember to arrive on time, bring their
charged chrome book and earbuds/headphones, 
and leave their smart watches and/or phones in their lockers (or at home).
A good night's rest and healthy breakfast would also be a good idea!
The special schedule for tomorrow and Thursday is posted below.
Tuesday Classwork: 
  • Test-Taking Strategies in English Journal on page 40
  • www.caaspp.org Practice and Training tests
  • Optional - Watch the video "SBAC ELA CAT Tips" posted below for reminders about tomorrow's test
  • Also optional (but a good idea!) - Review your English Journal notes for reminders about the important standards we have covered this year.
  • Greek Mythology book report - read pages 38-55 in the D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths and complete pages 18-21 in the Activity Companion booklet (due Friday 4/26)
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: Confucianism - role-playing activity while reciting answers about Confucianism from memory
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (4/24):  CAASPP Testing (English Language-Arts)
Early Dismissal: 1:00 p.m.
Thursday (4/25):  CAASPP Testing (English Language-Arts)
Early Dismissal: 2:10 p.m.
Friday (4/26): Greek Mythology Deadline #2: Read p. 38-55 and do p. 18-21 in booklet
Friday (4/26):  6th Grade Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM) - Sports Theme
Wednesday (5/1):  CAASPP Testing (Math)
Early Dismissal: 1:00 p.m.
Thursday (5/2):  CAASPP Testing (Math)
Early Dismissal: 1:20 p.m.



Posting for Monday, April 22
Please note that the special schedule for the
four days of upcoming CAASPP testing 
is posted below (attached file). 
Monday Classwork: 
  • Test-Taking Strategies
  • Practice on www.caaspp.org website while reviewing available tools in the testing format.
  • Greek Mythology book report - pages 1-37 in the D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths with pages 1-17 in the Activity Companion booklet - due tomorrow (Tuesday) 
  • Greek Mythology book report - read pages 38-55 in the D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths with pages 18-21 in the Activity Companion booklet (due Friday 4/26)
Social Studies
Monday Classwork: Lesson 21 = Three Chinese Philosophies - Section 2 with ISN p. 155 (Confucius)
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (4/23): Greek Mythology Deadline #1: Read p. 1-37 and do p. 1-17 in booklet
Wednesday (4/24):  CAASPP Testing (English Language-Arts)
Early Dismissal: 1:00 p.m.
Thursday (4/25):  CAASPP Testing (English Language-Arts)
Early Dismissal: 2:10 p.m.
Friday (4/26):  6th Grade Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM) - Sports Theme
Wednesday (5/1):  CAASPP Testing (Math)
Early Dismissal: 1:00 p.m.
Thursday (5/2):  CAASPP Testing (Math)
Early Dismissal: 1:20 p.m.



Posting for Friday, April 19
Please note that the special schedule for the
four days of upcoming CAASPP testing 
is posted below (attached file). 
Friday Classwork:
  • Common Core Workbook p. 36-45 (English Standards review)
  • English Journal page 39 on Test-Taking Strategies
Homework:   For the Greek Mythology book report, the first due date includes reading pages 1-37 in the D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths while doing pages 1-17 in the Activity Companion booklet - due Tuesday 4/23.
Social Studies
Friday Classwork: Lesson 21 = Three Chinese Philosophies - Introduction and Section 1 in ISN on p. 154 (The Zhou Dynasty)
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (4/23): Greek Mythology Deadline #1: Read p. 1-37 and do p. 1-17 in booklet
Wednesday (4/24):  CAASPP Testing (English Language-Arts)
Early Dismissal: 1:00 p.m.
Thursday (4/25):  CAASPP Testing (English Language-Arts)
Early Dismissal: 2:10 p.m.
Friday (4/26):  6th Grade Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM)
Wednesday (5/1):  CAASPP Testing (Math)
Early Dismissal: 1:00 p.m.
Thursday (5/2):  CAASPP Testing (Math)
Early Dismissal: 1:20 p.m.



Posting for Thursday, April 18
Please note that the special schedule for the
four days of upcoming CAASPP testing 
is posted below (attached file). 
Friday Classwork: 
  • Greek Myths - Activity Companion booklet p. 8 (The Olympians' Family Tree) with slide show
  • English Journal p. 38 on Theme with practice worksheet
  •  IXL G.2 (Analyze Short Stories), L.2 (Compare Two Texts with Different Genres), and GG.8, GG.9, GG.10 (Relative Pronouns) - due tomorrow (Friday) 
  • For the Greek Mythology book report, the first due date includes reading pages 1-37 in the D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths book while doing pages 1-17 in the Activity Companion booklet - due next Tuesday 4/23 (except for the pages that we will be doing in class that are marked at the bottom "In Class"). 
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork:
  • Community Circle
  • Period 5: Lesson 21 = Three Chinese Philosophies - Preview Activity in ISN on p. 153
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Friday (4/19): IXL G.2, L.2, GG.8, GG.9, GG.10 due
Tuesday (4/23): Greek Mythology Deadline #1: Read p. 1-37 and do p. 1-17 in booklet
Wednesday (4/24):  CAASPP Testing (English Language-Arts)
Early Dismissal: 1:00 p.m.
Thursday (4/25):  CAASPP Testing (English Language-Arts)
Early Dismissal: 2:10 p.m.
Friday (4/26):  6th Grade Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM)
Wednesday (5/1):  CAASPP Testing (Math)
Early Dismissal: 1:00 p.m.
Thursday (5/2):  CAASPP Testing (Math)
Early Dismissal: 1:20 p.m.



Posting for Wednesday, April 17
Please note that the special schedule for the
four days of upcoming CAASPP testing 
is posted below (attached file). 
Wednesday Classwork:
  • BrainPop - "Greek Gods" assignment
  • Greek Myths activity booklet - page 7 on The Olympians with slide show
  • Independent Work Time - Greek Myths booklet Assignment #1 
  •  IXL G.2 (Analyze Short Stories), L.2 (Compare Two Texts with Different Genres), and GG.8, GG.9, GG.10 (Relative Pronouns) - due this Friday 
  • For the Greek Mythology book report, the first due date includes reading pages 1-37 in the D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths book while doing pages 1-17 in the Activity Companion booklet - due next Tuesday 4/23 (except for the pages that we will be doing in class that are marked at the bottom "In Class"). 
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork: Lesson 21 = Three Chinese Philosophies - Preview Activity in ISN on p. 153
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Friday (4/19): IXL G.2, L.2, GG.8, GG.9, GG.10 due
Tuesday (4/23): Greek Mythology Deadline #1: Read p. 1-37 and do p. 1-17 in booklet
Wednesday (4/24):  CAASPP Testing (English Language-Arts)
Early Dismissal: 1:00 p.m.
Thursday (4/25):  CAASPP Testing (English Language-Arts)
Early Dismissal: 2:10 p.m.
Friday (4/26):  6th Grade Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM)
Wednesday (5/1):  CAASPP Testing (Math)
Early Dismissal: 1:00 p.m.
Thursday (5/2):  CAASPP Testing (Math)
Early Dismissal: 1:20 p.m.



Posting for Tuesday, April 16
Tuesday Classwork: Introduction of D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths with Activity Companion booklet -
  • In booklet, pages 1 and 2 completed in class with Google slide show
  • In D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths, pages 1-15 read and discussed
  •  IXL G.2 (Analyze Short Stories), L.2 (Compare Two Texts with Different Genres), and GG.8, GG.9, G.10 (Relative Pronouns) - due this Friday 
  • For the Greek Mythology book report, the first due date includes reading pages 1-37 in the D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths book while doing pages 1-17 in the Activity Companion booklet - due next Tuesday 4/23 (except for the pages that we will be doing in class that are marked at the bottom "In Class"). Period 1 - You will be able to check out your books tomorrow morning.
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: 
  • Video - "Ancient China: Part One"
  • IXL D.1 (Ancient China)
Homework: Social Studies IXL DD.1, DD.2, DD.3 (U.S. Constitution) - due tomorrow (Wednesday)
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (4/17): Social Studies IXL DD.1, DD.2, DD.3 (U.S. Constitution) due
Friday (4/19): IXL G.2, L.2, GG.8, GG.9, GG.10 due
Tuesday (4/23): Greek Mythology Deadline #1: Read p. 1-37 and do p. 1-17 in booklet
Wednesday (4/24):  CAASPP Testing (English Language-Arts)
Early Dismissal: 1:00 p.m.
Thursday (4/25):  CAASPP Testing (English Language-Arts)
Early Dismissal: 2:10 p.m.
Friday (4/26):  6th Grade Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM)
Wednesday (5/1):  CAASPP Testing (Math)
Early Dismissal: 1:00 p.m.
Thursday (5/2):  CAASPP Testing (Math)
Early Dismissal: 1:20 p.m.



Posting for Friday, April 5
Have a wonderful Spring Break!
Friday Classwork: 
  • Common Core Workbook: Tryout Test corrected
  • Relative Pronouns 
Homework/Head Start Opportunity: IXL G.2 (Analyze Short Stories), L.2 (Compare Two Texts with Different Genres), and GG.8, GG.9, G.10 (Relative Pronouns) - due Friday 4/19
Social Studies
Friday Classwork: Lesson 19 Assessment
Homework/Head Start Opportunity: Social Studies IXL DD.1, DD.2, DD.3 (U.S. Constitution) - due Wednesday 4/17
Upcoming Dates
Monday (4/8) - Friday (4/12):  Spring Break! πŸŒ·
Monday (4/15):  Professional Development Day - No School for Students
Tuesday (4/16):  School Resumes for Students
Wednesday (4/17): Social Studies IXL DD.1, DD.2, DD.3 (U.S. Constitution)
Friday (4/19): IXL G.2, L.2, GG.8, GG.9, GG.10 due



Posting for Thursday, April 4
Thank you so much to those who have sent in boxes of Kleenex.
All donations are much appreciated!
Thursday Classwork:
  • Mid-Quarter 4 IXL Quiz
  • Common Core Workbook - Tryout Test: Part 3
Homework: If you did not finish the Tryout Test Part 3, please finish it for homework.
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork:  Lesson 19 = Geography and Early Settlement of China - Section 8 (Ancient China's Isolation), Section 9 (Different Regions, Different Ways of Live), and Summary with notes in ISN on p. 144 and 145.
  • Complete the Lesson Game "Charting the Course" for Lesson 19 (due tomorrow BEFORE the test)
  • Review for the Lesson 19 test by viewing some of the posted videos and using your "How to Prepare for a Social Studies Test" handout
  • Social Studies IXL DD.1, DD.2, and DD.3 (U.S. Constitution) will be due after the break on Wednesday 4/17.
Upcoming Dates



Posting for Wednesday, April 3
Thank you so much to those who have sent in boxes of Kleenex.
All donations are much appreciated!
Wednesday Classwork: Common Core Workbook pages 13-19 (Tryout Test Part 2)
  • If you did not finish the Common Core Workbook Tryout Test: Part 2 on pages 13-19, complete it for homework.
  • Review for the Mid-Quarter 4 English Test (IXL Quiz) tomorrow (Thursday). Use the Study Guide (also posted below). 
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork: Lesson 19 = Geography and Early Settlement of China - Section 4 (Northeastern Plain), Section 5 (North China Plain) , Section 6 (Chang Jiang Basins), and Section 7 (Early Settlement in Ancient China) with notes in ISN on p. 142 and 143.
  • Memorize the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution and be prepared to recite it sometime this week. If you prefer, you can write it down instead of reciting it. 
  • The Lesson 19 Assessment will be on Friday.
  • Social Studies IXL DD.1, DD.2, and DD.3 (U.S. Constitution) will be due after the break on Wednesday 4/17.



Posting for Tuesday, April 2
We are almost completely out of Kleenex.
Any donations would be most welcome!
Tuesday Classwork:
  • Common Core Workbook pages 6-12 - Tryout Test: Part 1
  • Nonfiction Text Structure project - presentations
  • If you did not finish the Common Core Workbook Tryout Test: Part 1 on pages 6-12, complete it for homework.
  • There will be a Mid-Quarter 4 English Test (IXL Quiz) on Thursday. The Study Guide is posted below. 
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork:  Lesson 19 = Geography and Early Settlement of China - Section 2 (Tibet Qinghai Plateau) and Section 3 (Northwestern Deserts) with notes in ISN on p. 142.
  • Memorize the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution and be prepared to recite it sometime this week. If you prefer, you can write it down instead of reciting it. 
  • The Lesson 19 Assessment will be on Friday.
  • Social Studies IXL DD.1, DD.2, and DD.3 (U.S. Constitution) will be due after the break on Wednesday 4/17.
Upcoming Dates



Posting for Monday, April 1

Happy April! 🌷

We are almost completely out of Kleenex.
Any donations would be most welcome!
Monday Classwork: 
  • Final reminders and edits for Nonfiction Text Structure project
  • Sign-up Sheet for Nonfiction Text Structure presentations
Homework: IXL GG.5, GG.6, GG.7 (Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns) - due tomorrow (Tuesday) 
Social Studies
Monday Classwork: Lesson 19 = Geography and Early Settlement of China - Preview Activity, Introduction, and Section 1 with notes in ISN on p. 141-142
  • Achievements of the Gupta Empire assignment in Google Classroom - due tomorrow (Tuesday) 
  • Memorize the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution and be prepared to recite it sometime this week. If you prefer, you can write it down instead of reciting it. 
Upcoming Dates



Posting for Thursday, March 28
Because many students will be out tomorrow due to Band, Orchestra, or
Choir events, I have provided information below about 
what will be happening in class on Friday. Students are expected
to make up the work they miss. Due dates are included for your reference.
Thursday and Friday Classwork:
  • IXL GG.5, GG.6, GG.7 (Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns) - Explanation, Video, and Group Jam
  • Nonfiction Text Structure project - independent work
  • Nonfiction Text Structure project in Google Classroom - due Monday 4/1
  • IXL GG.5, GG.6, GG.7 (Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns) - due Tuesday 4/2
Social Studies
Thursday and Friday Classwork:
  • Interpreting Ashoka's Edicts activity 
  • The Preamble of the United States Constitution - Schoolhouse Rock video, annotation and discussion
  • Lesson 18 = The Achievements of the Gupta Empire - Introduction and Section 1
  • Interpreting Ashoka's Edicts - two purple papers due tomorrow (Note: If you will be absent on Friday and you have not yet turned these in, you will need to turn them in on Monday)
  • Achievements of the Gupta Empire assignment in Google Classroom - due Tuesday 4/2
  • Memorize the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution and be prepared to recite it sometime next week. If you prefer, you can write it down instead of reciting it. 
Upcoming Dates



Posting for Wednesday, March 27
Wednesday Classwork:  Nonfiction Text Structure project 
  • If you have not finished at least 3 sections for the Nonfiction Text Structure project, you should work on this for homework. 
  • Note -The IXL Assignment is due tomorrow (Thursday). It includes the following Skills:
IXL - N.1 (Order Topic From Broadest to Narrowest)
5th Grade IXL - Q.1 (Put the Sentences in Order
IXL - NN.1, NN.2 (Coordinating Conjunctions)
IXL - NN.3 (Subordinating Conjunctions
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork: Lesson 17 = The First Unification of India (Mauryan Empire) - "Interpreting Ashoka's Edicts" activity with partner
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates



Posting for Tuesday, March 26Th
Thursday Classwork: Nonfiction Text Structure project 
Homework: Note -
  • By now, you should have completed at least two sections for the Nonfiction Text Structure project that we have been working on in class. If you have not, work on this for homework.
  • The IXL Assignment is due Thursday. It includes the following Skills:
IXL - N.1 (Order Topic From Broadest to Narrowest)
5th Grade IXL - Q.1 (Put the Sentences in Order
IXL - NN.1, NN.2 (Coordinating Conjunctions)
IXL - NN.3 (Subordinating Conjunctions
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: Lesson 17 = The First Unification of India (Mauryan Empire) - "Interpreting Ashoka's Edicts" activity with partner
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates



Posting for Monday, March 25
Monday Classwork: Nonfiction Text Structure project
Homework: Note - We will be doing most of the writing for the Nonfiction Text Structure project in class. You do not need to work on it for homework. 
The IXL Assignment is due Thursday. It includes the following Skills:
  • IXL - N.1 (Order Topic From Broadest to Narrowest)
  • 5th Grade IXL - Q.1 (Put the Sentences in Order
  • IXL - NN.1, NN.2 (Coordinating Conjunctions)
  • IXL - NN.3 (Subordinating Conjunctions
Social Studies
Monday Classwork: Lesson 17 = The First Unification of India (Mauryan Empire) - Sections 3 with notes in ISN on p. 127.
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates



Posting for Friday, March 22
Friday Classwork: Nonfiction Text Structure project - topic approval and planning sheet
Homework: The next IXL Assignment is due Thursday 3/28. It includes the following Skills:
  • IXL - N.1 (Order Topic From Broadest to Narrowest)
  • 5th Grade IXL - Q.1 (Put the Sentences in Order
  • IXL - NN.1, NN.2 (Coordinating Conjunctions)
  • IXL - NN.3 (Subordinating Conjunctions
Social Studies
Friday Classwork:  Lesson 17 = The First Unification of India (Mauryan Empire) - Introduction and Sections 1-2 with notes in ISN on p. 126
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates



Posting for Thursday, March 21
Thursday Classwork: 
  • Compare & Contrast Organization - "Flutes vs. Saxophones" paragraph in Google Classroom with green packet
  • Nonfiction Text Structure Writing - introduction of project with examples and rubric; proposal for topic (pink sheet)
Homework: Nonfiction Text Structure Project - The pink proposal form is due tomorrow. Make sure you have a back-up plan for a different topic if your topic is already taken.
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: Lesson 17 = The First Unification of India (Mauryan Empire) - Preview Activity in ISN on p. 125
Homework:   Social Studies IXL E.2 (The Mauryan Empire) - due tomorrow (Friday)
Upcoming Dates
Friday (3/22): Social Studies E.2 due (Mauryan Empire)



Posting for Wednesday, March 20
Thursday Classwork: Compare & Contrast Text Structure (green packet) - Organization
Homework:   IXL - E.1, E.2, E.3, E.4 (Nonfiction Text Structure) - due Thursday
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: "Teachings of Buddhism" Digital Notebook Activity with Buddha Quote Analysis
  • The "Teachings of Buddhism" Digital Notebook Activity in Google Classroom is due tomorrow. Remember to proofread and "Turn In." (If you want to see the ideas and reminders about how to analyze quotes, you can access the list below.)
  • Social Studies IXL E.2 (The Mauryan Empire) - due Friday
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (3/21): IXL E.1 - E.4 due (Nonfiction Text Structure)
Friday (3/22): Social Studies E.2 due (Mauryan Empire)



Posting for Tuesday, March 19
Tuesday Classwork:
  • Flocabulary Video - "Nonfiction Text Structure"
  • Independent Practice - Nonfiction Text Structure (green worksheet) with Clue Words (Signal Words) highlighted or circled
  • Make sure your green worksheet packet on Nonfiction Text Structure is complete (20 questions) with Clue Words circled or highlighted (at least 3 words per passage)
  • IXL E.1, E.2, E.3, E.4 (Nonfiction Text Structure) - due Thursday
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: 
  • Buddhism blue packet - pages 4-6
  • Teachings of Buddhism Digital Notebook Activity in Google Classroom (first two pages, but not the quote activity yet)
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (3/21): IXL E.1 - E.4 due (Nonfiction Text Structure)



Posting for Monday, March 18
Monday Classwork: Nonfiction Text Structure lesson in English Journal on p. 36 with practice
Homework: IXL E.1, E.2, E.3, E.4 (Nonfiction Text Structure) - due Thursday
Social Studies
Monday Classwork:
  • Little Buddha movie
  • Blue Buddhism packet, pages 4-6
Homework: Social Studies IXL H.5 (Origins of Buddhism) - due tomorrow
Upcoming Dates
Monday (3/18):  Quarter 4 Begins!
Tuesday (3/19): Social Studies IXL H.5 due (Buddhism)
Thursday (3/21): IXL E.1 - E.4 due (Nonfiction Text Structure)
Monday (3/18):  Registration for San Marino Summer Academy β˜€οΈ (6:00 PM)



Posting for Thursday, March 14
Thursday Classwork: Guts Unit Test
Homework: none
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: Little Buddha movie
Homework: Social Studies IXL H.5 (Origins of Buddhism) - due Tuesdsay
Upcoming Dates
Friday (3/15):  Quarter 3 Ends (Minimum Day)
Monday (3/18):  Quarter 4 Begins!
Friday (3/15):  Fox Games 🦊 (PTA Fundraiser)  LINK to the Website
12:40 - 3:30 PM (HMS)
Monday (3/18):  Registration for San Marino Summer Academy β˜€οΈ (6:00 PM)



Posting for Wednesday, March 13
Wednesday Classwork: 
  • StudySync Video on "Connotation and Denotation" with worksheet in Guts green packet page 2
  • Main Idea practice with "Popcorn and the Movies" worksheet and summary writing
Homework: The Guts Unit Test is tomorrow (Thursday). It will cover the excerpt from Guts in the Turning Points workbook, as well as the work we have been doing on nonfiction text, including Main Idea, Key Details, Supporting (Minor) Details, and Organization of Nonfiction text. The grammar focus will be adjectives and the reading/vocab. skill will be denotation and connotation. Refer to the pink Study Guide that was passed out in class today (also posted below). 
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork: "The Story of Buddha's Enlightenment" in blue packet
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (3/14): English Test - Informational Text/Main Idea/Guts
Friday (3/15):  Quarter 3 Ends (Minimum Day)
Monday (3/18):  Quarter 4 Begins!
Friday (3/15):  Fox Games 🦊 (PTA Fundraiser)  LINK to the Website
12:40 - 3:30 PM (HMS)
Monday (3/18):  Registration for San Marino Summer Academy β˜€οΈ (6:00 PM)



Posting for Tuesday, March 12
Tuesday Classwork: StudySync lesson with Guts  on Main Idea with Define Video, Model section, Your Turn quiz, and green packet page 4
  • If you did not finish the StudySync online Guts: First Read assignment (with Vocabulary practice and Think questions) in class, please finish it for homework and submit.
  • The Guts Unit Test will be on Thursday. It will cover the excerpt from Guts in the Turning Points workbook, as well as the work we have been doing on nonfiction text, including Main Idea, Key Details, Supporting (Minor) Details, and Organization of Nonfiction text. The grammar focus will be adjectives and the reading/vocab. skill will be denotation and connotation. Refer to the pink Study Guide that was passed out in class today (also posted below). 
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: Lesson 15 Assessment = Hinduism (open-note)
Homework: If you did not already return the Little Buddha movie permission slip, please get a parent signature and return it tomorrow.
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (3/14): English Test - Informational Text/Main Idea/Guts
Friday (3/15):  Quarter 3 Ends (Minimum Day)
Monday (3/18):  Quarter 4 Begins!
Friday (3/15):  Fox Games 🦊 (PTA Fundraiser)  LINK to the Website
12:40 - 3:30 PM (HMS)
Monday (3/18):  Registration for San Marino Summer Academy β˜€οΈ (6:00 PM)



Posting for Monday, March 11
If you have not already done so, please get your
permission slip for the Little Buddha movie signed
(yellow paper). 
Monday Classwork: Guts by Gary Paulsen - First Read assignment online with Vocabulary and Think Questions
  • IXL Y.2 (Positive and Negative Connotation) with Google Classroom Vocabulary Activity - due tomorrow (Tuesday) 
  • The Guts Unit Test will be on Thursday. It will cover the excerpt from Guts in the Turning Points workbook, as well as the work we have been doing on nonfiction text, including Main Idea, Key Details, Supporting (Minor) Details, and Organization of Nonfiction text. The grammar focus will be adjectives and the reading/vocab. skill will be denotation and connotation. 
Social Studies
Monday Classwork:  Lesson 15 = Learning About World Religions: Hinduism - Section 7 with notes in ISN on page 115 and Summary with reminders about review guidelines
  • The Lesson 15 Assessment is tomorrow (Tuesday). Remember, this is an open-note test, which means you may have your ISN workbook open to the notes we did together in class.
  • The Lesson 15 "Matrix of Knowledge" Lesson Game is due (before the test).
  • Little Buddha permission slip
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (3/12): IXL Y.2 (Connotation) with Vocab. Activity in Google Classroom due
Tuesday (3/12): Social Studies Lesson 15 Test (Hinduism)
Thursday (3/14): English Test - Informational Text/Main Idea/Guts
Friday (3/15):  Quarter 3 Ends (Minimum Day)
Friday (3/15): Fox Games - PTA Fundraiser (12:40-3:30 p.m.)



Posting for Thursday, March 7
Happy Thursday! β˜˜οΈ
I'm looking forward to seeing many of you tonight for Open House!
The classrooms will be open from 6:00- 7:30.
Thursday Classwork: Denotation and Connotation - Lesson in English Journal on p. 35
  • BrainPop - "Main Idea" assignment - due tomorrow
  • IXL Y.2 (Positive and Negative Connotation) with Google Classroom Vocabulary Activity - due Tuesday 3/12
  • The Guts Unit Test will be on Thursday 3/14. It will cover the excerpt from Guts in the Turning Points workbook, as well as the work we have been doing on nonfiction text, including Main Idea, Key Details, Supporting (Minor) Details, and Organization of Nonfiction text. The grammar focus will be adjectives and the reading/vocab. skill will be denotation and connotation. 
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: Lesson 15 = Learning About World Religions: Hinduism - Sections 5 and 6 with notes in ISN on p. 114-115
Homework: The Lesson 15 Assessment will be on Tuesday, March 12 (open-note). The Lesson 15 "Matrix of Knowledge" Lesson Game will also be due (before the test).
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (3/7):  HMS Open House/Showcase *note date change
(6:00 - 7:30 PM)
Friday (3/8):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Tuesday (3/12): IXL Y.2 (Connotation) with Vocab. Activity in Google Classroom due
Tuesday (3/12): Social Studies Lesson 15 Test (Hinduism)
Thursday (3/14): English Test - Informational Text/Main Idea/Guts
Friday (3/15):  Quarter 3 Ends (Minimum Day)



Posting for Wednesday, March 6
Wednesday Classwork: Guts by Gary Paulsen in Turning Points workbook with Annotation Assignment in green packet on p. 1.
  • If you did not finish the Annotation Assignment for Guts in the Turning Points workbook on pages 11-12, finish it for homework.
  • IXL - K.3, K.4 (Informational Text: Malala) and KK.7, KK.8 (Comparative/Superlative Adjectives) - due tomorrow (Thursday) 
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork:
  • Community Circle
  • Egypt Report - presentation copies
Homework:   BrainPop - "Religion" assignment (due Friday)
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (3/7): IXL K.3, K.4, KK.7, KK.8 due
Thursday (3/7):  HMS Open House/Showcase *note date change
(6:00 - 7:30 PM)
Friday (3/8):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Tuesday (3/12): Social Studies Lesson 15 Test (Hinduism)
Thursday (3/14): English Test - Informational Text/Main Idea/Guts
Friday (3/15):  Quarter 3 Ends (Minimum Day)



Posting for Tuesday, March 5
Tuesday Classwork: 
  • Main Idea and Supporting Details/Organizing and Outlining - practice with "Skunk Spray" passage
  • Google Classroom assignment - "Skunk Spray" Summary
  • If you did not turn in your "Skunk Spray" Summary in Google Classroom, make sure you do that for homework.
  • IXL - K.3, K.4 (Informational Text: Malala) and KK.7, KK.8 (Comparative/Superlative Adjectives) - due Thursday 
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: Lesson 15 = Learning About World Religions: Hinduism - Sections 3 and 4 with notes in ISN on p. 113-114
  • Social Studies IXL H.4 (Hinduism) - due tomorrow (Wednesday) 
  • BrainPop - "Religion" assignment (due Friday)
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (3/6): Social Studies IXL H.4 due (Hinduism)
Thursday (3/7): IXL K.3, K.4, KK.7, KK.8 due
Thursday (3/7):  HMS Open House/Showcase *note date change
(6:00 - 7:30 PM)
Friday (3/8):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Friday (3/15):  Quarter 3 Ends (Minimum Day)



Posting for Monday, March 4
Monday Classwork: Main Idea and Supporting Details/Organizing and Outlining - practice with "Skunk Spray" passage
Homework:  IXL - K.3, K.4 (Informational Text: Malala) and KK.7, KK.8 (Comparative/Superlative Adjectives) - due Thursday 
Social Studies
Monday Classwork: Ancient Egypt Research Report revisions
  • If you did not finish making your Egypt Research Report revisions, finish them up for homework. If possible, print out a final color copy (one-sided, not stapled)
  • Google Classroom - "Writing Goals/Reflections" assignment due tomorrow
  • Social Studies IXL H.4 (Hinduism) - due Wednesday
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (3/6): Social Studies IXL H.4 due (Hinduism)
Thursday (3/7): IXL K.3, K.4, KK.7, KK.8 due
Thursday (3/7):  HMS Open House/Showcase
(6:00 - 7:30 PM)
Friday (3/8):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Friday (3/15):  Quarter 3 Ends (Minimum Day)



Posting for Friday, March 1
Happy March! 
Friday Classwork: 
  • Writing a Summary - "Hurricane Katrina" in English Journal on page 34
  • Identifying Supporting Details - "Louis Zamperini" (yellow worksheet)
Homework: IXL - K.3, K.4 (Informational Text: Malala) and KK.7, KK.8 (Comparative/Superlative Adjectives) - due Thursday 3/7
Social Studies
Friday Classwork:  Lesson 15 = Learning About World Religions: Hinduism - Sections 1 and 2 with notes in ISN on p. 112
Homework: Social Studies IXL H.4 (Hinduism) - due Wednesday 3/6
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (3/6): Social Studies IXL H.4 due (Hinduism)
Thursday (3/7): IXL K.3, K.4, KK.7, KK.8 due
Thursday (3/7):  HMS Open House/Showcase *note date change
(6:00 - 7:30 PM)
Friday (3/8):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Friday (3/15):  Quarter 3 Ends (Minimum Day)



Posting for Thursday, February 29
Thursday Classwork:  "Hurricane Katrina" passage in English Journal on p. 34 with lesson on main idea, key details, supporting details
Homework: IXL A.1 (Main Idea) is due tomorrow. Remember, for this section you need to try to reach 100, even if it takes more than 30 minutes. Spend at least 45 minutes toward achieving a SmartScore of 100.
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: Lesson 15 = Learning About World Religions: Hinduism - Preview Activity in ISN on p. 111 and Introduction in online text
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Friday (3/1): IXL A.1 (Main Idea) due
Thursday (3/7):  HMS Open House/Showcase *note date change
(6:00 - 7:30 PM)
Friday (3/8):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Friday (3/15):  Quarter 3 Ends (Minimum Day)



Posting for Wednesday, February 28
Wednesday Classwork: Independent Practice - Main Idea -
  • Main Idea "Practice" yellow worksheet
  • BrainPop "Main Idea" assignment - Video, Review Quiz, Graded Quiz
  • IXL - A.1 (Main Idea)
  • If you did not finish the BrainPop "Main Idea" assignment in class, finish it for homework (due tomorrow)
  •  IXL K.1 and K.2 (Analyze Nonfiction Passages on Harriet Tubman) and KK.1 and KK.2 (Adjectives) - due tomorrow (Thursday) 
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork: Lesson 14 = Unlocking the Secrets of Mohenjodaro - Sections 3-10 with notes on chart for Archaeologists' Ideas (info. for notes from xerox copy of chapter)
Homework: The Mohenjodaro "Notes About Ancient Artifacts and Ruins" project (chart on gray card stock) is due tomorrow. Proofread carefully to make sure you have 3 complete and legible sentences (bullet points) in each box.
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (2/29): IXL K.1 and K.2 (Analyze Passages) and KK.1 and KK.2 (Adjectives) due
Friday (3/1): IXL A.1 (Main Idea) due
Thursday (3/7):  HMS Open House/Showcase *note date change
(6:00 - 7:30 PM)
Friday (3/8):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Friday (3/15):  Quarter 3 Ends (Minimum Day)



Posting for Tuesday, February 27
Welcome Back!
Tuesday Classwork: Lesson on Determining Main Idea in English Journal on page 33.
Homework:  IXL K.1 and K.2 (Analyze Nonfiction Passages on Harriet Tubman) and KK.1 and KK.2 (Adjectives) - due Thursday 
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: Lesson 14 = Unlocking the Secrets of Mohenjodaro - Sections 1 and 2 with notes on chart for Archaeologists' Ideas (info. for notes from xerox copy of chapter)
Homework:  IXL E.1 (Indus Civilization) - due tomorrow (Wednesday)
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (2/28): Social Studies IXL E.1 due (Indus Civ.)
Thursday (2/29): IXL K.1 and K.2 (Analyze Passages) and KK.1 and KK.2 (Adjectives) due
Thursday (3/7):  HMS Open House/Showcase *note date change
(6:00 - 7:30 PM)
Friday (3/8):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Friday (3/15):  Quarter 3 Ends (Minimum Day)



Posting for Thursday, February 15

Happy Thursday! 

Tomorrow is Career Day at HMS so you do not need to bring any materials to class tomorrow. 

However, please bring your best behavior and respectful manners with you! πŸ˜ƒ

Thursday Classwork:
  • "Eleven" Unit Test
  • StudySync - "Blog It!" online assignment (text features)
  • If you did not finish the StudySync "Blog It!" online assignment in class, please complete it for homework
  • Head Start Opportunity - IXL K.1 and K.2 (Analyze Nonfiction Passages on Harriet Tubman) and KK.1 and KK.2 (Adjectives) - due Thursday 2/29
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork:  Lesson 14 = Unlocking the Secrets of Mohenjodaro - Artifact Excavation activity
  • If you have not finished examining all the artifacts and filling out the "Ideas" sections on your Mohenjodaro chart, complete this for homework. There is a link below for the placards we have been referencing.
  • Head Start Opportunity - IXL E.1 (Indus Civilization) - due Wednesday 2/28
Upcoming Dates
Monday (2/12) - Friday (2/16):  Career and Spirit Week
Friday (2/16):  HMS Career Day (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (2/19) - Friday (2/23):  Presidents Week (No School)
Monday (2/26):  Professional Development Day for Teachers -
No School for Students
Wednesday (2/28): Social Studies IXL E.1 due (Indus Civ.)
Thursday (2/29): IXL K.1 and K.2 (Analyze Passages) and KK.1 and KK.2 (Adjectives) due



Posting for Wednesday, February 14
Happy Valentine's Day! πŸ’

... and remember, Career Week continues.

Tomorrow (Thursday), remember to wear a hat to school! πŸŽ© 🧒

Wednesday Classwork:
  • BrainPop - "Valentine's Day"
  • Worksheet with Valentine's Day Idioms and Analogies
  • "Eleven" Unit Test Review reminders/"Eleven" green packet completion
  • IXL GG.3 and GG. 4 - due tomorrow (Thursday)
  • The "Eleven" Unit Test is tomorrow! Use the Study Guide that was distributed in class (also posted below).
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork:  Lesson 14 = Unlocking the Secrets of Mohenjodaro - Artifact Excavation activity
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Monday (2/12) - Friday (2/16):  Career and Spirit Week
Thursday (2/14): IXL GG.3, GG.4 due (Pronouns)
Thursday (2/15):  "Eleven" Unit Test
Friday (2/16):  HMS Career Day (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)



Posting for Tuesday, February 13
Happy Tuesday! 🍎

Tomorrow (Wednesday), remember to "Dream about Your Future" and wear pajamas to school!

Tuesday Classwork: 
  • Figurative Language Quiz
  • IXL GG.3 (Compound Subjects & Objects with Pronouns) and GG.4 (Use Possessive Pronouns)
  • "Eleven" green packet page 6 - "Literary Analysis: Compare Symbolism"
  • BrainPop - "Test Preparation" Video, Review Quiz, Graded Quiz (due tomorrow)
  • IXL GG.3 and GG. 4 (due Thursday)
  • The "Eleven" Unit Test will be on Thursday. The Study Guide will be distributed in class (and posted below).
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: Lesson 14 = Unlocking the Secrets of Mohenjodaro - Artifact Excavation activity
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Monday (2/12) - Friday (2/16):  Career and Spirit Week
Wednesday (2/14):  Happy Valentine's Day! β€οΈ
Thursday (2/14): IXL GG.3, GG.4 due (Pronouns)
Thursday (2/15):  "Eleven" Unit Test
Friday (2/16):  HMS Career Day (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)



Posting for Monday, February 12
Welcome to Career and Spirit Week! 
Tomorrow (Tuesday), remember to show that your future is BRIGHT
by wearing sunglasses and/or bright colors to school! πŸ•Ά
Monday Classwork: 
  • StudySync Online lesson on "Figures of Speech" in "Eleven 
  • Figurative Language sorting activity with partner
  • The Figurative Language Quiz is tomorrow. Remember to review your English Journal and Reading Candy packet. (Make sure your Reading Candy packet is complete and ready to turn in.)
  • IXL F.3 (Interpret Figures of Speech), F.4 (Classify Figures of Speech), F.5 (Analyzed the Effects of Figures of Speech on Meaning and Tone) - due tomorrow (Tuesday) 
Social Studies
Monday Classwork: Lesson 14 = Unlocking the Secrets of Mohenjodaro 
  • Reading in History Alive online text - Introduction, Section 1
  • Introduction of "Artifact Excavation" activity
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Monday (2/12) - Friday (2/16):  Career and Spirit Week
Tuesday (2/13): IXL F.3, F.4, F.4 due (Figurative Language)
(Note: Fig. Lang. Quiz on this day.)
Wednesday (2/14):  Happy Valentine's Day! β€οΈ
Thursday (2/15):  "Eleven" Unit Test
Friday (2/16):  HMS Career Day (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)



Posting for Friday, February 9
Friday Classwork: StudySync online lesson in "Eleven" First Read assignment - Sync TV episode and Think Question #4
  • If you did not finish Think Question #4 in the StudySync "Eleven" First Read assignment, complete it at home and "Submit"
  • IXL F.3 (Interpret Figures of Speech), F.4 (Classify Figures of Speech), F.5 (Analyzed the Effects of Figures of Speech on Meaning and Tone) - due Tuesday 2/13 (Note: The Figurative Language Quiz will also be on Tuesday.)
Social Studies
Friday Classwork:
  • Lesson 13 Assessment (Geography and Early Settlement of India)
  • BrainPop - "Lunar New Year" Video, Review Quiz, Graded Quiz
  • "Celebrating Chinese New Year: 2024, The Year of the Dragon" passage with comprehension questions
Homework: If you did not finish the BrainPop "Lunar New Year" assignment, finish it at home
Upcoming Dates
Monday (2/12) - Friday (2/16):  Career and Spirit Week
Tuesday (2/13): IXL F.3, F.4, F.4 due (Figurative Language)
(Note: Fig. Lang. Quiz on this day.)
Wednesday (2/14):  Happy Valentine's Day! β€οΈ
Thursday (2/15):  "Eleven" Unit Test
Friday (2/16):  HMS Career Day (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)



Posting for Thursday, February 8
Thursday Classwork:
  • Symbolism lesson in English Journal, p. 32, with two videos (posted below)
  • Google Classroom assignment - Symbolism in "Eleven" by Sandra Cisneros
  • Proofread and submit the Google Classroom assignment on Symbolism in "Eleven"
  • IXL FF.4 (Identify All Possible Antecedents) and FF.5 (Inappropriate Shifts in Pronoun Number and Person) - due tomorrow (Friday) 
  • IXL F.3 (Interpret Figures of Speech), F.4 (Classify Figures of Speech), F.5 (Analyzed the Effects of Figures of Speech on Meaning and Tone) - due Tuesday 2/13 (Note: The Figurative Language Quiz will also be on Tuesday.)
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork:
  • Community Circle
  • Review Guidelines for Lesson 13 Test
  • The Lesson 13 Test is tomorrow (Geography and Early Settlement of India). Make sure you review carefully by using the "How to Prepare for a Social Studies Test" handout (also posted below).
  • Complete the Lesson 13 "Charting the Course" Lesson Game for homework as test review (before the test!)
Upcoming Dates
Friday (2/9): IXL FF.4, FF.5 due (Vague Pronouns)
Friday (2/9): Social Studies Lesson 13 Test (Geography of India)
Friday (2/9):  ASB Elections
Monday (2/12) - Friday (2/16):  Career and Spirit Week
Tuesday (2/13): IXL F.3, F.4, F.4 due (Figurative Language)
(Note: Fig. Lang. Quiz on this day.)
Wednesday (2/14):  Happy Valentine's Day! β€οΈ
Thursday (2/15):  "Eleven" Unit Test
Friday (2/16):  HMS Career Day (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)



Posting for Wednesday, February 7
Wednesday Classwork: 
  • Figurative Language Sorting Activity in "Eleven" packet, page 7
  • Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - final draft of climax/plot summary paragraph on index card
  • The final Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report project is due tomorrow (Thursday). You will be turning in 3 things - the completed triorama, the index card (do not tape it on, we will do that in class), and the Plot Line (this can be in pencil as it is a planning sheet for the project)  Note: Please turn in the original directions sheet as well (the grading rubric is on the back). Remember, for the triorama, it is very difficult to draw people. Silhouette figures made out of construction paper usually work better, as shown in the photos above. 
  • IXL FF.4 (Identify All Possible Antecedents) and FF.5 (Inappropriate Shifts in Pronoun Number and Person) - due Friday 2/9
  • IXL F.3 (Interpret Figures of Speech), F.4 (Classify Figures of Speech), F.5 (Analyzed the Effects of Figures of Speech on Meaning and Tone) - due Tuesday 2/13 (Note: The Figurative Language Quiz will also be on Tuesday.)
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork:  Lesson 13 = Geography and Early Settlement of India - 
  • Section 8 (Thar Desert) with notes in ISN on p. 100-101
  • Section 9 (Early Settlements in India) in ISN on p. 102
  • Unit 3: Ancient India - "Geography Challenge" Critical Thinking Questions #7-9 (answers typed online or in ISN on p. 94)
Homework: The Lesson 13 Assessment will be on Friday. The "Charting the Course" Lesson Game will be due on Friday (before the test)
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (2/8): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report due
Friday (2/9): IXL FF.4, FF.5 due (Vague Pronouns)
Friday (2/9): Social Studies Lesson 13 Test (Geography of India)
Friday (2/9):  ASB Elections
Monday (2/12) - Friday (2/16):  Career and Spirit Week
Tuesday (2/13): IXL F.3, F.4, F.4 due (Figurative Language)
(Note: Fig. Lang. Quiz on this day.)
Wednesday (2/14):  Happy Valentine's Day! β€οΈ
Thursday (2/15):  "Eleven" Unit Test
Friday (2/16):  HMS Career Day (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)



Posting for Tuesday, February 6
Tuesday Classwork: 
  • BrainPop - Figurative Language/Similes and Metaphors assignment
  • IXL F.3 (Interpret Figures of Speech), F.4 (Classify Figures of Speech), F.5 (Analyzed the Effects of Figures of Speech on Meaning and Tone)
  • The final Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report project is due Thursday, February 8. See directions below, and refer to the photos of triorama examples as well. Remember, it is very difficult to draw people. Silhouette figures made out of construction paper usually work better, as shown in the photos above. 
  • IXL FF.4 (Identify All Possible Antecedents) and FF.5 (Inappropriate Shifts in Pronoun Number and Person) - due Friday 2/9
  • IXL F.3 (Interpret Figures of Speech), F.4 (Classify Figures of Speech), F.5 (Analyzed the Effects of Figures of Speech on Meaning and Tone) - due Tuesday 2/13
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: Lesson 13 = Geography and Early Settlement of India - Sections 5-7 with notes in ISN on p. 100-101
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (2/7):  Lockdown Drill (1:45 PM)
Thursday (2/8): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report project due
Friday (2/9):  ASB Elections
Monday (2/12) - Friday (2/16):  Career and Spirit Week
Tuesday (2/13): IXL F.3, F.4, F.4 due (Figurative Language)
(Note: Fig. Lang. Quiz on this day.)
Wednesday (2/14):  Happy Valentine's Day! β€οΈ
Friday (2/16):  HMS Career Day (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)



Posting for Monday, February 5
Monday Classwork: 
  • Figurative Language - Puns with song lyrics from "Delaware" (Perry Como) in English Journal on p.31
  • Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - summary paragraph for index card (rough draft)
  • The Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report summary paragraph for the index card (rough draft) is due tomorrow (if you did not finish in class).
  • The final Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report project is due Thursday, February 8. See directions below, and refer to the photos of triorama examples as well. Remember, it is very difficult to draw people. Silhouette figures made out of construction paper usually work better, as shown in the photos above. 
  • IXL FF.4 (Identify All Possible Antecedents) and FF.5 (Inappropriate Shifts in Pronoun Number and Person) - due Friday 2/9
Social Studies
Monday Classwork: Lesson 13 = Geography and Early Settlement of India -
  • Section 2 (Deccan Plateau) with notes in ISN on p. 100-101
  • Section 3 (Eastern and Western Ghats) with notes in ISN on p. 100-101
  • Section 4 (Ganges River) with notes in ISN on p. 100-101
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (2/7):  Lockdown Drill (1:45 PM)
Thursday (2/8): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report project due
Friday (2/9):  ASB Elections
Monday (2/12) - Friday (2/16):  Career and Spirit Week
Wednesday (2/14):  Happy Valentine's Day! β€οΈ
Friday (2/16):  HMS Career Day (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)



Posting for Friday, February 2
Friday Classwork: 
  • Figurative Language - Oxymoron with song lyrics from "Sound of Silence" (Paul Simon) and practice in Reading Candy packet on p. 10
  • Grammar - Vague Pronouns with video in IXL FF.4
  • The final Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report project is due Thursday, February 8. See directions below, and refer to the photos of triorama examples as well. Remember, it is very difficult to draw people. Silhouette figures made out of construction paper usually work better, as shown in the photos below. 
  • IXL FF.4 (Identify All Possible Antecedents) and FF.5 (Inappropriate Shifts in Pronoun Number and Person) - due Friday 2/9
Social Studies
Friday Classwork: 
  • Unit 3: Ancient India - Introductory Video in Unit 3 heading section
  • Lesson 13 = Geography and the Early Settlement of India - Section 1 with notes in ISN on p. 100-101 (Brahmaputra River)
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (2/7):  Lockdown Drill (1:45 PM)
Thursday (2/8): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report project due
Friday (2/9):  ASB Elections
Monday (2/12) - Friday (2/16):  Career and Spirit Week
Wednesday (2/14):  Happy Valentine's Day! β€οΈ
Friday (2/16):  HMS Career Day (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)



Posting for Thursday, February 1
Happy February! 
Thursday Classwork:  Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report project:
  • Plot Diagram
  • Triorama project depicting Climax/Turning Point
  • IXL FF.3 (Vague Pronouns), GG.1 (Subject/Object Pronouns), and GG.2 (Compound Subjects and Objects with "I" and "me") - due tomorrow (Friday)
  • Think about what you might want to get done in class tomorrow on your triorama. If you plan to use craft materials or color print at home, you should try to get started on your plan and/or bring what you need to class tomorrow if you want. The final project is due Thursday, February 8.
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork:  Lessons 11/12 Test (Judaism) 
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Friday (2/2): IXL FF.3, GG.1, GG.2 due (Pronouns)
Wednesday (2/7):  Lockdown Drill (1:45 PM)
Thursday (2/8): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report project due
Friday (2/9):  ASB Elections
Monday (2/12) - Friday (2/16):  Career and Spirit Week
Wednesday (2/14):  Happy Valentine's Day! ❀️



Posting for Wednesday, January 31
Wednesday Classwork: Introduction of Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report project:
  • BrainPop - "Story Conflict" Video for reminders about plot
  • Plot Diagram
  • Directions for triorama project (triorama structures made)
  • Spend at least 20 minutes on your book report Plot Line (if you did not finish it in class)
  • IXL FF.3 (Vague Pronouns), GG.1 (Subject/Object Pronouns), and GG.2 (Compound Subjects and Objects with "I" and "me") - due Friday (new extended due date) πŸ™‚ 
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork: 
  • Reminders about review for Lesson 11/12 Test (Judaism) tomorrow
  • Lesson 13 = Geography and the Early Settlement of India - Preview Activity in ISN on p. 99/Introduction in online History Alive text
  • The Lessons 11/12 Test (Judaism) is tomorrow (Thursday). For homework, the Lesson 11 "Matrix of Knowledge" Lesson Game and the Lesson 12 "Information Excavation" Lesson Game are both due tomorrow (BEFORE THE TEST!)
  • Use the "How to Prepare for a Social Studies Test" purple handout for reminders about how to review (also posted below).
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (2/1): Social Studies Lessons 11/12 Test (Judaism)
Friday (2/2): IXL FF.3, GG.1, GG.2 due (Pronouns)
Wednesday (2/7):  Lockdown Drill (1:45 PM)
Friday (2/9):  ASB Elections
Monday (2/12) - Friday (2/16):  Career and Spirit Week



Posting for Tuesday, January 30
Tuesday Classwork:  Figurative Language -
  • Allusions in English Journal p. 30 (left) with song lyrics from "Someday We'll Know" (New Radicals) and practice in Reading Candy packet on p. 8
  • Onomatopoeia in English Journal p. 30 (right) with song lyrics from "Twang" (George Strait) and practice in Reading Candy packet on p. 9
  • The reading due date for the Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report book is tomorrow! Your Stop & Jot annotations on post-its should also be completed by that due date. 
  • IXL FF.3 (Vague Pronouns), GG.1 (Subject/Object Pronouns), and GG.2 (Compound Subjects and Objects with "I" and "me") - due Thursday 
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: Lesson 12 = Learning About World Religions: Judaism -
  • Section 3 (Preserving the Teachings of Judaism )with notes in ISN on p. 90
  • Reading Further sections (Biography/Literature) for both Lessons 11 and 12 read and discussed
Homework: The Lessons 11/12 Test (Judaism) will be on Thursday. If you want to get a head start on test review, you could work on the Lesson 11 "Matrix of Knowledge" Lesson Game and the Lesson 12 "Information Excavation" Lesson Game (due Thursday)
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (1/31):  Yearbook Photos (see attached schedule) πŸ“Έ
Wednesday (1/31): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - reading due date
Thursday (2/1): IXL FF.3, GG.1, GG.2 due (Pronouns)
Thursday (2/1): Social Studies Lessons 11/12 Test (Judaism)
Wednesday (2/7):  Lockdown Drill (1:45 PM)
Friday (2/9):  ASB Elections
Monday (2/12) - Friday (2/16):  Career and Spirit Week



Posting for Monday, January 29
Monday Classwork: NWEA Reading Test
  • BrainPop "Figurative Language" - Video, Review Quiz, Graded Quiz (due tomorrow)
  • 5th Grade IXL F.1 and F.2 (Similes and Metaphors) - due Tuesday
  • The reading due date for the Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report book is this Wednesday! Your Stop & Jot annotations on post-its should also be completed by that due date. 
  • IXL FF.3 (Vague Pronouns), GG.1 (Subject/Object Pronouns), and GG.2 (Compound Subjects and Objects with "I" and "me") - due Thursday 
Social Studies
Homework: The Lessons 11/12 Test (Judaism) will be on Thursday. If you want to get a head start on test review, you could work on the Lesson 11 "Matrix of Knowledge" Lesson Game (due Thursday). 
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (1/30): 5th Grade IXL F.1 and F.2 (Similes and Metaphors)
Tuesday (1/30):  VAPA Yearbook Photos (see attached schedule) πŸ“Έ
Wednesday (1/31):  Yearbook Photos (see attached schedule) πŸ“Έ
Wednesday (1/31): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - reading due date
Thursday (2/1): IXL FF.3, GG.1, GG.2 due (Pronouns)
Thursday (2/1): Social Studies Lessons 11/12 Test (Judaism)



Posting for Friday, January 26
Friday Classwork: Figurative Language -
  • Idioms in English Journal p. 29 (left) with song lyrics from "Rollin' in the Deep" (Adele) and practice in Reading Candy packet on p. 5-6
  • Alliteration in English Journal p. 29 (right) with song lyrics from "Song of the South" (Alabama) and practice in Reading Candy packet on p. 7
  • 5th Grade IXL F.1 and F.2 (Similes and Metaphors) - due Tuesday 1/30
  • IXL FF.3 (Vague Pronouns), GG.1 (Subject/Object Pronous), and GG.2 (Compound Subjects and Objects with "I" and "me") - due Thursday 2/1
  • Continue to read your Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report book. The reading/Stop & Jot due date is this Wednesday!
Social Studies
Friday Classwork: Lesson 12 = Learning About World Religions: Judaism -
  • Section 1 (The Central Teachings of Judaism)with notes in ISN on p. 88 (bottom)
  • Section 2 (Foreign Rule and the Jewish Diaspora) with notes in ISN on p. 89
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Friday (1/26):  6th Grade Dance (Neon Theme)πŸ•ΊπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»
Tuesday (1/30): 5th Grade IXL F.1 and F.2 (Similes and Metaphors)
Wednesday (1/31): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - reading due date
Thursday (2/1): IXL FF.3, GG.1, GG.2 due (Pronouns)
Thursday (2/1): Social Studies Lessons 11/12 Test (Judaism)



Posting for Thursday, January 25
Thursday Classwork: Figurative Language -
  • Hyperbole with song lyrics from "You've Got That One Thing (One Direction) and practice in pink packet on p. 3
  • Personification with song lyrics from "Wind Cries Mary" (Jim Hendrix) and practice in pink packet on p. 4
  • Finish pink Reading Candy packet p. 3-4 (if you did not finish in class)
  • Continue to read your Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report book. The reading/Stop & Jot due date is Wednesday, January 31st. 
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork:   Lesson 12 = Learning About World Religions: Judaism -  
  • Introduction 
  • Section 1 with notes in ISN on p. 88 (top half)
Homework:   IXL H.1 (Origins of Judaism) - due tomorrow (Friday)
Upcoming Dates
Friday (1/26): Social Studies IXL H.1 due
Friday (1/26):  Quarter 2 Grades Posted Online
Friday (1/26):  6th Grade Dance (Neon Theme)πŸ•ΊπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»
Wednesday (1/31): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - reading due date



Posting for Wednesday, January 24
Wednesday Classwork: Figurative Language 
  • Similes with examples from song lyrics from Taylor Swift "Mean" - English Journal page 27 (left side) 
  • Metaphors with examples from song lyrics from Lonestar "I'm Already Home" - English Journal page 28 (right side) and Reading Candy packet, page 2
  • If you did not finish Reading Candy packet page 2 (Metaphors), finish it for homework.
  • IXL FF.1 (Identify Pronouns and Their Antecedents), FF.2 (Use the Pronoun that Agrees with the Antecedent), and IXL Q.2 (Revise the Sentence Using a Stronger Verb) - due this Thursday. (Don't forget to watch the videos at the top of each section before you start the practice.)
  • Continue to read your Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report book. The reading/Stop & Jot due date is Wednesday, January 31st. 
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork: Lesson 12 = Learning About World Religions: Judaism -  Preview Activity in ISN on page 87
  • If you did not finish ISN page 87 (Lesson 12 Preview Activity), finish it for homework.
  • IXL H.1 (Origins of Judaism) - due Friday
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (1/25): IXL FF.1 & FF.2 (Pronouns & Antecedents)
and Q.2 (Stronger Verbs) due
Friday (1/26): Social Studies IXL H.1 due
Friday (1/26):  Quarter 2 Grades Posted Online
Friday (1/26):  6th Grade Dance (Neon Theme)πŸ•ΊπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»
Wednesday (1/31): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - reading due date



Posting for Tuesday, January 23
Tuesday Classwork:
  • Lesson on "Types of Characters" in English Journal on page 24 with yellow practice worksheet
  • Figurative Language in English Journal on page 25 
  • Pink "Reading Candy" packet page 1 - Similes
  • Complete the BrainPop assignment on Characterization - Video, Review Quiz, Graded Quiz
  • IXL FF.1 (Identify Pronouns and Their Antecedents), FF.2 (Use the Pronoun that Agrees with the Antecedent), and IXL Q.2 (Revise the Sentence Using a Stronger Verb) - due this Thursday. (Don't forget to watch the videos at the top of each section before you start the practice.)
  • Continue to read your Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report book. The reading/Stop & Jot due date is next Wednesday, January 31st. 
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: Lesson 11 = Origins of Judaism
  • Section 4 (Moses) in online text with notes in ISN on p. 84
  • Section 5 (David and Solomon) with notes in ISN on p. 85
Homework: IXL H.1 (Origins of Judaism) - due Friday
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (1/24): BrainPop - "Characterization" assignment due
Thursday (1/25): IXL FF.1 & FF.2 (Pronouns & Antecedents)
and Q.2 (Stronger Verbs) due
Friday (1/26): Social Studies IXL H.1 due
Friday (1/26):  Quarter 2 Grades Posted Online
Friday (1/26):  6th Grade Dance (Neon Theme)πŸ•ΊπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»
Wednesday (1/31): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - reading due date



Posting for Monday, January 22
Happy rainy Monday!
Monday Classwork: 
  • "Strategies for Providing Quality Peer Review" in English Journal on p. 25
  • StudySync - online "Eleven" First Read assignment with Vocabulary practice and Think questions
  • If you did not finish the "Eleven" First Read assignment in the online StudySync program, complete it for homework. Don't forget, after you Submit Assignment, you should try to complete two peer reviews.
  • IXL FF.1 (Identify Pronouns and Their Antecedents), FF.2 (Use the Pronoun that Agrees with the Antecedent), and IXL Q.2 (Revise the Sentence Using a Stronger Verb) - due this Thursday. (Don't forget to watch the videos at the top of each section before you start the practice.)
  • Continue to read your Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report book. The reading/Stop & Jot due date is next Wednesday, January 31st. 
Social Studies
Monday Classwork: Lesson 11 = The Origins of Judaism -
  • Section 3 (Abraham) with notes in ISN on p. 83
  • Section 4 (Moses) with notes in ISN on p. 84
Homework: IXL H.1 (Origins of Judaism) - due Friday
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (1/25): IXL FF.1 & FF.2 (Pronouns & Antecedents)
and Q.2 (Stronger Verbs) due
Friday (1/26): Social Studies IXL H.1 due
Friday (1/26):  Quarter 2 Grades Posted Online
Friday (1/26):  6th Grade Dance (Neon Theme)πŸ•ΊπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»
Wednesday (1/31): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - reading due date



Posting for Friday, January 19
Friday Classwork:
  • Characterization lesson in English Journal on p. 22 with literary analysis activity based on "Eleven"
  • Independent Practice on "Characterization" in green packet on p. 4-5
  • Frequently Confused Words Quiz in Google Classroom
  • IXL FF.1 (Identify Pronouns and Their Antecedents), FF.2 (Use the Pronoun that Agrees with the Antecedent), and IXL Q.2 (Revise the Sentence Using a Stronger Verb) - due Thursday 1/25. (Don't forget to watch the videos at the top of each section before you start the practice.)
  • Continue to read your Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report book. The reading/Stop & Jot due date is January 31st. 
Social Studies
Friday Classwork: Lesson 11 = The Origins of Judaism - Section 2 (Important Jewish Leaders) with notes in ISN on p. 82
Homework: Social Studies IXL H.1 (Origins of Judaism) due Friday 1/26
Upcoming Dates
Monday (1/22):  Quarter 2 Grades Due
(Note: All Make-Up Work must be submitted by Fri. 1/19)
Thursday (1/25): IXL FF.1 & FF.2 (Pronouns & Antecedents)
and Q.2 (Stronger Verbs) due
Friday (1/26): Social Studies IXL H.1 due
Friday (1/26):  Quarter 2 Grades Posted Online
Friday (1/26):  6th Grade Dance (Neon Theme)πŸ•ΊπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»
Wednesday (1/31): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - reading due date



Posting for Thursday, January 18
Thursday Classwork: 
  • "Eleven" by Sandra Cisneros - class discussion of story with additions made to annotations
  • Kahoot - Frequently Confused Words
  • Frequently Confused Words Quiz tomorrow (Friday). Review the word lists on the orange handout for IXL R.1, R.2, R.3 (also posted below).
  • Continue to read your Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report book. The reading/Stop & Jot due date is January 31st. 
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork:  Lesson 11 = The Origins of Judaism -  Section 2 with notes in ISN on page 82
Homework:  Social Studies IXL C.3 (Kingdoms of Kush) - due tomorrow (Friday)
Upcoming Dates
Friday (1/19): Social Studies IXL C.3 due
Friday (1/19): Frequently Confused Words Quiz 
Monday (1/22):  Quarter 2 Grades Due
(Note: All Make-Up Work must be submitted by Fri. 1/19)
Friday (1/26):  Quarter 2 Grades Posted Online
Friday (1/26):  6th Grade DanceπŸ•ΊπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»
Wednesday (1/31): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - reading due date



Posting for Wednesday, January 17
Wednesday Classwork: "Eleven" by Sandra Cisneros "Annotation Assignment" in green packet p. 2 with Turning Points workbook p. 45-47
  • If you did not finish the "Annotation Assignment" on page 2 of the green "Eleven" packet, complete the highlighting and notes on p. 45-47 of the Turning Points workbook for homework.
  • IXL R.1, R,2, R.3 (Frequently Confused Words) - due tomorrow (Thursday) 
  • There will be a quiz on Frequently Confused Words (IXL R.1, R.2, R.3) on Friday
  • Continue to read your Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report book. The reading/Stop & Jot due date is January 31st. 
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork: Lesson 11 = The Origins of Judaism -
  • Introduction in online text
  • Section 1 with notes in ISN on page 82
Homework:  Social Studies IXL C.3 (Kingdoms of Kush) - due Friday
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (1/18): IXL R.1, R.2, R.3 due
Friday (1/19): Social Studies IXL C.3 due
Friday (1/19): Frequently Confused Words Quiz 
Monday (1/22):  Quarter 2 Grades Due
(Note: All Make-Up Work must be submitted by Fri. 1/19)
Friday (1/26):  Quarter 2 Grades Posted Online
Friday (1/26):  6th Grade DanceπŸ•ΊπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»
Wednesday (1/31): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - reading due date



Posting for Tuesday, January 16
Tuesday Classwork:
  • BrainPop - "Martin Luther King, Jr." assignment (Video, Review Quiz, Preview Quiz)
  • "Eleven" by Sandra Cisneros - Pre-Reading Activity in new green packet on page 1
  • If you did not finish page 1 in the new "Eleven" packet, complete it for homework
  • BrainPop - "Martin Luther King, Jr." assignment (due tomorrow)
  • IXL R.1, R,2, R.3 (Frequently Confused Words) - due Thursday 1/18
  • There will be a quiz on Frequently Confused Words (IXL R.1, R.2, R.3) on Friday
  • Continue to read your Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report book. The reading/Stop & Jot due date is January 31st. 
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork:
  • Egypt Research Reports collected
  • Egypt Silhouette Art Project
  • Lesson 11 = Origins of Judaism
  • Finish the Lesson 11 Preview Activity in the ISN on page 81
  • Social Studies IXL C.3 (Kingdoms of Kush) - due Friday
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (1/18): IXL R.1, R.2, R.3 due
Friday (1/19): Social Studies IXL C.3 due
Friday (1/19): Frequently Confused Words Quiz 
Wednesday (1/31): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - reading due date



Posting for Friday, January 12
If you haven't already done so, take stock of your school
supplies and replenish them. Especially important
items would include pencils, highlighters, red pens, and
black Sharpies or Flair pens. Small earbuds to
keep in your pencil case would also be handy!
For the classroom, we are almost out of Kleenex and Clorox wipes.
Donations would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
Friday Classwork:
  • IXL R.1, R.2, R.3 (Frequently Confused Words) - handout with explanation and video 
  • Absent students: You need to watch the video. It is posted in IXL at the top of skill section R.1.
  • IXL R.1, R,2, R.3 (Frequently Confused Words) - due Thursday 1/18
  • There will be a quiz on Frequently Confused Words (IXL R.1, R.2, R.3) on Friday
  • Continue to read your Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report book. The reading/Stop & Jot due date is January 31st. 
Social Studies
Friday Classwork: Ancient Egypt Research Report -
  • Watercolor painting for art project (to be completed next week)
  • Self-Editing Checklist handout 
  • Online proofreading in typed report using Google Tools - Spelling and Grammar Check
  • Egypt Map
Homework: The Ancient Egypt Research Report and Map are due Tuesday. Here are some guidelines on how to turn it in:
  • Print the essay - black & white, one-sided, stapled
  • Be ready to turn it in with your Research Note-Taking Sheets and Egypt Map
Upcoming Dates
Monday (1/15): Martin Luther King Day (no school)
Tuesday (1/16): Ancient Egypt Research Report/Map due
Thursday (1/18): IXL R.1, R.2, R.3 due
Friday (1/19): Frequently Confused Words Quiz 
Wednesday (1/31): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - reading due date



Posting for Thursday, January 11
If you haven't already done so, take stock of your school
supplies and replenish them. Especially important
items would include pencils, highlighters, red pens, and
black Sharpies or Flair pens.
Also, we are almost out of Kleenex and Clorox wipes.
Donations would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
Thursday Classwork:
  • Growth Mindset with Journal page 21 - practice for changing a Fixed Mindset into a Growth Mindset using "What can you tell yourself?" chart
  • Video - "4 Steps to Developing a Growth Mindset" (posted below)
  • The Growth Mindset/New Year Resolution project is due tomorrow (Friday). Use the pink directions sheet for important reminders.
  • Continue to read your Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report book. The reading/Stop & Jot due date is January 31st. 
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork:  Ancient Egypt Research Report -
  • Writing the Conclusion paragraph
  • Works Cited page using Google Tools - Citations
Homework: Make sure you have finished the following -
  • Conclusion paragraph
  • Inserting images with complete sentence captions
  • Works Cited page
Upcoming Dates
Friday (1/12): Growth Mindset/New Year Resolution project due
Monday (1/15): Martin Luther King Day (no school)
Tuesday (1/16): Ancient Egypt Research Report due
Wednesday (1/31): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - reading due date



Posting for Wednesday, January 10
If you haven't already done so, take stock of your school
supplies and replenish them. Especially important
items would include pencils, highlighters, red pens, and
black Sharpies or Flair pens.
Also, we are almost out of Kleenex and Clorox wipes.
Donations would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
Wednesday Classwork: Community Circle discussion
  • Work on the Growth Mindset/New Year Resolution project for at least 20 minutes tonight. Refer to the pink directions sheet for important reminders (due Friday).
  • IXL S.3 (Parts of a Works Cited Entry) and S.4 (In-Text Citations) due Thursday.
  • Continue to read your Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report book. The reading/Stop & Jot due date is January 31st. 
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork: Ancient Egypt Research Report -
  • Writing the Conclusion paragraph
  • Inserting images with captions
  • If you did not finish inserting images with captions in class, work on completing this. Remember, the captions should be complete sentences that are typed in italics.
  • Tomorrow we will finish the Conclusion and do the Works Cited page. Friday we will revise and edit. The goal is to turn in the completed research report by end of class Friday (or Tuesday at the latest). Make sure you are keeping up, and work on the report at home if you are behind in any areas.
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (1/11): IXL S.3 and S.4 due
Friday (1/12): Growth Mindset/New Year Resolution project due
Monday (1/15): Martin Luther King Day (no school)
Tuesday (1/16): Ancient Egypt Research Report due
Wednesday (1/31): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - reading due date



Posting for Tuesday, January 9

As we begin Semester 2, please replenish your school supplies

(i.e. pencils, highlighters, red pens, black Sharpies/Flair pens).

Also, we are almost out of Kleenex and Clorox wipes in the classroom.  

Donations would be greatly appreciated!  Thank you!

Tuesday Classwork:
  • English Journal page 21 - Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset
  • Video - "Growth Mindset: The Truth About Your Brain" (Khan Academy)
  • Work on the Growth Mindset/New Year Resolution project for at least 20 minutes tonight. Refer to the pink directions sheet for important reminders (due Friday).
  • IXL S.3 (Parts of a Works Cited Entry) and S.4 (In-Text Citations) due Thursday.
  • Continue to read your Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report book. The reading/Stop & Jot due date is January 31st. 
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: Ancient Egypt Research Report - Introduction paragraph (Hook, Background, Thesis)
Homework: If you did not finish typing your Introduction paragraph, complete it for homework. Use the handouts for reference.
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (1/11): IXL S.3 and S.4 due
Friday (1/12): Growth Mindset/New Year Resolution project due
Monday (1/15): Martin Luther King Day (no school)
Wednesday (1/31): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - reading due date



Posting for Monday, January 8

Happy New Year! πŸŽ‰ 🌟 🎊 

Welcome Back!  Wishing you a happy, healthy 2024! 

As we begin Semester 2, please replenish your school supplies

(i.e. pencils, highlighters, red pens, black Sharpies/Flair pens). 

Also, we are almost out of Kleenex and Clorox wipes in the classroom. 

Donations would be greatly appreciated!  Thank you!

Monday Classwork: 
  • BrainPop - "New Year"
  • Growth Mindset Student Survey
  • Video - "Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset" (posted below)
  • Growth Mindset/New Year Resolution Survey project with pink directions sheet
  • Work on the Growth Mindset/New Year Resolution project for at least 20 minutes tonight. Refer to the pink directions sheet for important reminders (due Friday).
  • IXL S.3 (Parts of a Works Cited Entry) and S.4 (In-Text Citations) due Thursday.
  • Continue to read your Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report book. The reading/Stop & Jot due date is January 31st. 
Social Studies
Monday Classwork: Ancient Egypt Research Report -
  • Looked at body paragraphs with "fresh eyes"
  • Reread guiding questions for each body paragraph to make sure all questions were addressed
  • Made improvements and noticed problems (like "holes" in our research) 
Homework: If you noticed you had some "holes" in your research, use one of the approved online sources in Google Classroom to take some additional notes on one of the Research Note-Taking Sheets.
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (1/11): IXL S.3 and S.4 due
Friday (1/12): Growth Mindset/New Year Resolution project due
Monday (1/15): Martin Luther King Day (no school)
Wednesday (1/31): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - reading due date



Happy holidays to all of my amazing students and families!

I wish you all a restful, festive, and fun-filled winter break!
  • Don't forget to read your Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report book over the break if you have time! The reading/Stop & Jot due date is January 31st. 
  • For those of you who like to get a head start on things, IXL S.3 (Parts of a Works Cited Entry) and S.4 (In-Text Citations) will be due Thursday, January 11th.
Social Studies
We'll finish up our Ancient Egypt Research Report when we return. See you in 2024!
Upcoming Dates
Monday (12/25) - Friday (1/5): WINTER BREAK ⛄️ ❄️
Monday (1/8):  School Resumes (Quarter 3 Begins)
Monday (1/15): Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (no school)



Posting for Wednesday, December 20
Our Holiday Party is tomorrow!
Thank you to all those who signed up to bring something.
It looks like we'll have an amazing buffet, that's for sure!
If you did not bring your "Secret Elf" gift and gift tag today,
don't forget to bring them TOMORROW! 
Wednesday Classwork: 
  • Writing conclusion sentences for body paragraphs
  • Parts of a Works Cited Entry
  • In-Text Citations with IXL video
  • IXL S.3 (Parts of a Works Cited Entry) and S.4 (In-Text Citations) will be due Thursday, January 11th 
  • The Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report book approval due date is tomorrow (Thursday).
  • Continue reading your Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report book and while completing the Stop & Jot assignment as you go. The reading/Stop & Jot due date is Jan. 31.
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork: Ancient Egypt Research Report - 2 more body paragraphs 
Homework: If you have not finished writing your 4 body paragraphs, work on this at home tonight. Use your research notes and the Guided Essay while you type in Google Classroom.
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (12/21): Class Party/Secret Elf Gift Exchange πŸŽ
Thursday (12/21): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - book approval due
Friday (12/22):  VAPA Winter Assembly πŸŽΆ 
Friday (12/22):  Quarter 2 Ends (Minimum Day - 12:30 PM Dismissal)
Monday (12/25) - Friday (1/5):  WINTER BREAK β›„️ ❄️
Monday (1/8):  School Resumes (Quarter 3 Begins)
Wednesday (1/11): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report -
Reading/Stop & Jot due date



Posting for Tuesday, December 19
Your "Secret Elf" gift and gift tag are due TOMORROW! 
If you have not already done so,
please give your parents the blue sheet about our upcoming class party.
(It is also posted below.)
The sign-up sheet for party contributions is in Google Classroom.
Thank you for supporting our festive celebration! 
Tuesday Classwork: 
  • Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - Stop & Jot directions
  • Suggestions for how to review for the IXL Quiz tomorrow
  • The IXL Quiz is tomorrow (Wednesday). The covered skills are listed in the Study Guide posted below. For review, you might want to look at the corresponding 5th Grade sections for some of the skills - C.2, MM.1, MM.2, NN.1, NN.2, X.1. (Note: This is not homework, but could be helpful. These sections will cover some of the skills, but not all. Refer to the Study Guide.)
  • The Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report book approval due date is Thursday. (Note: There are two links in Google Classroom that might be helpful if you want to order a book, and there are also some good options in my classroom.)
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: Ancient Egypt Research Report - 2 body paragraphs 
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (12/20): IXL Quiz (Study Guide posted below)
Wednesday (12/20): Secret Elf gifts with tags due
Thursday (12/21):Class Party/Secret Elf Gift Exchange πŸŽ
Thursday (12/21): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - book approval due
Friday (12/22):  VAPA Winter Assembly πŸŽΆ 
Friday (12/22):  Quarter 2 Ends (Minimum Day - 12:30 PM Dismissal)
Monday (12/25) - Friday (1/5):  WINTER BREAK β›„️ ❄️
Monday (1/8):  School Resumes (Quarter 3 Begins)



Posting for Monday, December 18
Remember, your "Secret Elf" gift and gift tag are due by Wednesday. 
Try to keep your gift recipient's name a secret!
If you have not already done so,
please give your parents the blue sheet about our upcoming class party.
(It is also posted below.)
The sign-up sheet for party contributions is in Google Classroom.
Thank you for supporting our festive celebration! 
Monday Classwork: 
  • "What is a paragraph?" (green handout) - unity, coherence, emphasis
  • "Writing a Topic Sentence" (yellow handout) 
  • IXL Q.1 (Transitions With Conjunctive Adverbs) - due tomorrow (Tuesday) 
  • There will not be an English "Final" this week, but we will have an IXL Quiz on Wednesday. Refer to the Study Guide posted below.
  • The Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report book approval due date is Thursday. (Note: There are two links in Google Classroom that might be helpful if you want to order a book, and there are also some good options in my classroom.)
Social Studies
Monday Classwork: Ancient Egypt Research Report -
  • Writing of topic sentences for body paragraphs
  • "How Do I Turn My Notes Into Paragraphs" - blue handout with suggestions for "Transitions" on back
  • "Writing Reminders" for the Ancient Egypt Research Report (orange handout)
Homework: Tomorrow we will be writing our body paragraphs. Make sure you have plenty of information on your research note-taking sheets to use when you write these paragraphs. (If you need to fill in some "holes" in your reseach, use the approved online sources listed in Google Classroom to do some more notes.)
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (12/19): IXL Q.1 due (Conjunctive Adverbs)
Wednesday (12/20): IXL Quiz (Study Guide posted below)
Thursday (12/21):Class Party/Secret Elf Gift Exchange πŸŽ
Gifts should be brought to class by Wednesday (12/20)
Thursday (12/21): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - book approval due
Friday (12/22):  VAPA Winter Assembly πŸŽΆ 
Friday (12/22):  Quarter 2 Ends (Minimum Day - 12:30 PM Dismissal)
Monday (12/25) - Friday (1/5):  WINTER BREAK β›„️ ❄️
Monday (1/8):  School Resumes (Quarter 3 Begins)



Posting for Friday, December 15
Remember, your "Secret Elf" gift and gift tag are due by Wednesday, December 20th. 
Remember to keep your gift recipient's name a secret. 
Please give your parents the blue sheet about our upcoming class party! 
The sign-up sheet for party contributions is in Google Classroom.
Thank you for supporting our festive celebration! 

Friday Classwork:
  • BrainPop - Research
  • Transitions with Conjunctive Adverbs
  • IXL Q.1 (Transitions With Conjunctive Adverbs) - due Tuesday 12/20
  • There will not be an English "Final" next week, but we will have an IXL Quiz on Wednesday. Refer to the Study Guide posted below.
  • The Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report book approval due date is Thursday. (Note: There are two links in Google Classroom that might be helpful if you want to order a book, and there are also some good options in my classroom.)
Social Studies
Friday Classwork: Final Touches - Ancient Egypt Research Reports (Students used these reminders to think about final touches):
  • Make sure you have at least two direct quotes. Each quote should be 1-3 sentences long. Make sure there are capital letters and periods and you copy the quote exactly. If you are using a book, make sure you have written down the page number.
  • Do you have enough information on each subtopic in your notes? You will be writing 8-10 sentence body paragraphs that fully explain each subtopic. In other words, there should be enough information in your notes to answer all the guiding questions fully with big ideas and interesting details. Reread the guiding questions in your white Guided Essay handout one more time to make sure you have addressed all of them fully.
Homework: For students who have not finished their research notes for the Ancient Egypt Research Report, they may need to work on them over the weekend. On Monday we start writing.
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (12/19): IXL Q.1 due (Conjunctive Adverbs)
Wednesday (12/20): IXL Quiz (Study Guide posted below)
Thursday (12/21):Class Party/Secret Elf Gift Exchange 🎁
Gifts should be brought to class by Wednesday (12/20)
Thursday (12/21): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - book approval due
Friday (12/22):  VAPA Winter Assembly πŸŽΆ 
Friday (12/22):  Quarter 2 Ends (Minimum Day - 12:30 PM Dismissal)
Monday (12/25) - Friday (1/5):  WINTER BREAK β›„️ ❄️
Monday (1/8):  School Resumes (Quarter 3 Begins)



Posting for Wednesday, December 13
Your "Secret Elf" gift is due by Wednesday, December 20th. 
Remember, we will work on the gift tags in class, so you don't need to do that part yet.
Remember to keep your gift recipient's name a secret! 
FYI, there is a sign-up sheet in Google Classroom for our Holiday Party on December 21.
Please sign up when you get a chance. Thank you!
Wednesday Classwork: Introduction of Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report (Note: There are two links in Google Classroom that might be helpful if you are looking for a Fantasy or Science Fiction book.) - The due date for approval is Thursday, December 21.
Homework: The IXL assignment is due tomorrow (Thursday). It includes:
  • C.2 (Which sentence is more formal?)
  • N.2 (Organize Information by Main Idea)
  • S.1 (Identify Relevant Sources)
  • S.5 (Identify and Correct Plagiarism)
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork: Ancient Egypt Research Report - Research Note-Taking with print sources
  • If you did not finish the Hammurabi's Code revisions yet, work on this for homework.
  • For students who need a little extra time to keep pace with our research note-taking schedule, my classroom will be open at lunch time. For now, all the research notes will be completed at school. The goal for today was to finish notes on the first three print sources.
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (12/14): IXL C.2, N.2, S.1 and S.5 Due
Thursday (12/21):  Class Party and Secret Elf Gift Exchange πŸŽ
Gifts should be brought to class by Wednesday (12/20)
Thursday (12/21): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - book approval due
Friday (12/22):  VAPA Winter Assembly πŸŽΆ 
Friday (12/22):  Quarter 2 Ends (Minimum Day - 12:30 PM Dismissal)
Monday (12/25) - Friday (1/5):  WINTER BREAK β›„️ ❄️
Monday (1/8):  School Resumes (Quarter 3 Begins)



Posting for Thursday, December 14
Your "Secret Elf" gift is due by Wednesday, December 20th. 
Remember, we will work on the gift tags in class,
so you don't need to do that part yet.
Remember to keep your gift recipient's name a secret! 
FYI, there is a sign-up sheet in Google Classroom for our Holiday Party on December 21.
Please sign up when you get a chance. Thank you!
Thursday Classwork:
  • Daily Language Review - Week 2/Wednesday
  • Optional visit to HMS Library to find a Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report book
Homework: The Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report book approval due date is Thursday, December 21. (Note: There are two links in Google Classroom that might be helpful if you want to order a book, and there are also some good options in my classroom.)
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: Ancient Egypt Research Report - Research Note-Taking with print sources and online sources
  • The goal is to have all the research notes done by end of class tomorrow. If you brought home a blue note-taking sheet to be used with one of our approved online sources (refer to the links in Google Classroom), you could work on getting some of your research notes done for homework. You may need to spend that time on your research in order to keep pace with plan
  • If you did not finish the Hammurabi's Code revisions, finish revising for homework. (If you have a printer at home, go ahead and print a final one-sided black and white copy, not stapled, to turn in with the original essay and grading rubric.) 
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (12/21):Class Party/Secret Elf Gift Exchange 🎁
Gifts should be brought to class by Wednesday (12/20)
Thursday (12/21): Fantasy/Science Fiction Book Report - book approval due
Friday (12/22):  VAPA Winter Assembly πŸŽΆ 
Friday (12/22):  Quarter 2 Ends (Minimum Day - 12:30 PM Dismissal)
Monday (12/25) - Friday (1/5):  WINTER BREAK β›„️ ❄️
Monday (1/8):  School Resumes (Quarter 3 Begins)



Posting for Tuesday, December 12
Your "Secret Elf" gift is due by Wednesday, December 20th. 
Remember, we will work on the gift tags in class, so you don't need to do that part yet.
Remember to keep your gift recipient's name a secret! 
For our Holiday Party on December 21, start thinking about
what you might want to contribute to our "pot luck" celebration. 
We'll have a sign-up sheet going soon.
Tuesday Homework: Spend at least 30-60 minutes on IXL C.2 (Which sentence is more formal?) and N.2 (Organize Information by Main Idea), S.1 and S.5 - due this Thursday
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: Ancient Egypt Research Report -
  • Video - "Ancient Egypt: Life on the Nile" (Ancient Civilizations by Prentice Hall)
  • Reminders about Research Note-Taking
  • Research notes for two print sources
Homework: For students who need a little extra time to keep pace with our research note-taking schedule, my classroom will be open at lunch time. For now, all the research notes will be completed at school. The goal for today was to finish notes on the first two print sources.
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (12/14): IXL C.2, N.2, S.1 and S.5 Due
Thursday (12/21):  Class Party and Secret Elf Gift Exchange πŸŽ
Gifts should be brought to class by Wednesday (12/20)
Friday (12/22):  VAPA Winter Assembly πŸŽΆ 
Friday (12/22):  Quarter 2 Ends (Minimum Day - 12:30 PM Dismissal)
Monday (12/25) - Friday (1/5):  WINTER BREAK β›„️ ❄️
Monday (1/8):  School Resumes (Quarter 3 Begins)



Posting for Monday, December 11
Monday Classwork: 
  • BrainPop - "Plagiarism" Movie, Review Quiz, Graded Quiz
  • Introduction of IXL S.1 (Identifying Relevant Sources) and S.5 (Identify and Correct Plagiarism)
Homework: IXL C.2 (Which sentence is more formal?) and N.2 (Organize Information by Main Idea), S.1 and S.5 - due this Thursday
Social Studies
Monday Classwork: Ancient Egypt Research Report -
  • Guided Essay handout for your topic
  • Egypt Research Note-Taking: Tips and Reminders
  • Research on large note-taking sheets 
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (12/14): IXL C.2, N.2, S.1 and S.5 Due
Thursday (12/21):  Class Party and Secret Elf Gift Exchange 🎁
Gifts should be brought to class by Wednesday (12/20)
Friday (12/22):  VAPA Winter Assembly πŸŽΆ 
Friday (12/22):  Quarter 2 Ends (Minimum Day - 12:30 PM Dismissal)
Monday (12/25) - Friday (1/5):  WINTER BREAK β›„️ ❄️
Monday (1/8):  School Resumes (Quarter 3 Begins)



Posting for Friday, December 8

Happy Friday! πŸŽ…πŸΌ

Your "Secret Elf" gift is due by Wednesday, December 20th.  Remember to keep your gift recipient's name a secret! 
Friday Classwork: Introduction of IXL N.2 - Organize Information by Main Idea
Homework: IXL C.2 (Which sentence is more formal?) and N.2 (Organize Information by Main Idea) - due Thursday 12/14
Social Studies
Friday Classwork:
  • Lesson 8 Assessment (Geography Challenge/Egyptian Pharaohs)
  • Egypt Map Project
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (12/14): IXL C.2, N.2 Due
Thursday (12/21):  Class Party and Secret Elf Gift Exchange 🎁
Gifts should be brought to class by Wednesday (12/20)
Friday (12/22):  VAPA Winter Assembly 🎢 
Friday (12/22):  Quarter 2 Ends (Minimum Day - 12:30 PM Dismissal)
Monday (12/25) - Friday (1/5):  WINTER BREAK ⛄️ ❄️
Monday (1/8):  School Resumes (Quarter 3 Begins)



Posting for Thursday, December 7
If you have not already returned your Secret Elf 
parent permission letter, please do so by tomorrow!
(The letter is also posted below in case you need a copy.)
Thursday Classwork: 
  • Realistic Fiction Book Report collected
  • 4 Types of Writing lesson in English Journal on p. 20
Homework: none
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork:
  • Lesson 8 = The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs - Section 5 Activity (Ramses II) with notes in ISN on page 64
  • Google Classroom: Ancient Egypt Research Report Research Links (free time for exploring)
  • Ancient Egypt Research Report - Topic Choices made
Homework: The Geography Challenge/Lesson 8 Assessment is tomorrow. For review:
  • Refer to the Unit 2: Ancient Egypt and the Middle East/Geography Challenge. Review the text and maps, as well as your answers to the questions that followed.
  • Complete the "Information Excavation" Lesson Game for Lesson 8. This is homework BEFORE the test.
  • If you did not finish the BrainPop "Egyptian Pharaohs assignment (Movie, Review Quiz, Graded Quiz), finish it for homework.
  • Use the "Preparing for a Social Studies Test" handout for other guidelines about test review (also posted below). 
Upcoming Dates
Monday (12/4) - Friday (12/8):  HMS Spirit Week πŸ“£
Friday - Flannel Day
Thursday (12/7): Secret Elf Parent Signature/Permission Slip due
Friday (12/8): Social Studies Test: Ancient Egypt
(Geography Challenge and Lesson 8)



Posting for Wednesday, December 6
Please remember to get your "Secret Elf" permission slip letter signed by a parent
(The letter is also posted below in case you need a copy.)
Wednesday Classwork: Community Circle Discussion
Homework:  The Realistic Fiction/Mystery Book Report Final Project is due tomorrow (Thursday).  Remember to use your Plot Diagram/Directions (pink paper) as you work. (Note: The Directions with notes and reminders is also posted below.)
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork: 
  • Video - "Ancient Egypt 101" (National Geographic)
  • Lesson 8 = The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs - Section 4 Activity (Hatshepsut's Trade Mission with notes in ISN on page 63
  • Introduction of Ancient Egypt Research Report - Topic Choices 
Homework: Be ready to choose a topic for your Ancient Egypt Research Report tomorrow. Remember, you should be prepared with a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice.
Upcoming Dates
Monday (12/4) - Friday (12/8):  HMS Spirit Week πŸ“£
Thursday - College Spirit Wear Day
Friday - Flannel Day
Thursday (12/7): Realistic Fiction/Mystery Book Report project due 
Thursday (12/7): Secret Elf Parent Signature/Permission Slip due
Friday (12/8): Social Studies Test: Ancient Egypt
(Geography Challenge and Lesson 8)



Posting for Tuesday, December 5
Tuesday Classwork:   
  • Daily Language Review (Week 2/Tuesday)
  • BrainPop - "Paraphrasing" lesson with Video, Review Quiz, and Graded Quiz
Homework:  Continue to work on the Realistic Fiction/Mystery Book Report Final Project, which is due this Thursday.  Remember to use your Plot Diagram/Directions (pink paper) as you work. (Note: The Directions with notes and reminders is also posted below.)
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: Lesson 8 = The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs -
  • Section 2 with notes in ISN on page 61
  • Section 3 Activity - Taking a Tour of Egypt: Karnak and the White Chapel (Reading in online text and notes in ISN on p. 62)
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Monday (12/4) - Friday (12/8):  HMS Spirit Week πŸ“£
Wednesday - Ugly Sweater Day
Thursday - College Spirit Wear Day
Friday - Flannel Day
Thursday (12/7): Realistic Fiction/Mystery Book Report project due 
Friday (12/8): Social Studies Test: Ancient Egypt
(Geography Challenge and Lesson 8)



Posting for Monday, December 4
Screen Shot 2023-11-28 at 8.57.54 PM.png
Monday Classwork: Paraphrasing Lesson in English Journal on page 19
Homework: The Realistic Fiction/Mystery Book Report Final Project is due this Thursday.  Remember to use your Plot Diagram/Directions (pink paper) as you work. (Note: The Directions with notes and reminders is also posted below.)
Social Studies
Monday Classwork:  Lesson 8 = The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs -
  • Section 1 with notes in ISN on page 60
  • Section 2 Activity - Taking a Tour of Egypt: The Great Pyramid of Giza (partner discussion)
Homework: Social Studies IXL C.1 = Ancient Egypt: The Old Kingdom (due Tuesday 12/5)
Upcoming Dates
Monday (12/4) - Friday (12/8):  HMS Spirit Week πŸ“£
Monday - Beanie Day
Tuesday - Plushie Day
Wednesday - Ugly Sweater Day
Thursday - College Spirit Wear Day
Friday - Flannel Day
Tuesday (12/5): Social Studies IXL C.1 (Ancient Egypt) due
Wednesday (12/6): Realistic Fiction/Mystery Book Report project due



Posting for Friday, December 1
Screen Shot 2023-11-28 at 8.57.54 PM.png
Friday Classwork: 
  • Summarizing a Story lesson in English Journal on page 18
  • Realistic Fiction/Mystery Book Report - Final Project
Homework: The Realistic Fiction/Mystery Book Report Final Project is now due Thursday, December 7th - new due date (It seemed like most of you could use an additional day to complete the illustrations and summary writing.) πŸ˜€πŸ“•βœοΈ Remember to use your Plot Diagram/Directions (pink paper) as you work. (Note: The Directions with notes and reminders is also posted below.)
Upcoming Dates
Monday (12/4) - Friday (12/8):  HMS Spirit Week πŸ“£
Monday - Beanie Day
Tuesday - Plushie Day
Wednesday - Ugly Sweater Day
Thursday - College Spirit Wear Day
Friday - Flannel Day
Tuesday (12/5): Social Studies IXL C.1 (Ancient Egypt) due
Thursday (12/7): Realistic Fiction/Mystery Book Report project due



Posting for Thursday, November 30
Thursday Classwork: Realistic Fiction/Mystery Book Report project - Plot Summary Flip Charts and directions for title flap and cover art
  • IXL HH.4 and HH.5 (Modal Verbs) and O.5 (Counterclaims) - due Friday
  • Realistic Fiction/Mystery Book Report project - due Wednesday 12/6
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: Lesson 8 = The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs -
  • Preview Activity in the ISN workbook on page 59
  • Introduction in online History Alive Lesson 8
Homework: Social Studies IXL C.1 = Ancient Egypt: The Old Kingdom (due Tuesday 12/5)
Upcoming Dates
Friday (12/1): IXL HH.4, HH.5 and O.5 due
Monday (12/4) - Friday (12/8):  HMS Spirit Week πŸ“£
Monday - Beanie Day
Tuesday - Plushie Day
Wednesday - Ugly Sweater Day
Thursday - College Spirit Wear Day
Friday - Flannel Day
Tuesday (12/5): Social Studies IXL C.1 (Ancient Egypt) due
Wednesday (12/6): Realistic Fiction/Mystery Book Report project due



Posting for Wednesday, November 29
Wednesday Classwork: 
  • Hatchet test reviewed and passed back
  • Introduction of Realistic Fiction/Mystery Book Report project
  • Plot Diagram - planning for project
  • Video - "Summarizing Stories" and "Making Objective Summaries of Literary Texts" (Khan Academy)
  • If you did not finish your Plot Diagram planning sheet (pink paper), finish it for homework.
  • IXL HH.4 and HH.5 (Modal Verbs) and O.5 (Counterclaims) - due Friday, 12/1
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork:    Unit 2 Introduction: Ancient Egypt, Kush and Israel - Geography Challenge with "Setting the Stage" text, maps, and questions 
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Friday (12/1): IXL HH.4, HH.5 and O.5 due
Wednesday (12/6): Realistic Fiction/Mystery Book Report project due



Posting for Tuesday, November 28
Welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful break. 
Tuesday Classwork:
  • Realistic Fiction/Fantasy Book Report - plot analysis discussion (identifying the climax)
  • Modal Verbs with Explanation - IXL HH.4 and HH.5
  • Identify Counterclaims - IXL O.5
  • The reading/Stop & Jot due date for the Realistic Fiction/Fantasy Book Report is TOMORROW! Please bring your book with Stop & Jot annotations to class. We will begin the project in class tomorrow.
  • IXL HH.4 and HH.5 (Modal Verbs) and O.5 (Counterclaims) - due Friday, 12/1
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork:
  • Unit 2 Introduction: Ancient Egypt, Kush and Israel
  • Geography Challenge with "Setting the Stage" text, maps, and questions
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (11/29): Realistic Fiction Book Report - reading/Stop & Jot due 
Friday (12/1): IXL HH.4, HH.5 and O.5 due



Posting for Thursday, November 16
Thursday Classwork:
  • Gratitude Journal Writing in Google Classroom
  • Personal Narrative (Camp Cuyamaca) Essay  - final revisions per Mrs. Doan's suggestions
  • The Gratitude Journal Writing is due by tomorrow. Please turn it in through Google Classroom.
  • If possible, finish up the Personal Narrative (Camp Cuyamaca) revisions and print out a final color copy, one-sided and not stapled.
  • Continue to read your Realistic Fiction/Mystery Book Report book. Make "Stop & Jot" annotations on post-its as you read and analyze the plot. The reading due date is 11/29.
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just? - Argumentative Essay  
  • Final check of Conclusion paragraph
  • Self-Edit Checklist
  • Turn-In Directions
Homework: The Hammurabi's Code: Was It just? essay is due tomorrow. A printed, stapled copy of the essay will need to be turned in, paper clipped to all the supporting papers. 
Upcoming Dates
Friday (11/17): Hammurabi's Code Essay due
Friday (11/17):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (11/20) - Friday (11/24): Thanksgiving Break πŸ¦ƒ
Monday (11/27):  SMUSD Professional Development Day -
(No School for Students)
Wednesday (11/29): Realistic Fiction Book Report - reading due date



Posting for Wednesday, November 15
Please Consider
.... supporting Operation Christmas Child!
Students are encouraged to bring in
two small items to donate to this worthy cause.
Click on the link below for more information!
Due Date: Friday, November 17th
Thank you so much!
Wednesday Classwork:
  • Video - "Gratitude Experiment Video" with brainstorming of People, Places, Things we are grateful for
  • Video - "A Happy Little Thing Called 'Thank You' "
  • Google Classroom - Gratitude Journal
  • Period 6 Class - Please bring your  Realistic Fiction/Mystery Book Report book and Stop & Jot to class tomorrow. I will be checking in with you about your progress.
  • Continue to read your Realistic Fiction/Mystery Book Report book. Make "Stop & Jot" annotations on post-its as you read and analyze the plot. The reading due date is 11/29.
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork: Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just? - Argumentative Essay Body Paragraph 3 and Conclusion
Homework: Finish typing your Conclusion paragraph at home. Use the white handout on "Types of Endings" with important reminders about how to organize this paragraph (also posted below).
Upcoming Dates
Friday (11/17): Hammurabi's Code Essay due
Friday (11/17):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (11/20) - Friday (11/24): Thanksgiving Break πŸ¦ƒ
Monday (11/27):  SMUSD Professional Development Day -
(No School for Students)
Wednesday (11/29): Realistic Fiction Book Report - reading due date



Posting for Tuesday, November 14
Please Consider
.... supporting Operation Christmas Child!
Students are encouraged to bring in
two small items to donate to this worthy cause.
Click on the link below for more information!
Due Date: Friday, November 17th
Thank you so much!
Tuesday Classwork: Community Circle with problem-solving discussion
Homework:  Continue to read your Realistic Fiction/Mystery Book Report book. Make "Stop & Jot" annotations on post-its as you read and analyze the plot. The reading due date is 11/29.
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just? - Argumentative Essay Introduction Paragraph and Body Paragraphs 2 and 3
Homework:  If you have not finished typing the Introduction paragraph and Body Paragraphs 1 and 2 in Google Classroom, complete them for homework. We will continue to work on Body Paragraph 3 tomorrow in class. 
Upcoming Dates
Friday (11/17): Hammurabi's Code Essay due
Friday (11/17):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (11/20) - Friday (11/24): Thanksgiving Break πŸ¦ƒ
Monday (11/27):  SMUSD Professional Development Day -
(No School for Students)
Wednesday (11/29): Realistic Fiction Book Report - reading due date



Posting for Monday, November 13
Monday Classwork: Writing Lesson - Sentence Combining 
  • Finish the yellow Sentence Combining Worksheet if you did not finish it in class.
  • IXL I.1 (Trace an Argument) and Y.1 (Related Words) - due tomorrow (Tuesday) 
  • IXL II.1 and II.2 (Subject/Verb Agreement) - due tomorrow (Tuesday)
  • Continue to read your Realistic Fiction/Mystery Book Report book. Make "Stop & Jot" annotations on post-its as you read and analyze the plot. The reading due date is 11/29.
Social Studies
Monday Classwork: Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just? - Argumentative Essay Introduction Paragraph and Body Paragraph #1
Homework: If you have not finished typing the Introduction paragraph and Body Paragraph #1 in Google Classroom, complete these two paragraphs for homework.
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (11/14): IXL I.1, Y.1 and II.1, II.2 due
Friday (11/17):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (11/20) - Friday (11/24): Thanksgiving Break πŸ¦ƒ
Monday (11/27):  SMUSD Professional Development Day -
(No School for Students)
Wednesday (11/29): Realistic Fiction Book Report - reading due date



Posting for Thursday, November 9
FREE Veterans Day Clipart - Image Download in Illustrator ...
Enjoy your Veterans Day holiday
as we thank all those who have served!
Thursday Classwork:
  • Persuasive/Opinion/Argumentative Writing lesson in English Journal on page 17
  • Introduction of IXL grammar - Subject/Verb Agreement and Subject/Verb Agreement with Compound Subjects
  • IXL I.1 (Trace an Argument) and Y.1 (Related Words) - due Tuesday 11/14
  • IXL II.1 and II.2 (Subject/Verb Agreement) - due Tuesday 11/14
  • Continue to read your Realistic Fiction/Mystery Book Report book. Make "Stop & Jot" annotations on post-its as you read and analyze the plot. The reading due date is 11/29.
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork:
  • BrainPop - "Veterans Day"
  • HMS Veterans Day Tribute Video
  • Hammurabi's Code: Guided Essay (topic sentences/word bank)
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Friday (11/10):  Veterans' Day - No School πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
Tuesday (11/14): IXL I.1, Y.1 and II.1, II.2 due
Friday (11/17):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (11/20) - Friday (11/24): Thanksgiving Break πŸ¦ƒ
Monday (11/27):  SMUSD Professional Development Day -
(No School for Students)
Wednesday (11/29): Realistic Fiction Book Report - reading due date



Posting for Wednesday, November 8
Please Consider
.... supporting Operation Christmas Child!
Students are encouraged to bring in
two small items to donate to this worthy cause.
Click on the link below for more information!
Due Date: Friday, November 17th
Thank you so much!
Wednesday Classwork: Hatchet Unit Test
  • IXL I.1 (Trace an Argument) and Y.1 (Related Words) - due Tuesday 11/14
  • Continue to read your Realistic Fiction/Mystery Book Report book. Make "Stop & Jot" annotations on post-its as you read and analyze the plot. The reading due date is 11/29.
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork:  Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just? 
  • Argumentative Writing with Guided Essay planning
  • Introduction paragraph (typed essay will be completed in Google Classroom)
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Friday (11/10):  Veterans' Day - No School πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
Tuesday (11/14): IXL I.1, Y.1 due
Friday (11/17):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (11/20) - Friday (11/24): Thanksgiving Break πŸ¦ƒ
Monday (11/27):  SMUSD Professional Development Day -
(No School for Students)
Wednesday (11/29): Realistic Fiction Book Report - reading due date



Posting for Tuesday, November 7Tu
Please Consider
.... supporting Operation Christmas Child!
Students are encouraged to bring in
two small items to donate to this worthy cause.
Click on the link below for more information!
Due Date: Friday, November 17th
Thank you so much!
Tuesday Classwork: 
  • Hatchet yellow  packet - Pages 7 and 8 to practice writing a RACECES response
  • StudySync "Point of View" online lesson with 3 sections - Define, Model, Your Turn (quiz) with page 11 in the yellow Hatchet packet
  • The Hatchet Unit Test is tomorrow (Wednesday.) Use the Review Guidelines passed out in class (also posted below).
  • BrainPop - Log into BrainPop (through Clever) to find the "Point of View" assignment. Watch the video and complete both the Review Quiz and Graded Quiz (due tomorrow before the test).
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just? 
  • Argumentative Writing with Guided Essay planning
  • Introduction paragraph (typed essay will be completed in Google Classroom)
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (11/8): Hatchet Unit Test (on excerpt from Ch.5/yellow packet)
Friday (11/10):  Veterans' Day - No School πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
Friday (11/17):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (11/20) - Friday (11/24): Thanksgiving Break πŸ¦ƒ
Monday (11/27):  SMUSD Professional Development Day (No School for Students)
Wednesday (11/29): Realistic Fiction Book Report - Reading/Stop & Jot due date



Posting for Monday, November 6
Monday Classwork:
  • Online StudySync "First Read" assignment - Sync TV episode with Think Questions and Vocabulary activity
  • Reminders about Hatchet Unit Test, Hatchet green packet, and IXL assignment
  • If you did not finish the online StudySync lesson in class, complete it for homework. Don't forget to "Submit Assignment."
  • The Hatchet green packet is due tomorrow (Tuesday). 
  • IXL D.1 (Narrator POV), HH.1 (Helping Verbs), and JJ.3 (Inappropriate Shifts in Verb Tense) - due tomorrow (Tuesday)
  • The Hatchet Unit Test will be on Wednesday. Use the Review Guidelines passed out in class (also posted below).
Social Studies
Monday Classwork: Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just?
  • Argumentative Essay - planning with "Guided Essay" handout
  • Introduction Paragraph planning - Hook, Background, Thesis (with 5 Ws for background info.)
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (11/7): IXL D.1, HH.1, JJ.3 due
Tuesday (11/7): Hatchet  Book Report - green packet due
Wednesday (11/8): Hatchet Unit Test (on excerpt from Ch.5/yellow packet)
Friday (11/10):  Veterans' Day - No School πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
Friday (11/17):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (11/20) - Friday (11/24): Thanksgiving Break 
Monday (11/27):  SMUSD Professional Development Day (No School for Students)
Wednesday (11/29): Realistic Fiction Book Report - Reading/Stop & Jot due date



Posting for Friday, November 3
Thursday Classwork: Hatchet Plot Analysis project - final draft on large paper with post-its on left side
  • If you did not turn in the Hatchet Plot Analysis project at the end of class on Friday, you will need to turn it in Monday morning.
  • The Hatchet green packet will be due Tuesday. 
  • IXL D.1 (Narrator POV), HH.1 (Helping Verbs), and JJ.3 (Inappropriate Shifts in Verb Tense) - due Tuesday
  • The Hatchet Unit Test will be on Wednesday. Use the Review Guidelines passed out in class (also posted below).
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just - Planning Sheet for Argumentative Essay
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Friday/Monday (11/6): Hatchet Book Report project due (Plot Diagram)
Tuesday (11/1): IXL D.1, HH.1, JJ.3 due
Wednesday (11/8): Hatchet Unit Test (on excerpt from Ch.5/yellow packet)
Friday (11/10):  Veterans' Day - No School πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
Friday (11/17):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (11/20) - Friday (11/24): Thanksgiving Break 
Monday (11/27):  SMUSD Professional Development Day (No School for Students)
Wednesday (11/29): Realistic Fiction Book Report - Reading due date



Posting for Thursday, November 2
Thursday Classwork: Hatchet Plot Analysis project - planning on plot pyramid rough draft/final draft on large paper with post-its on left side
  • The Hatchet Plot Analysis project will need to be turned in at the end of class Friday (or Monday morning if you need a little extra time).
  • The Hatchet green packet will be due Tuesday. 
  • IXL D.1 (Narrator POV), HH.1 (Helping Verbs), and JJ.3 (Inappropriate Shifts in Verb Tense) - due Tuesday
  • The Hatchet Unit Test will be on Wednesday. Use the Review Guidelines passed out in class (also posted below).
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just - Planning Sheet for Argumentative Essay
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Friday/Monday (11/6): Hatchet Book Report project due (Plot Diagram)
Tuesday (11/1): IXL D.1, HH.1, JJ.3 due
Wednesday (11/8): Hatchet Unit Test (on excerpt from Ch.5/yellow packet)
Friday (11/10):  Veterans' Day - No School πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
Friday (11/17):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (11/20) - Friday (11/24): Thanksgiving Break 
Monday (11/27):  SMUSD Professional Development Day (No School for Students)
Wednesday (11/29): Realistic Fiction Book Report - Reading due date



Posting for Tuesday, November 1
Tuesday Classwork: 
  • Hatchet Book Report Project - Plot Diagram discussion with rough draft of plot diagram
  • Narrator Point of View in Hatchet yellow packet, bottom of page 2
  • IXL - AA.1 - AA.4 (Context Clues) and JJ.2 (Simple Verb Tenses)  due tomorrow (Thursday)
  • Realistic Fiction Book Report - book approval due tomorrow (Thursday)
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: Planning Sheet - Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just?
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (11/2): Language Arts IXL: AA.1-AA.4 and JJ.2 due
Thursday (11/2): Realistic Fiction Book Report - Book Approval due
Friday/Monday (11/6): Hatchet Book Report project due (Plot Diagram)
Tuesday (11/7): Hatchet Unit Test (on excerpt from Ch.5/yellow packet)
Friday (11/10):  Veterans' Day - No School πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
Friday (11/17):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (11/20) - Friday (11/24): Thanksgiving Break 
Monday (11/27):  SMUSD Professional Development Day (No School for Students)
Wednesday (11/29): Realistic Fiction Book Report - Reading due date



Posting for Tuesday, October 31
Happy Halloween!
Tuesday Classwork: 
  • BrainPop - "Halloween" with Review Quiz
  • Hatchet yellow packet - Vocabulary on page 4
  • Hatchet Book Report Project - plot analysis discussion about conflict 
  • IXL - AA.1 - AA.4 (Context Clues) and JJ.2 (Simple Verb Tenses)  due Thursday
  • Realistic Fiction Book Report - book approval due Thursday
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: "Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just?" Document-Based Question activity
  • forming an argument and finding evidence from the laws to support that argument (blue packet page 5)
  • Thrash Out discussion: Just vs. Unjust in community circle space
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (10/31):  Happy Halloween! πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» 
Thursday (11/2): Language Arts IXL: AA.1-AA.4 and JJ.2 due
Thursday (11/2): Realistic Fiction Book Report - Book Approval due
Friday (11/10):  Veterans' Day - No School πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
Friday (11/17):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (11/20) - Friday (11/24): Thanksgiving Break 
Wednesday (11/29): Realistic Fiction Book Report - Reading due date



Posting for Monday, October 30
Don't forget to dress up for HALLOWEEN if you want! 
It's fun!!!
Monday Classwork: 
  • Realistic Fiction Book Report - book approvals
  • IXL Diagnostic Arena - orientation video and Real-Time Diagnostic
  • Email Etiquette - video and handout
  • The Email Etiquette assignment is due tomorrow. Use the purple handout for reminders about how to write this email (also posted below).
  • IXL - AA.1 - AA.4 (Context Clues) and JJ.2 (Simple Verb Tenses)  due Thursday
  • Realistic Fiction Book Report - book approval due
Social Studies
Monday Classwork: "Hammurabi's Code: Was It Just?"
  • Understanding the Question on page 5 of blue packet
  • Pre-Bucketing (sorting reasons the laws were just/unjust) on page 5
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (10/31):  Happy Halloween! πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» 
Thursday (11/2): Language Arts IXL: AA.1-AA.4 and JJ.2 due
Thursday (11/2): Realistic Fiction Book Report - Book Approval due
Friday (11/10):  Veterans' Day - No School πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
Friday (11/17):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (11/20) - Friday (11/24): Thanksgiving Break 
Wednesday (11/29): Realistic Fiction Book Report - Reading due date



Posting for Week of October 23-27
Hope all is going well while I am away
at Catalina Camp! Here is some information about
the due dates for this week.
Upcoming Dates
Monday - Friday (10/23 - 10/27):  Red Ribbon Week
Tuesday (10/24):  Language Arts IXL PP.1 - PP.5 (Commas) due
Tuesday (10/24): History Alive online Video Activity on Mesopotamian Empires due
Wednesday (10/25): Hatchet  Chapters 16-19 with green packet p. 12-16 due
Thursday (10/26): Hatchet Stop & Jot assignment due 
(Bring your book with Stop & Jot annotations on post-its to class)
Friday (10/27): Social Studies IXL B.2 due (Mesopotamian Empires)
and JJ.1 (Primary Sources)



Posting for Friday, October 20
Next week is Red Ribbon Week! 
Monday is the first day, so wear RED if you can!
Here is the schedule for the week:
Screen Shot 2023-10-03 at 9.51.35 PM.png
Friday Classwork:
  • Lesson on "How Do I Restate a Prompt?" in  English Journal on page 15 (left side)
  • RACES page with additional ideas for transitions on English Journal page 15 (right side)
  • RACES writing practice in Hatchet yellow packet on page 6 (about Mr. Perpich) with whole class
  • RACES Independent writing practice in Hatchet yellow packet page 5
  • IXL PP.1 - PP.5 (Commas) - due Tuesday 
  • Hatchet - Read Chapters 16-19 (pages 138-177) with green packet pages 12-16 (due next Wednesday 10/25).
  • Don't forget to keep working on your Hatchet Stop & Jot assignment. It will be due Thursday.
Social Studies
Friday Classwork: Social Studies IXL B.2 (Mesopotamian Empires)
Homework: Social Studies IXL B.2 (Mesopotamian Empires) - due Friday
Upcoming Dates
Monday - Friday (10/23 - 10/27):  Red Ribbon Week
Tuesday (10/24): IXL PP.1 - PP.5 (Commas) due
Wednesday (10/25): Hatchet  Chapters 16-19 with green packet p. 12-16 due
Thursday (10/26): Hatchet Stop & Jot assignment due 
(Bring your book with Stop & Jot annotations on post-its to class)
Friday (10/27): Social Studies IXL B.2 due (Mesopotamian Empires)



Posting for Thursday, October 19
Thursday Classwork:
  • Lesson on how to do literary analysis using the RACES format to cite evidence - page in English Journal on page 14
  • Practice with "The Three Little Pigs" video (Disney-Silly Symphony) on left side of Journal page 14
  • Hatchet - read Chapters 13-15  (pages 113-137) and complete green packet pages 10-11 and 18-19 - due tomorrow (Friday). 
  • IXL PP.1 - PP.5 (Commas) - due next Tuesday 10/24
  • Hatchet - read Chapters 16-19 (pages 138-177) with green packet pages 12-16 (due next Wednesday 10/25)
  • Don't forget to keep working on your Hatchet Stop & Jot assignment. It will be due also be due Thursday 10/26.
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: Lesson 6 = Exploring Four Empires of Mesopotamia (overview)
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Friday (10/20):  Hatchet  Chapters 13-15 with green packet pages 10-11 and 18-19
Saturday (10/21):  Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM) πŸŽƒ
Monday - Friday (10/23 - 10/27):  Red Ribbon Week
Tuesday (10/24): IXL PP.1 - PP.5 (Commas) due
Wednesday (10/25): Hatchet  Chapters 16-19 with green packet p. 12-16 due
Thursday (10/26): Hatchet Stop & Jot assignment due 
(Bring your book with Stop & Jot annotations on post-its to class)



Posting for Wednesday, October 18
Wednesday Classwork: 
  • New StudySync Turning Points workbooks passed out
  • "Text Toolbox Symbols" in English Journal on left side of p. 7 (Annotating Symbols)
  • Excerpt from Hatchet in StudySync workbook on p. 4-7 with Annotation Assignment in yellow Hatchet packet on p. 3 (Close Read with Annotations)
  • Personal Narrative Essays collected
  • Hatchet - read Chapters 13-15  (pages 113-137) and complete green packet pages 10-11 and 18-19 - due Friday. 
  • IXL PP.1 - PP.5 (Commas) - due next Tuesday 10/24
  • Hatchet - read Chapters 16-19 (pages 138-177) with green packet pages 12-16 (due next Wednesday 10/25)
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork: 
  • Sumerian Real Estate Ad
  • Lessons 4/5 Assessment results reviewed online
Homework: The Sumerian Real Estate Ad is due tomorrow (Thursday). Make sure you use the blue directions handout while you work on this.
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (10/19): Sumerian Real Estate Ad due
Friday (10/20):  Hatchet  Chapters 13-15 with green packet pages 10-11 and 18-19
Thursday (10/19):  Great California Shakeout Drill (10:19 AM) 
Saturday (10/21):  Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM) πŸŽƒ
Monday - Friday (10/23 - 10/27):  Red Ribbon Week
Tuesday (10/24): IXL PP.1 - PP.5 (Commas) due
Wednesday (10/25): Hatchet  Chapters 16-19 with green packet p. 12-16 due



Posting for Tuesday, October 17
Tuesday Classwork: 
  • Grammar lesson on "Commas" in English Journal on page 13
  • Final revisions on Personal Narrative Essay with Revising/Editing Checklist
  • Grading Rubric for Personal Narrative (for your reference) - pink paper
  • The Personal Narrative (Camp Cuyamaca) Essay is due tomorrow. You will need to turn in a final black and white printed copy (no need to print a color copy yet, unless you want to). Please make sure you print one-sided (not front & back) and staple it. It should be turned in with your Revising/Editing Checklist and the pink grading rubric.
  • Hatchet - read Chapters 13-15  (pages 113-137) and complete green packet pages 10-11 - due Friday. 
  • IXL PP.1 - PP.5 (Commas) - due next Tuesday 10/24
  • Hatchet - read Chapters 16-19 (pages 138-177) with green packet pages 12-16 (due next Wednesday 10/25)
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: Sumerian Real Estate Ad
Homework: The Sumerian Real Estate Ad is due Thursday. Make sure you use the blue directions handout while you work on this.
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (10/18): Camp Cuyamaca Personal Narrative Essay due
Thursday (10/19): Sumerian Real Estate Ad due
Friday (10/20):  Hatchet  Chapters 13-15 with green packet pages 10-11
Thursday (10/19):  Great California Shakeout Drill (10:19 AM) 
Saturday (10/21):  Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM) πŸŽƒ
Monday - Friday (10/23 - 10/27):  Red Ribbon Week
Tuesday (10/24): IXL PP.1 - PP.5 (Commas) due
Wednesday (10/25): Hatchet  Chapters 16-19 with green packet p. 12-16 due



Posting for Monday, October 16

Happy First Day of Quarter 2! πŸ˜ƒ

Monday Classwork: Personal Narrative Essay - adding images with Mrs. Anand
  • Hatchet - read Chapters 10-12  (pages 89-112) and complete green packet page 9 - due tomorrow (Tuesday). Don't forget to continue working on pages 17-20.
  • Hatchet - read Chapters 13-15  (pages 113-137) and complete green packet pages 10-11 - due Friday. 
  • The Camp Cuyamaca Personal Narrative is due Wednesday. You will need to turn in a printed copy of the essay (black & white and one-sided) with your Revising/Editing Checklist. Make sure you have finished your revisions and highlighted them in yellow. Also refer to the back of that handout for reminders about editing. 
Social Studies
Monday Classwork:
  • Lesson on Persuasive vs. Argumentative Writing 
  • Sumerian Real Estate Ad - Final Draft
Homework: The Sumerian Real Estate Ad is due Thursday. Make sure you use the blue directions handout while you work on this.
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (10/17): Hatchet Chapters 10-12 with green packet p. 9 due
Wednesday (10/18): Camp Cuyamaca Personal Narrative Essay due
Thursday (10/19): Sumerian Real Estate Ad
Friday (10/20):  Hatchet  Chapters 13-15 with green packet pages 10-11
Thursday (10/19):  Great California Shakeout Drill (10:19 AM) 
Saturday (10/21):  Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM) πŸŽƒ



Posting for Friday, October 13
Friday Classwork: Hatchet by Gary Paulsen - review of assignment due today and announcements about upcoming deadlines (see below)
  • On Monday, I will be collecting your English Journals so I can check the classwork you have done this quarter. Make sure your pages are complete and your Table of Contents is current.
  • Hatchet - read Chapters 10-12  (pages 89-112) and complete green packet page 9 - due Tuesday. Don't forget to continue working on pages 17-20.
  • Hatchet - read Chapters 13-15  (pages 113-137) and complete green packet pages 10-11 - due Friday. 
  • Next week we will be doing final revisions and edits on the Camp Cuyamaca Personal Narrative. I will be going over directions on how to turn it in before Wednesday, the due date.
Social Studies
Friday Classwork:
  • Lessons 4/5 Assessment
  • Sumerian Real Estate Ad project
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (10/17): Hatchet Chapters 10-12 with green packet p. 9 due
Friday (10/20):  Hatchet  Chapters 13-15 with green packet pages 10-11
Thursday (10/19):  Great California Shakeout Drill (10:19 AM) 
Saturday (10/21):  Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM) πŸŽƒ



Posting for Thursday, October 12
With no electricity today, things were a little challenging!
Thank you, students, for being flexible while you 
stay focused on your learning. Please read the 
information below for updates.
Reminder - Tomorrow is
Thursday Classwork: Lesson on Narrator Point of View in English Journal on page 12 with practice in new yellow packet, pages 9-10.
  • Hatchet - read Chapters 8-9 (pages 74-97) and complete green packet pages 7-8 - due tomorrow (Friday). Don't forget to continue working on pages 17-20.
  • Hatchet - Continue working on the Stop & Jot annotations as you read.
  • On Monday, I will be collecting your English Journals so I can check the classwork you have done. Make sure your pages are complete and your Table of Contents is current.
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: Introduction of Sumerian Real Estate Ad with directions and rough draft for planning.
  • NOTE: The Lessons 4/5 Assessment will be TOMORROW! Don't forget to do some additional review using the "Preparing for a Social Studies Test" handout (posted below). Also make sure you have completed BOTH Lesson Games for homework.
  • I will be collecting your ISN Lesson 5 notes tomorrow before the test. Make sure those notes are complete and ready to turn in. 
  • Sumerian Real Estate Ad - We will continue working on this in class, but feel free to print out any color images you might want to use for your ad at home. This is not homework yet!
Upcoming Dates
Friday (10/13): Social Studies Lessons 4/5 Test
Friday (10/12):Hatchet green packet pages 7-8 due
Friday (10/13): ASB Spirit Day - Barbie/Pink dress up day
Friday (10/13):  End of Quarter 1 (12:40 PM Dismissal) 
Thursday (10/19):  Great California Shakeout Drill (10:19 AM) 
Saturday (10/21):  Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM) πŸŽƒ



Posting for Wednesday, October 11
Wednesday Classwork: 
  • English Grammar Test - IXL Quiz
  • Personal Narrative - Revising and Editing
  • Hatchet - read Chapters 8-9 (pages 74-97) and complete green packet pages 7-8 - due Friday 10/13 (Don't forget to continue working on pages 17-20)
  • Hatchet - Continue working on the Stop & Jot annotations as you read
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork:
  • Lesson 5 = Ancient Sumer - Partner Activity with Artifact Evaluation and notes in ISN
  • Reminders/Review for Lesson 4/5 Assessment
  • The Lessons 4/5 Assessment is tomorrow (Thursday). Use the reminders about Preparing for a Social Studies Test handout (also posted below).
  • The Lesson 4 "Matrix of Knowledge" and Lesson 5 "Information Excavation" Lesson Games are homework, due BEFOREthe test!
  • Be ready to turn in your Lesson 5 notes for a Classwork score. Note: We are not doing pages 38-39. Those pages do not need to be completed.
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (10/12): Social Studies Lessons 4/5 Test
Friday (10/12):Hatchet green packet pages 7-8 due
Friday (10/13): ASB Spirit Day - Barbie/Pink dress up day
Friday (10/13):  End of Quarter 1 (12:40 PM Dismissal) 
Thursday (10/19):  Great California Shakeout Drill (10:19 AM) 
Saturday (10/21):  Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM) πŸŽƒ



Posting for Tuesday, October 10
Tuesday Classwork: Personal Narrative - revising with Revising/Editing Checklist handout
  • The English Grammar Test is tomorrow (Wednesday) - use the orange Review Guidelines handout (also posted below)
  • Hatchet - read Chapters 8-9 (pages 74-97) and complete green packet pages 7-8 - due Friday 10/13 (Don't forget to continue working on pages 17-20)
  • Hatchet - Continue working on the Stop & Jot annotations as you read
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: Lesson 5 = Ancient Sumer -
  • BrainPop - "Sumerians"
  • Partner Activity - reading and note-taking for 3 sections with artifact evaluation activity
  • If you did not finish the five sections that you started in class today with your partner, over the last two days, you will need to finish them for homework. For your reference, the placards showing the artifacts are posted below.
  • The Lessons 4/5 Assessment is this Thursday, October 12
  • Head Start Opportunity - Start reviewing Lesson 4 (online Summary, Vocabulary, Lesson Game) for the test
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (10/11): English Grammar Test
Thursday (10/12): Social Studies Lessons 4/5 Test
Friday (10/12):Hatchet green packet pages 7-8 due
Friday (10/13): ASB Spirit Day - Barbie/Pink dress up day
Friday (10/13):  End of Quarter 1 (12:40 PM Dismissal) 
Thursday (10/19):  Great California Shakeout Drill (10:19 AM) 
Saturday (10/21):  Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM) πŸŽƒ



Posting for Monday, October 9
Note: ASB will be selling Halloween-Grams
during lunch this week. 
Monday Classwork: Reminders about upcoming deadlines
  • IXL DD.8, DD.9 (Dependent and Independent Clauses) is due tomorrow (Tuesday)
  • English Grammar Test - Wednesday, October 11 (Review Guidelines posted below)
  • Hatchet - read Chapters 8-9 (pages 74-97) and complete green packet pages 7-8 - due Friday 10/13 (Don't forget to continue working on pages 17-20)
  • Hatchet - Continue working on the Stop & Jot annotations as you read
Social Studies
Monday Classwork:  Lesson 5 = Ancient Sumer -
  • Handouts on "Directions for Completing Your Interactive Student Notebook (ISN) Pages!" reviewed and glued into the back of the ISN
  • Introduction of Artifact Examination Activity using example from Section 2 (reading and notes)
  • Partner Activity - 2 stations/sections
  • If you did not finish the two sections that you started in class today with your partner, you will need to finish them for homework. For your reference, the placards showing the artifacts are posted below.
  • The Lessons 4/5 Assessment is this Thursday, October 12
  • Head Start Opportunity - Start reviewing Lesson 4 (online Summary, Vocabulary, Lesson Game) for the test
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (10/10): IXL DD.8, DD.9 due (Dependent/Independent Clauses)
Wednesday (10/11): English Grammar Test
Thursday (10/12): Social Studies Lessons 4/5 Test
Friday (10/12):Hatchet green packet pages 7-8 due
Friday (10/13): ASB Spirit Day - Barbie/Pink dress up day
Friday (10/13):  End of Quarter 1 (12:40 PM Dismissal) 
Thursday (10/19):  Great California Shakeout Drill (10:19 AM) 
Saturday (10/21):  Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM) πŸŽƒ



Posting for Friday, October 6
Next week will be a very busy week as we wrap up Quarter 1!
Think about how you are managing your deadlines
and preparing for assessments. 
You may want to get a head start on some things this weekend.
Friday Classwork: 
  • IXL Group Jam with DD.9 (Simple, Complex, Compound Sentences)
  • Test Review Guidelines for upcoming Grammar Test
  • Personal Narrative - Revising & Editing Checklist
  • IXL DD.8, DD.9 (Dependent and Independent Clauses) is due next Tuesday, 10/10
  • English Grammar Test - Wednesday, October 11 (Review Guidelines posted below)
  • Hatchet - read Chapters 8-9 (pages 74-97) and complete green packet pages 7-8 - due Friday 10/13 (Don't forget to continue working on pages 17-20)
  • Hatchet - Continue working on the Stop & Jot annotations as you read
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork: Lesson 5 = Ancient Sumer -
  • Reading of Section 1 in online History Alive program with notes in ISN on p. 32
  • Introduction of Artifact Examination Activity using example from Section 2 (reading and notes)
  • Video - "What Is Archaeology: Understanding the Archaeological Record"
  • The Lessons 4/5 Assessment will be next Thursday, October 12
  • Head Start Opportunity - Start reviewing Lesson 4 (online Summary, Vocabulary, Lesson Game)
  • Optional - Watch the rest of the video on "What Is Archaeology: Understanding the Archaeological Record" (posted below)
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (10/10): IXL DD.8, DD.9 due (Dependent/Independent Clauses)
Wednesday (10/11): English Grammar Test
Thursday (10/12): Social Studies Lessons 4/5 Test
Friday (10/12):Hatchet green packet pages 7-8 due
Friday (10/13): ASB Spirit Day - Barbie/Pink dress up day
Friday (10/13):  End of Quarter 1 (12:40 PM Dismissal) 
Thursday (10/19):  Great California Shakeout Drill (10:19 AM) 
Saturday (10/21):  Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM) πŸŽƒ



Posting for Thursday, October 5
Thursday Classwork:
  • IXL DD.8, DD.9 - handout on Dependent and Independent Clauses/Simple, Compound, Complex Sentences
  • BrainPop - "Strengthening Sentences"
  • Personal Narrative - Ending (typing in Google Classroom assignment)
  • Hatchet - read Chapters 6-7 (pages 52-73) and complete green packet page 6 - due Friday
  • IXL DD.8, DD.9 (Dependent and Independent Clauses) will be due next Tuesday, 10/10
  • English Grammar Test - Wednesday, October 11 (Review Guidelines posted below)
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork: Lesson 4 = The Rise of Sumerian City-States -
  • Section 5 notes in ISN on p. 27
  • Reading of Sections 6 with notes in ISN on p. 28
Homework: The Lessons 4/5 Assessment will be next Thursday, October 12
Upcoming Dates
Friday (10/6): Hatchet - Read Chapters 6-7 with packet p. 6
Tuesday (10/10): IXL DD.8, DD.9 due (Dependent/Independent Clauses)
Wednesday (10/11): English Grammar Test
Thursday (10/12): Social Studies Lessons 4/5 Test
Friday (10/13):  End of Quarter 1 (12:40 PM Dismissal) 
Thursday (10/19):  Great California Shakeout Drill (10:19 AM) 
Saturday (10/21):  Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM) πŸŽƒ



Posting for Wednesday, October 4
Wednesday Classwork:
  • Hatchet - green packet pages 4-5 discussed, pages 17 and 20 started
  • Personal Narrative Essay - Google Classroom - typing of Beginning, Middle
  • Hatchet - read Chapters 6-7 (pages 52-73) and complete green packet page 6
  • IXL DD.8, DD.9 (Dependent and Independent Clauses) will be due next Tuesday, 10/10
  • English Grammar Test - Wednesday, October 11 (Review Guidelines posted below)
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork: Lesson 4 = The Rise of Sumerian City-States - Problem & Solution Activity on defending against attacks by neighboring communities with designs on poster paper and presentations
Homework: The Lessons 4/5 Assessment will be next Thursday, October 12
Upcoming Dates
Friday (10/6): Hatchet - Read Chapters 6-7 with packet p. 6
Tuesday (10/10): IXL DD.8, DD.9 due (Dependent/Independent Clauses)
Wednesday (10/11): English Grammar Test
Thursday (10/12): Social Studies Lessons 4/5 Test
Friday (10/13):  End of Quarter 1 (12:40 PM Dismissal) 
Thursday (10/19):  Great California Shakeout Drill (10:19 AM) 
Saturday (10/21):  Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM) πŸŽƒ



Posting for Tuesday, October 3
Tuesday Classwork: 
  • Video - Writing Complex Sentences
  • English Journal page 11 - Dependent/Independent Clauses, Subordinating Conjunctions, and Complex Sentences with practice
  • Google Classroom - "Writing Complex Sentences" practice
Homework:   Hatchet by Gary Paulsen - Read Chapters 2 - 5 (pages 13-51) and complete green packet pages 4-5 (due tomorrow) . Don't forget to continue to work on your Stop & Jot annotations as well.
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork:   Lesson 4 = The Rise of Sumerian City-States - Problem & Solution Activity
  • Discussion - How to Maintain Irrigation System Across Village Boundaries
  • Section 4 - reading in online History Alive text with notes in ISN on p. 26
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (10/4): Hatchet - Read Chapters 2-5 with packet p. 4-5
Friday (10/6): Hatchet Read Chapters 6-7 with packet p. 6
Wednesday (10/11): English Grammar Test
Thursday (10/12): Social Studies Lessons 4/5 Test
Friday (10/13):  End of Quarter 1 (12:40 PM Dismissal) 
Thursday (10/19):  Great California Shakeout Drill (10:19 AM) 
Saturday (10/21):  Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM) πŸŽƒ



Posting for Monday, October 2
Happy October!
Monday Classwork: Personal Narrative Essay -
  • Student Model (yellow handout)
  • Typing in Google Classroom - Beginning, Middle...
Homework: Hatchet by Gary Paulsen - Read Chapter 2 - 5 (pages 13-51) and complete green packet pages 4-5. Don't forget to continue to work on your Stop & Jot annotations as well.
Social Studies
Monday Classwork: Lesson 4 = The Rise of Sumerian City-States - Problem & Solution Activity
  • Designs for Water Control Systems to control the supply of water in the river valley
  • Section 4 - reading in online History Alive text with notes in ISN on p. 26
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (10/4): Hatchet Read Chapters 2-5 with packet p. 4-5
Friday (10/13):  End of Quarter 1 (12:40 PM Dismissal)



Posting for Thursday, September 28
Thursday Classwork: Personal Narrative Essay -
  • Writing Tools handouts - transitions, vivid verbs, sensory language, etc.
  • 5 Ws - Who, What, Where, When, Why (for background information on Camp Cuyamaca trip)
  • Common Core Workbook - pages 146-150 for reminders about organization and content of a personal narrative 
  • Typing of first paragraph (beginning of story) in Google Classroom "Personal Narrative" assignment
Homework:   Hatchet green packet - pages 1-3 on Chapter One due tomorrow (Friday)
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork:
  • Community Circle
  • Lesson 4 = The Rise of Sumerian City-States: Ancient Mesopotamian Problem-Solution activity with new collaboration groups
Homework: none (Note: We do not currently have access to Social Studies IXL, so A.1 is no longer homework)



Posting for Wednesday, September 27
Wednesday Classwork: Hatchet Book Report -
  • books distributed through library (checked out by scan)
  • Chapter One read together
  • Stop & Jot - directions for annotating for plot analysis
  • Hatchet green packet passed out (comprehension and vocabulary pages)
  • IXL EE.6, EE.7, EE.8 (Possessives) - due tomorrow (Thursday)
  • Hatchet green packet - pages 1-3 on Chapter One due Friday
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork: History Alive Lesson 4 = The Rise of Sumerian City-States
  • Preview Activity in ISN on p. 23
  • Introduction in online History Alive program
  • Section 1 with notes in ISN on top of page 24
Homework: Note: Social Studies IXL A.1 (Neolithic Period) is no longer due Friday. (HMS does not currently have access to this subject area in IXL). No homework for Social Studies tonight!
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (9/28): IXL EE.6, EE.7, EE.8 due (Possessives)
Friday (9/29): Hatchet green packet pages 1-3
Friday (10/13):  End of Quarter 1 (12:40 PM Dismissal)



Posting for Tuesday, September 26
Tuesday Classwork: Personal Narrative Essay -
  • Wrtiting the "Grabber" or "Hook" with pink packet
  • "Narrative Writing" white packet - planning (entire packet completed)
Homework:  IXL EE.6, EE.7, EE.8 (Possessives) - due Thursday
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork:
  • Lesson 3 Test
  • "Changes in Life During the Neolithic Period" project finalize and collected
  • Social Studies IXL A.1 (The Neolithic Period)
Homework: Social Studies IXL A.1 (The Neolithic Period) - due Friday
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (9/28): IXL EE.6, EE.7, EE.8 due (Possessives)
Friday (9/29): Social Studies IXL - A.1 due (Neolithic Period)
Friday (10/13):  End of Quarter 1 (12:40 PM Dismissal)



Posting for Monday, September 25
Monday Classwork: 
  • BrainPop Video and Review Quiz - "Show, Not Tell"
  • Practice  - "Show, Not Tell" with writing worksheet
Homework: IXL EE.6, EE.7, EE.8 (Possessives) - due Thursday
Social Studies
Monday Classwork: "Changes in Life During the Neolithic Period Chart" with blue student handout
  • Complete the "Changes in Life During the Neolithic Period Chart" project. Don't forget to use the pink directions and the blue student handout as you work on this, and be ready to turn it in before the test.
  • The Lesson 3 test is tomorrow. The "Charting the Course" Lesson Game is test review, due before the test.
  • Blue worksheet for test review - Paleolithic vs. Neolithic Life
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (9/26):  Lesson 3 Social Studies Test
Thursday (9/28): IXL EE.6, EE.7, EE.8 due (Possessives)
Friday (10/13):  End of Quarter 1 (12:40 PM Dismissal)



Posting for Friday, September 22
Friday Classwork:
  • "Narrative Writing"  new white packet 
  • prompt for Personal Narrative Essay (purple paper)
Homework: If you did not finish the "Planning" and "Focusing on Your Topic" pages in the "Narrative Writing" white packet, finish those pages before Monday.
Social Studies
Friday Classwork: Paleolithic vs. Neolithic Chart Project - directions, tokens, blue "Aspects of Life During the Neolithic Period" student handout, and chart (first section completed together)
Homework: The Lesson 3 Test will be on Tuesday. The "Charting the Course" Lesson Game will be due before the test.
Upcoming Dates
Friday (9/22):  6th Grade Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM)
Location: HMS Cafeteria ~ Theme: Luau πŸŒΊ
Tuesday (9/26):  Lesson 3 Social Studies Test
Friday (10/13):  End of Quarter 1 (12:40 PM Dismissal)



Posting for Friday, September 29
Friday Classwork: Personal Narrative Essay -
  • Reminders about Organization - directions for rewriting the beginning of the story introduction paragraph with Hook, Background, Main Idea (no minor details here!)
  • Writing Middle of story - details in chronological order about the focus of your essay (having to do with the challenge/obstacle/conflict)
Homework: Hatchet by Gary Paulsen -
  • Read Chapters 2-5 (pages 13-51) and complete green packet pages 4-5 - due Wednesday
  • Continue to work on Stop & Jot as you analyze the plot (Inciting Incident, Rising Action)
  • Optional - continue reading the novel while completing the pages in the green packet as you go
Social Studies
Friday Classwork:  Lesson 4 = The Rise of Sumerian City-States: Ancient Mesopotamian Problem-Solution activity with new collaboration groups -
  • Section 2 (Food Shortages in the Hills) - reading in online History Alive with notes in ISN on p. 2
  • New Problem = Uncontrolled Water Supply on the Plains - group collaboration on Water Control System Pan (including a river and fields) on poster paper
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (10/4): Hatchet Chapters 2-5 with packet pages 4-5
Friday (10/13):  End of Quarter 1 (12:40 PM Dismissal)



Posting for Thursday, September 21
Thursday Classwork: Descriptive Writing yellow packet -
  • "Appeal to the Reader's Senses" (page 34)
  • "Writing Descriptive Sentences" (pages 57-58) with practice in Google Classroom assignment
Homework: IXL RR.4 (Quotations and Dialogue) due tomorrow
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: Lesson 3 = From Hunters and Gatherers to Farmers -
  • Section 5 (Developing New Jobs) with notes in ISN on page 21
  • Section 6 (Beginning to Trade) with notes in ISN on page 22
Homework: The Lesson 3 Test will be on Tuesday, 9/26
Upcoming Dates
Friday (9/22): IXL RR.4 due
Friday (9/22):  6th Grade Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM)
Location: HMS Cafeteria ~ Theme: Luau πŸŒΊ
Tuesday (9/26):  Lesson 3 Social Studies Test
Friday (10/13):  End of Quarter 1 (12:40 PM Dismissal)



Posting for Wednesday, September 20
Wednesday Classwork: 
  • "Writing Dialogue" yellow packet
  • IXL RR.4 - Formatting Quotations and Dialogue
  • IXL G.1 (Inferences) and  DD.5, DD.6, DD.7 (Sentences, Fragments, Run-Ons) - due tomorrow (Thursday)
  • IXL RR.4 (Quotations and Dialogue) - due Friday
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork: Lesson 3 = From Hunters and Gatherers to Farmers - Sections 1, 2, and 3 with notes in the ISN on p. 17, 18, 19
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (9/21): IXL G.1, DD.5, DD.6, DD.7 due
Friday (9/22): IXL RR.4 due
Friday (9/22):  6th Grade Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM)
Location: HMS Cafeteria ~ Theme: Luau 🌺
Friday (10/13):  End of Quarter 1 (12:40 PM Dismissal)



Posting for Monday, September 18
Monday Classwork:
  • Journal Writing in Google Classroom
  • Grammar - fragments, run-ons, and sentences lesson in English Journal with practice worksheet
  • IXL assignment - DD.5, DD.6, DD.7
  • If you did not finish the Journal Writing assignment in Goolge Classroom in class, finish it for homework. Don't forget to turn it in through Google Classroom.
  • IXL G.1 (Inferences) and DD.5, DD.6, DD.7 (Sentence Fragments/Run-Ons) - due Thursday
Social Studies
Monday Classwork: Lesson 3 = From Hunters and Gatherers to Farmers - Preview Activity in ISN workbook on page 17
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (9/21): IXL - G.1, DD.5, DD.6, DD.7 due
Friday (9/22):  6th Grade Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM)
Location: HMS Cafeteria ~ Theme: Luau 🌺



Posting for Friday, September 8
Camp Cuyamaca, here we come! 
Looking forward to a great week with our campers!
Friday Classwork: 
  • Community Circle
  • "What Is an Inference?" packet - pages 1-3
  • Introduction of IXL G.1 - Draw Inferences from Literary Texts
Homework: IXL G.1 (Inferences) will be due after we return, on 9/21
Social Studies
Friday Classwork:
  • Video - "Early Humans...In 5 Minutes or Less"
  • Lesson 2 Assessment = Early Hominins
Homework: none



Posting for Thursday, September 7
Thursday Classwork: "Stray" Unit Test
Homework: none
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: Independent Work -
  • Lesson 2, Section 4 = Homo Sapiens - Reading of section in online History Alive program with notes in ISN on p. 15 (notes checked by Mrs. Doan)
  • Summary section with Vocabulary Activity (Note: We are not doing the Processing Activity in the ISN on p. 16)
  • Explore article in History Alive - "Migration Routes of our Ancient Ancestors" (read) 
Homework: The Lesson 2 Assessment is tomorrow (Friday). In order to be prepared, please do the following:
  • Make sure all your notes are complete in the ISN, pages 11-15 (Note: We are not doing the Processing Activity on page 16)
  • Review for the Lesson 2 assessment by using the purple "How Do I Prepare for a Social Studies Test" handout (posted below)
  • Complete the Lesson 2 "Matrix of Knowledge" Lesson Game for homework (BEFORE the test)
  • If you did not finish reading the "Migration Routes of our Ancient Ancestors" Explore article in History Alive Lesson 2, please read it before the test. (Note: You do not need to answer the questions at the bottom).



Posting for Wednesday, September 6
Wednesday Classwork:  
  • Finding Text Evidence activity in "Stray" green packet on page 7 (with partner)
  • English Journal - spelling words (believe/interest) and writing goals
  • Reminders about "Stray" Unit Test tomorrow
  • If you did not finish page 7 in the green "Stray" packet, complete it for homework.
  • Be ready to turn in the green "Stray" packet before the test (Note: you do not need to do page 8)
  • The "Stray" Unit Test is tomorrow (Thursday). Use the green paper with the Test Review Guidelines that we discussed in class and (also posted below). 
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork:
  • Lesson 2 = Early Hominins - Section 3 (Neanderthal Man) with notes in ISN on page 14
  • "The Dawn of Humanity" video (Nova)
Homework: Optional - The full-length version of "The Dawn of Humanity" is posted below. If you are interested, you might want to watch it! (OPTIONAL)
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (9/7): "Stray" Unit Test
Friday (9/8): Social Studies Lesson 2 Test = Early Hominins
Monday (9/11) - Friday (9/15):  6th Grade Outdoor Ed Trip (Camp Cuyamaca)



Posting for Tuesday, September 5
After-school academic support classes have started! 
Please see the schedule linked below.
Tuesday Classwork:
  • Study Guide for upcoming "Stray" Unit Test
  • "Stray" Vocabulary in packet on pages 5-6
  • IXL DD.4 (Compound Subjects & Predicates) and IXL EE.5 (Plurals Review) - due tomorrow (Wednesday) 
  • The "Stray" Unit Test will be on Thursday. The Test Review Guidelines were discussed in class and are posted below. 
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: Lesson 2 = Early Hominins - Section 2 (Homo Erectus) with notes in ISN on page 13
Homework: IXL - JJ.3 is due tomorrow (Wednesday) on timelines
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday (9/6): Language Arts IXL - DD.4, EE.5 due
Wednesday (9/6): Social Studies IXL - JJ.3 due
Thursday (9/7): "Stray" Unit Test
Friday (9/8): Social Studies Lesson 2 Test = Early Hominins
Monday (9/11) - Friday (9/15):  6th Grade Outdoor Ed Trip (Camp Cuyamaca)



Posting for Friday, September 1
Friday Classwork:
  • Compound Subjects and Compound Predicates in English Journal on page 9
  • Ploy Analysis with "Stray" - Plot Diagram in English Journal on left side of page 8
  • IXL DD.4 (Compound Subjects & Predicates) and IXL EE.5 (Plurals Review) - due Wednesday 9/6
  • The "Stray" Unit Test will be on. Thursday. FYI, the Test Review Guidelines are posted below. We will also over this in class on Tuesday.
Social Studies
Friday Classwork: 
  • Lesson on Timelines with B.C.E. and C.E.
  • Group Jam in IXL using Social Studies section JJ.3
  • History Alive Lesson 2 = Early Hominins - Section 2 activity with analysis of image
Homework: Social Studies IXL - JJ.3 is due Wednesday 9/6
Upcoming Dates
Monday (9/4):  Labor Day - No School!
Wednesday (9/6): Language Arts IXL - DD.4, EE.5 due
Wednesday (9/6): Social Studies IXL - JJ.3 due
Thursday (9/7): "Stray" Unit Test
Monday (9/11) - Friday (9/15):  6th Grade Outdoor Ed Trip (Camp Cuyamaca)



Posting for Thursday, August 31
Thursday Classwork:
  • Community Circle - Discussion Topic: What is your homework routine?
  • "Stray" by Cynthia Rylant - reading and annotating in packet
Homework: Pages 3-4 in the green "Stray" packet on "Plot" (Don't forget to refer to refer to page 8 in your English Journal while you practice this)
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: Lesson 2 = Early Hominins - Section 1 with notes in ISN workbook on page 12
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Monday (9/4):  Labor Day - No School!
Monday (9/11) - Friday (9/15):  6th Grade Outdoor Ed Trip (Camp Cuyamaca)



Posting for Wednesday, August 30
After-school academic support classes have started! 
Please see the schedule linked below.
Wednesday Classwork:
  • English Journal page on Plot 
  • English Journal page on Highlighting and Annotating
Homework:  IXL DD.1, DD.2, DD.2 (Four Types of Sentences, Subjects & Predicates) - due tomorrow (Thursday)
Social Studies
Wednesday Casswork: Lesson 2 = Early Homins -
  • Preview Activity in Interactive Student Notebook (new workbook) on page 11
  • Online History Alive - reading of Lesson 2 Introduction
  • Online History Alive - Lesson 2 Activity with image analysis of Homo Habilis and timeline, Section 2
Homework: none
1. Remember to give your parents the Hauntington Breakfast
packets you received in Homeroom last week.
For information and ticket sales, please visit the website:  https://www.hauntingtonbreakfast.com/
Any questions? Please email them to:  [email protected]
2. Use your locker sign as you check to see if you have
all the materials you need for class each day. 
This now includes your new Social Studies ISN
(Interactive Student Notebook).  
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (8/31): IXL DD.1, DD.2, DD.3 due 
Monday (9/4):  Labor Day - No School!
Monday (9/11) - Friday (9/15):  6th Grade Outdoor Ed Trip (Camp Cuyamaca)



Posting for Tuesday, August 29
After school academic support classes
(Homework Club) have started this week.
Please see the schedule linked below.
Tuesday Classwork: Lesson on Story Vocabulary in English Journal with video - "Fugu"
  • Complete pages 1-2 in the green "Stray" packet on Story Vocabulary
  •  IXL DD.1, DD.2, DD.2 (Four Types of Sentences, Subjects & Predicates) - due this Thursday (8/31)
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: Lesson 1 = Investigating the Past Assessment
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (8/31): IXL DD.1, DD.2, DD.3 due 
Monday (9/4):  Labor Day - No School!
Monday (9/11) - Friday (9/15):  6th Grade Outdoor Ed Trip (Camp Cuyamaca)



Posting for Monday, August 28
Hopefully students passed on the informational letter
from the PTA about our annual fundraiser,
the Hauntington Breakfast. We are so grateful
for all the support we receive from PTA! 
Monday Classwork:
  • Video - "You Can Learn Anything"
  • English Journal - Parts of Speech on page 4 (with Parts of Speed Rap)
  • Subjects and Predicates lesson in English Journal on page 5, with practice on left side
Homework:.  IXL DD.1, DD.2, DD.2 (Four Types of Sentences, Subjects & Predicates) - due this Thursday (8/31)
Social Studies
Monday Classwork: 
  • Study review guidelines - "How Do I Successfully Prepare for a Social Studies Test?"
  • Vocabulary review in online History Alive program
  • Reminders about Lesson 1 = Investigating the Past assessment tomorrow 
  • The Lesson 1 Assessment is tomorrow. Remember, it will be open-note. In other words, you can refer to your note-taking packet during the test.
  • Be prepared to turn in your Lesson 1 notes after the test. Proofread to make sure you have written complete stand-alone sentences that reflect the key details from each section.
  • The Lesson 1 "Crack the Code" Lesson Game in the online History Alive program is homework that should be completed before the test. 
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (8/29): Social Studies Lesson 1 Assessment
Thursday (8/31): IXL DD.1, DD.2, DD.3 due 
Monday (9/4):  Labor Day - No School!
Monday (9/11) - Friday (9/15):  6th Grade Outdoor Ed Trip (Camp Cuyamaca)



Posting for Friday, August 25
Thank you to all who attended Back to School Night
last night! FYI, I will be emailing the Google Slide
presentation from last night
to all parents for your reference. 
Friday Classwork: Introduction of new IXL assignment (with BrainPop videos) - 4 Types of Sentences and Subjects & Predicates
Homework: IXL DD.1, DD.2, DD.2 (Four Types of Sentences, Subjects & Predicates) - due Thursday 8/31
Social Studies
Friday Classwork: Lesson 1 = Investigating the Past - Summary 
Homework: The Lesson 1 assessment will be on Tuesday, and it will be open-note. You will be able to have your note-taking packet open during this first test, then it will be collected for a Classwork score after the test.
Students are bringing home an informational letter
from the PTA about our annual fundraiser,
the Hauntington Breakfast. We are so grateful
for all the support we receive from PTA! 
Upcoming Dates
Monday (8/28): Make-Up Picture Day
Thursday (8/31): IXL DD.1, DD.2, DD.3 due 
Monday (9/4):  Labor Day - No School!
Monday (9/11) - Friday (9/15):  6th Grade Outdoor Ed Trip (Camp Cuyamaca)



Posting for Thursday, August 24
Back to School Night is tonight!
Students are bringing home a flyer for parents
which includes their daily schedule and a campus map. 
The program starts in the gym at 6:00 p.m.
Parents - I look forward to seeing you tonight!
Thursday Classwork:
  • Daily Language Review homework corrected and collected.
  • Community Circle 
Homework:  IXL EE.1, EE.2, EE.3, EE.4 (Nouns) - due tomorrow
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: History Alive Lesson 1 = Investigating the Past.  - Cave Art activity with last two research stations
  • Go over your Lesson 1 note-taking packet to make sure your notes for Sections 1-8 are clear and complete. I will be collecting this packet on Tuesday after the test.
  • The Lesson 1 assessment will be next Tuesday, Aug. 29. Tomorrow we will go over some ideas about how to review for a test,. Note: This first assessment will be open-note.
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (8/24): Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 8:00 p.m.)
* Adults Only
Friday (8/25): IXL - EE.1, EE.2, EE.3, EE.4 (Nouns) due
Friday (8/25): Minimum Day (12:30 p.m. dismissal)
Monday (8/28): Make-Up Picture Day
Monday (9/4):  Labor Day - No School!



Posting for Wednesday, August 23
Students - Please don't forget to give your parent
the IXL letter that we went over in class.
Thank you!
Wednesday Classwork: 
  • Slide Show - Active Listening
  • All About Me slide presentations
  • Spelling/Writing Goals pages set up in Englsh Journal (papers passed back)
  • Daily Language Review (Don't forget to use Proofreading Marks on the sentences, THEN write them correctly.) - due tomorrow
  • IXL EE.1, EE.2, EE.3, EE.4 (Nouns) - due Friday
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork:  History Alive Lesson 1 = Investigating the Past
  • Cave Art Activity - reminders about collaboration and active listening
  • Cave Art activity with two more research stations
Homework: If you did not finish the notes for the two Cave Art stations you visited today, please do them for homework. You should also proofread the notes you have taken so far to make sure they are clear and complete. Remember, complete stand-alone sentences are required, and all notes should be done in PENCIL.
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (8/24): Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 8:00 p.m.)
* Adults Only
Friday (8/25): IXL - EE.1, EE.2, EE.3, EE.4 (Nouns) due
Friday (8/25): Minimum Day (12:30 p.m. dismissal)
Monday (8/28): Make-Up Picture Day
Monday (9/4):  Labor Day - No School!



Posting for Tuesday, August 22
Tuesday Classwork: 
  • Introduction of IXL online program for Language Arts with parent letter
  • IXL EE.1, EE.2, EE.3, EE.4 (Nouns) - orange handout with explanation (Note: Remember to keep these hole-punched IXL grammar explanations in the Grammar section of your binder. They are also a helpful reference when working on the IXL assignments.)
  • Please make sure your parent receives the IXL letter that we went over in class today (also posted below).
  • Language Arts IXL - EE.1, EE.2, EE.3, EE.4 (Nouns) due Friday
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: History Alive Lesson 1 = Investigating the Past
  • Cave Art Activity - directions for partner work and process for discussing, forming a hypothesis, reading, and note-taking
  • Cave Art activity with first research station
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Thursday (8/24): Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 8:00 p.m.)
* Adults Only
Friday (8/25): IXL - EE.1, EE.2, EE.3, EE.4 (Nouns) due
Friday (8/25): Minimum Day (12:30 p.m. dismissal)



Posting for Monday, August 21
Monday Classwork:
  • Back to School Manifesto
  • Community Circles - class brainstorming and discussion to establish norms
Homework: Your "All About Me" Google slide is due tomorrow (Tuesday). You will need to "Turn In" the assignment through Google Classroom (look at the top, on the right, of the actual assignment page).
Social Studies
Monday Classwork:
  • History Alive Lesson 1 = Investigating the Past. - reading of Section 2 with notes in note-taking packet 
  • analysis of first cave painting placard with notes in Section 3 of note-taking packet (#1,2)
Homework: none
1. You now have a blue "Don't Forget" materials list hanging on the inside of your locker door.
Check it before coming to class to make sure you have all your materials.
2. Please check your school emails at least twice a day!
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (8/22): All About Me slide due (turn in through Google Classroom)
Thursday (8/24): Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 8:00 p.m.)
* Adults Only
Friday (8/25): Minimum Day (12:30 p.m. dismissal)



Posting for Friday, August 18
Phew! What a busy week!
I'm so proud of my attentive, hard working students.
Enjoy your weekend, and I'll see you Monday!
Friday Classwork: Active Reading Strategies lesson in English Journal on p. 3 with annotating practice using post-its
Homework: Remember that your "All About Me" Google slide is due by Tuesday. You will need to "Turn In" the assignment (look at the top, on the right, of the actual assignment page.
Social Studies
Friday Classwork: History Alive Lesson 1 = Investigating the Past. - reading of Section 1 with notes in note-taking packet
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday (8/22): All About Me slide due (turn in through Google Classroom)
Thursday (8/24): Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 8:00 p.m.)
* Adults Only
Friday (8/25): Minimum Day (12:30 p.m. dismissal)



Posting for Thursday, August 17
If you have not already done so, please try to return
the Course Outline and other forms with
parent signatures by tomorrow.
Thank you!
Thursday Classwork: 
  • Writing Complete Stand-Alone Sentences in English Journal on page 2
  • Reminders about All About Me assignment in Google Classroom
  • Daily Language Review: Thursday (small orange worksheet) - due tomorrow
  • All About Me slide in Google Classroom - due Tuesday
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork:
  • Collaboration - organization of "Clock Partners" chart
  • Lesson 1 = Investigating the Past - Introduction
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Friday 8/18:  HMS Spirit Day - Wear HMS Gear
Tuesday (8/22): All About Me slide due (turn in through Google Classroom)
Thursday (8/24): Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 8:00 p.m.)
* Adults Only
Friday (8/25): Minimum Day (12:30 p.m. dismissal)



Posting for Wednesday, August 16
Tomorrow is Beach Day!
Wear your flip flops, aloha shirts, sun hats, and/or colorful clothing!
1. Our list is growing! Please remember to bring the following to class each day:
  • Charged Chromebook;
  • English/Social Studies binder
  • Binder Reminder;
  • English Journal (composition book)
  • Pencil bag/case with your supplies; and
  • Homeroom only: your SSR book (unless it is in the Reserved Books bin in the classroom)
2. Please return the Course Outline and other forms with parent signatures by Friday. Thank you!
Wednesday Classwork: 
  • English Journal (composition books) - organized title, Table of Contents, etc.
  • English Journal page 1 - Proofreading Marks
  • Daily Language Review - practice for using proofreading marks
  • Continue to work on your "All About Me" Google Slide for at least 20 minutes.  Be sure to review the directions and grading rubric carefully and look at the student examples.  All of these resources are posted in Google Classroom.  Your slide is due next Tuesday, August 22. (Note: We will be discussing this in class tomorrow to brainstorm ways to upload photos.)
  • Daily Language Review (orange worksheet) - Complete the bottom portion for homework. Remember to practice using proofreading marks when you correct the sentences.
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork: Online History Alive program - Lesson 1 = Investigating the Past: Introduction section with online Preview Activity
Homework: Complete the blue worksheets on Trash Bag Archaeology. (Note: This should be a clear and complete paragraph that is at least 5-6 sentences long.)
Upcoming Dates
Monday 8/14-Friday 8/18: ASB-Sponsored Spirit Week
optional dress-up days -
Thursday: Beach Day
Friday: HMS Spirit Wear 
Tuesday (8/22): All About Me slide due (turn in through Google Classroom)
Thursday (8/24): Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 8:00 p.m.)
* Adults Only
Friday (8/25): Minimum Day (12:30 p.m. dismissal)



Posting for Tuesday, August 15
Note: The Course Outline for English/Social Studies was sent home today.
Parents - Please go over this with your child, then sign and return the bottom portion.
Also, please notice the other two handouts that may require your attention.
I really appreciate the time and care you take to help establish
our school/home communication connection.
Thank you!
Tuesday Classwork:
  • Course Outline
  • Introduction of "All About Me" Google Slide assignment
Homework:   Work on your "All About Me" Google Slide for at least 20 minutes.  Be sure to review the directions and grading rubric carefully and look at the student examples.  All of these resources are posted in Google Classroom.  Your slide is due next Tuesday, August 22
Social Studies
Tuesday Classwork: 
  • Correction of Archaeology Treasure Hunt assignment
  • History Alive! online program introduced with login instructions
Homework:  Please bring a flashlight, with your name on it, to class by Friday. We will be using it for a Social Studies activity. :)
Upcoming Dates
Monday 8/14-Friday 8/18: ASB-Sponsored Spirit Week
optional dress-up days -
Wednesday: Wacky Sock Day
Thursday: Beach Day
Friday: HMS Spirit Wear 
Thursday (8/24): Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 8:00 p.m.)
* Adults Only
Friday (8/25): Minimum Day (12:30 p.m. dismissal)



Posting for Monday, August 14
Monday Classwork:
  • Organization of binders and school supplies
  • Classroom rules and procedures
Homework: If you did not finish in class, complete the final draft of your emoji writing using a black sharpie or Flair pen.
Social Studies
Monday Classwork: Archaeology Treasure Hunt - discussion of terms and definitions using online dictionary
Homework: Complete the Archaeology Treasure Hunt packet (Note: Don't spend more than 30 minutes on the Word Search. If you don't finish, that's okay. Just do as much as you can.)
1. Remember, please bring the following to class each day:
  • Charged Chromebook;
  • new English/Social Studies binder
  • Binder Reminder;
  • Pencil bag/case with your supplies; and
  • Homeroom only: your SSR book (unless it is in the Reserved Books bin in the classroom)
2. Please check your school emails at least twice a day!
Upcoming Dates
Monday 8/14-Friday 8/18: ASB-Sponsored Spirit Week
optional dress-up days -
Monday: Music Monday 
Tuesday: Twin Day
Wednesday: Wacky Sock Day
Thursday: Beach Day
Friday: HMS Spirit Wear 
Thursday (8/24): Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 8:00 p.m.)
* Adults Only
Friday (8/25): Minimum Day (12:30 p.m. dismissal)



Posting for Friday, August 11
Have a wonderful weekend! 
FYI, next week I'll be sending home some
additional information for my students and their parents, 
including the Course Outline. Keep an eye out!
Friday Classwork: Emoji Project - paragraph final draft and emoji art
Homework: Please bring your school supplies to class Monday, and we will get organized!
Social Studies
Friday Classwork: Back to School Student Survey
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Monday 8/14-Friday 8/18: ASB-Sponsored Spirit Week
optional dress-up days -
Monday: Music Monday 
Tuesday: Twin Day
Wednesday: Wacky Sock Day
Thursday: Beach Day
Friday: HMS Spirit Wear 
Thursday (8/24): Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 8:00 p.m.)
* Adults Only
Friday (8/25): Minimum Day (12:30 p.m. dismissal)



Posting for Thursday, August 10
Our first full day went well!
Students are doing a great job
adjusting to all the new routines and expectations.
It can be a bit overwhelming at first, but please be reassured that teachers
will review procedures repeatedly over the next few weeks. 
I encourage you to ask questions and seek help when needed. 
My goal is for all students to feel safe and comfortable in their new learning environment. 
I am already impressed with my new students, and I know it will be a rewarding, fun, and successful year for all!
Thursday Classwork: 
  • Video - "Getting Ready for Middle School: Fears and Faves" (posted below)
  • Emoji Project - paragraph writing rough draft 
Homework: Continue to gather school supplies as needed. Our goal is to have all supplies ready to go by Monday.
Social Studies
Thursday Classwork: Visit to HMS Library for Orientation
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Friday (8/11): ASB Kickoff Assembly (2nd Period - HMS Gym)
Monday 8/14-Friday 8/18: ASB-Sponsored Spirit Week
optional dress-up days -
Monday: Music Monday 
Tuesday: Twin Day
Wednesday: Wacky Sock Day
Thursday: Beach Day
Friday: HMS Spirit Wear 
Thursday (8/24): Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 8:00 p.m.)
* Adults Only
Friday (8/25): Minimum Day (12:30 p.m. dismissal)



Posting for Wednesday, August 9
What a great first day of school! 
I will be posting daily information here about 
"Classwork" and "Homework" for your reference.
Don't forget to check it out after school  every day
so you can see these important reminders!
Also, many thanks to those families who provided tissue paper and disinfectant wipes for our classroom!
We appreciate your donations very much! 
Wednesday Classwork: 
  • Announcements/School Supplies List (blue handout)
  • Emoji Project 
  • Don't forget to bring three things to class tomorrow - charged chrome book, Binder Reminder, blue/green folder (from today)
  • Start working on getting your school supplies. Refer to the blue paper or my previous email (and the list is also attached below for your reference.) Bring your supplies to class by Monday, August 14, if possible.
Social Studies
Wednesday Classwork: "Friend Spotting" classroom scavenger hunt activity
Homework: none
Upcoming Dates
Friday (8/11): ASB Kickoff Assembly (2nd Period - HMS Gym)
Thursday (8/24): Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 8:00 p.m.)
* Adults Only
Friday (8/25): Minimum Day (12:30 p.m. dismissal)