Tomorrow (Tuesday) is our class party!
Don't forget to bring your contribution for our Pot Luck feast.
If you have not already done so, the sign-up sheet is
posted in Google Classroom.
Periods 5/6 -
You may drop off your Pot Luck items in the morning
if you like. There is an area set aside in the far corner
where you can place your contributions.
Note: You will not need to bring any school supplies to class.
Your 6th Grade English/Social Studies portfolios look great!
You all did such amazing work this year.
Periods 5/6 brought their portfolios home on Friday.
Periods 1/2 - You will be taking them home on Tuesday.
Spirit Day is Wednesday!
It is a Minimum Day - 12:40 p.m. dismissal.
Spirit Day T-shirts will be passed out in your Homeroom
classes on Wednesday morning.
Make sure you wear comfortable PE-type shoes, and
remember, lunch is provided that day.
Thursday is the last day of school!!
12:00 p.m. dismissal will mark the beginning of SUMMER!
There are some fun activities planned for that day,
including yearbook signing and an assembly.
Looking forward to a great week!