6th Grade English and Social Studies Assignments

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Homework & Announcements

Happy Thursday! ❀️ 😍 πŸ’˜ 

Tomorrow is Career Day! Please come to class empty-handed and be ready to ask questions of our generous volunteers! :)
None :)
None :)
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Monday (2/10) - Friday (2/14): Career Week/Spirit Week
See attached for the various theme dress up days!
Friday (2/14): Happy Valentine's Day! ❀️
Friday (2/14): HMS Career Day (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (2/17) - Friday (2/21): Presidents Week (No School)
Monday (2/24): Professional Development Day for Teachers
Tuesday (2/25): School Resumes for Students


Homework & Announcements

Happy Wednesday! ❀️ 😍 πŸ’˜ 

None :)
1. Print out one clean copy (no headers or footers) of the Buddha's Teachings essay. Be sure the pages are single-sided (not front and back) and not stapled. Bring the paper to class tomorrow. 
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Monday (2/10) - Friday (2/14): Career Week/Spirit Week
See attached for the various theme dress up days!
Friday (2/14): Happy Valentine's Day! ❀️
Friday (2/14): HMS Career Day (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (2/17) - Friday (2/21): Presidents Week (No School)
Monday (2/24): Professional Development Day for Teachers
Tuesday (2/25): School Resumes for Students


Homework & Announcements

Happy Tuesday! ❀️ 😍 πŸ’˜ 

None :)
None :)
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Monday (2/10) - Friday (2/14): Career Week/Spirit Week
See attached for the various theme dress up days!
Friday (2/14): Happy Valentine's Day! ❀️
Friday (2/14): HMS Career Day (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (2/17) - Friday (2/21): Presidents Week (No School)
Monday (2/24): Professional Development Day for Teachers
Tuesday (2/25): School Resumes for Students


Homework & Announcements

Happy Monday! ❀️ 😍 πŸ’˜ 

None :)
1. If not done in class, complete the yellow Buddha's Teachings planning sheet (primarily with bullet points only)
2. If not done last week (classwork/homework): 2nd chance to complete the summary sentences for Lesson 16 in the ISN
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Monday (2/10) - Friday (2/14): Career Week/Spirit Week
See attached for the various theme dress up days!
Friday (2/14): Happy Valentine's Day! ❀️
Friday (2/14): HMS Career Day (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (2/17) - Friday (2/21): Presidents Week (No School)
Monday (2/24): Professional Development Day for Teachers
Tuesday (2/25): School Resumes for Students


Homework & Announcements

Happy Thursday! ❀️ 😍 πŸ’˜ 

None :)
1.Read "Buddha's Teachings" then reread and annotate for understanding. Be prepared for an "Entrance Ticket" reading comprehension quiz tomorrow.
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Friday (2/7): ASB Elections (Gym Assembly Schedule) πŸ—³
Monday (2/10) - Friday (2/14): Career Week/Spirit Week
Friday (2/14): Happy Valentine's Day! ❀️
Friday (2/14): HMS Career Day (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (2/17) - Friday (2/21): Presidents Week (No School)
Monday (2/24): Professional Development Day for Teachers
Tuesday (2/25): School Resumes for Students


Homework & Announcements

Happy Wednesday! ❀️ 😍 πŸ’˜ 

None :)
1. Complete ISN pages 3 and 4 for Sections 3-5, if not done in class.
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Friday (2/7): ASB Elections (Gym Assembly Schedule) πŸ—³
Monday (2/10) - Friday (2/14): Career Week/Spirit Week
Friday (2/14): Happy Valentine's Day! ❀️
Friday (2/14): HMS Career Day (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (2/17) - Friday (2/21): Presidents Week (No School)
Monday (2/24): Professional Development Day for Teachers
Tuesday (2/25): School Resumes for Students


Homework & Announcements

Happy Tuesday! ❀️ 😍 πŸ’˜ 

1. If not done, complete typing the Famous Historical Figure rough draft (in Google Classroom). No need to revise or edit! We'll be doing that together in class.
1. Read "The Story of Buddha's Enlightenment". Then reread and annotate! Be prepared for a short "Entrance Ticket" (reading quiz) tomorrow!
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Friday (2/7): ASB Elections (Gym Assembly Schedule) πŸ—³
Monday (2/10) - Friday (2/14): Career Week/Spirit Week
Friday (2/14): Happy Valentine's Day! ❀️
Friday (2/14): HMS Career Day (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (2/17) - Friday (2/21): Presidents Week (No School)
Monday (2/24): Professional Development Day for Teachers
Tuesday (2/25): School Resumes for Students


Homework & Announcements

Happy Monday and Happy February! ❀️ 😍 πŸ’˜ 

1. Spend 20+ minutes studying for the "The Story of My Life" literature test (story with annotations/notes, vocabulary, autobiography versus biography, and pronouns). 
2. If not done in class, complete the "The Story of My Life" (pink) literature packet
3. Remember to bring both the pink literature packet and the white "The Story of My Life" readings to class tomorrow.
None :)
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Tuesday (2/4): "The Story of My Life" Literature test, including pronouns
Friday (2/7): ASB Elections (Gym Assembly Schedule) πŸ—³
Monday (2/10) - Friday (2/14): Career Week/Spirit Week
Friday (2/14): Happy Valentine's Day! ❀️
Friday (2/14): HMS Career Day (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (2/17) - Friday (2/21): Presidents Week (No School)
Monday (2/24): Professional Development Day for Teachers
Tuesday (2/25): School Resumes for Students


Homework & Announcements

Happy Thursday! 🐍 πŸŽ‡

None :)
1. If not done in class, complete the Lesson 15 Video Activity (online)
2. Complete the Lesson 15 Game "Matrix of Knowledge" and spend 20+ minutes studying for tomorrow's test
3. The green "Little Buddha" permission slip is due Monday (2/3)
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Friday (1/31): Lesson 15 Test "Learning About World Religions: Hinduism"
Tuesday (2/4): "The Story of My Life" Literature test


Homework & Announcements

Happy Wednesday and Happy Lunar New Year! 🐍

None :)
1. If not done in class, complete page 5 in the ISN (Reading Notes)
2. Complete both sides of the pink worksheet "Hindu Gods and Goddesses in Art" and "Words from Sanskrit"
3. The green "Little Buddha" permission slip is due Monday (2/3)
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Wednesday (1/29): Happy Chinese New Year! 🐍 πŸŽ‡
Friday (1/31): Lesson 15 Test "Learning About World Religions: Hinduism"
Tuesday (2/4): "The Story of My Life" Literature test


Homework & Announcements

Happy Tuesday! ❀️ 🍎

1. IXL #9 (Skills GG.4 GG.5 and Grade 5 LL.3) is due Wednesday (1/29) before 8:00 a.m. See Google Classroom for more information.
2. If not done in class, complete the Think Questions on page 7 in the pink "The Story of My Life" literature packet.
1. Complete pages 3 and 4 in the ISN (Reading Notes).
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Wednesday (1/29): Happy Chinese New Year! 🐍 πŸŽ‡
Friday (1/31): "The Story of My Life" Literature test


Homework & Announcements

Happy Monday! ❀️ 🍎

1. IXL #9 (Skills GG.4 GG.5 and Grade 5 LL.3) is due Wednesday (1/29) before 8:00 a.m. See Google Classroom for more information.
2. If not done Friday, complete the vocabulary words in the pink Helen Keller literature packet. Use a "book" dictionary or go to www.merriam-webster.com and use that online dictionary!
1. If not done in class, complete page 2 in the ISN (Reading Notes).
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Monday (1/27): Q2/S1 Grades Finalized Online
Wednesday (1/29): Happy Chinese New Year! 🐍 πŸŽ‡


Homework & Announcements

Happy Thursday! ❀️ 🍎

1. IXL #9 (Skills GG.4 GG.5 and Grade 5 LL.3) is due Wednesday (1/29) before 8:00 a.m. See Google Classroom for more information.
1. If not done in class, complete numbers 3 in the ISN (Reading Notes). Be sure to write in complete sentences as modeled in class for Section 2.
2. Spend 20+ minutes studying for tomorrow's Lesson 14 Test. Be sure to "play" the Lesson Game.
3. Remember to bring your ISN Reading Notes to class tomorrow to turn in after the test!
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Friday (1/24): Lesson 14 Test "Unlocking the Secrets of Mohenjodaro"
Friday (1/24): 6th Grade Dance πŸ•ΊπŸ»
Monday (1/27): Q2/S1 Grades Finalized Online
Wednesday (1/29): Happy Chinese New Year! 🐍 πŸŽ‡


Homework & Announcements

Happy Wednesday! ❀️ 🍎

1. IXL #9 (Skills GG.4 GG.5 and Grade 5 LL.3) is due Wednesday (1/29) before 8:00 a.m. See Google Classroom for more information.
2. 2nd chance: If you skipped homework last night, spend 20+ minutes completing your bullet-pointed Famous Historical Figure research notes. Remember, after the BrainPop transcript notes, you are encouraged to do further online research using reliable sources.
1. If not done in class, complete numbers 1 and 2 for all the artifacts/structures in the ISN.
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Friday (1/24): Lesson 14 Test "Unlocking the Secrets of Mohenjodaro"
Friday (1/24): 6th Grade Dance πŸ•ΊπŸ»
Monday (1/27): Q2/S1 Grades Finalized Online
Wednesday (1/29): Happy Chinese New Year! 🐍 πŸŽ‡


Homework & Announcements

Happy Tuesday! ❀️ 🍎

1. IXL #8 (Skills HH.1, HH.2, and HH.3) is due tomorrow (1/22) before 8:00 a.m. See Google Classroom for more information.
2. Spend 20+ minutes completing your bullet-pointed Famous Historical Figure research notes. Remember, after the BrainPop transcript notes, you are encouraged to do further online research using reliable sources.
None :)
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Friday (1/24): 6th Grade Dance πŸ•ΊπŸ»
Monday (1/27): Q2/S1 Grades Finalized Online
Wednesday (1/29): Happy Chinese New Year! 🐍 πŸŽ‡


Homework & Announcements

Happy Thursday! ❀️ 🍎

1. If not done, complete the Growth Mindset New Year Resolution project. Both the pink Growth Mindset survey and completed white Resolutions page are due tomorrow, Friday (1/17). Be sure to read the directions on the gold direction sheet often!
1. Spend 20+ minutes studying for tomorrow's Lesson 13 test "Geography and the Early Settlement of India". See the attached "Test Preparation" checklist how to study for a Social Studies test.
* Please replenish school supplies for this semester. The supplies list can be found on this web page! Be sure you have pencils, an ultra-fine black Sharpie, a red pen, and a glue stick in your pencil bag. If you have lost your planner, please have an alternate (weekly calendar, composition notebook) to write in every day!
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Friday (1/17): Lesson 13 Test "Geography and the Early Settlement of India"
Friday (1/17): Growth Mindset project due
Monday (1/20): Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No School)
Friday (1/24): 6th Grade Dance πŸ•ΊπŸ»
Monday (1/27): Q2/S1 Grades Finalized Online
Wednesday (1/29): Happy Chinese New Year! 🐍 πŸŽ‡


Homework & Announcements

Happy Wednesday! ❀️ 🍎

1. Spend 20+ minutes (set a timer) working on the Growth Mindset New Year Resolution project. Both the pink Growth Mindset survey and completed white Resolutions page are due on Friday (1/17). Be sure to read the directions on the gold direction sheet often!
None :) Some may want to begin studying for Friday's Lesson 13 test.
* Please replenish school supplies for this semester. The supplies list can be found on this web page! Be sure you have pencils, an ultra-fine black Sharpie, a red pen, and a glue stick in your pencil bag. If you have lost your planner, please have an alternate (weekly calendar, composition notebook) to write in every day!
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Friday (1/17): Lesson 13 Test "Geography and the Early Settlement of India"
Friday (1/17): Growth Mindset project due
Monday (1/20): Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No School)
Friday (1/24): 6th Grade Dance πŸ•ΊπŸ»
Monday (1/27): Q2/S1 Grades Finalized Online
Wednesday (1/29): Happy Chinese New Year! 🐍 πŸŽ‡


Homework & Announcements

Happy Tuesday! ❀️ πŸ™


1. Spend 20+ minutes (set a timer) working on the Growth Mindset New Year Resolution project. Both the pink Growth Mindset survey and completed white Resolutions page are due on Friday (1/17). Be sure to read the directions on the gold direction sheet often!
1. If not done in class, complete the ISN pages (map and graph) for Lesson 13, Sections 2 and 3.
* Please replenish school supplies for this semester. The supplies list can be found on this web page! Be sure you have pencils, an ultra-fine black Sharpie, a red pen, and a glue stick in your pencil bag. If you have lost your planner, please have an alternate (weekly calendar, composition notebook) to write in every day!
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Friday (1/17): Lesson 13 Test "Geography and the Early Settlement of India"
Friday (1/17): Growth Mindset project due
Monday (1/20): Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No School)
Friday (1/24): 6th Grade Dance πŸ•ΊπŸ»
Monday (1/27): Q2/S1 Grades Finalized Online
Wednesday (1/29): Happy Chinese New Year! 🐍 πŸŽ‡


Homework & Announcements

Monday's Announcements and Homework! 

I was so happy to see you back at school today! Please take care of yourself and remember to reach out to an adult if you are in need of support.

Sending big hugs and prayers to all my awesome students, their families, and our community! 

❀️ πŸ™ Mrs. Moffat


1. Spend 20+ minutes (set a timer) working on the Growth Mindset New Year Resolution project. Both the pink Growth Mindset survey and completed white Resolutions page are due on Friday (1/17). Be sure to read the directions on the gold direction sheet often!
No homework :)
* Please replenish school supplies for this semester. The supplies list can be found on this web page! Be sure you have pencils, an ultra-fine black Sharpie, a red pen, and a glue stick in your pencil bag. If you have lost your planner, please have an alternate (weekly calendar, composition notebook) to write in every day!
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Friday (1/17): Growth Mindset project due
Monday (1/20): Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No School)
Friday (1/24): 6th Grade Dance πŸ•ΊπŸ»


Homework & Announcements

Special Announcement! 

My thoughts and prayers are with those of you who have experienced terrible losses, those who have been evacuated or displaced, those who have yet to have their utilities resume, and those who simply are saddened by the fact that our lives will be forever changed by this period of disaster. 

In this time of loss, anxiety, uncertainty, and need, it is more important than ever for us to be "a village" for each other. If your family situation has changed (forced to move, took in displaced family or friends, etc.), please let me know, so I can better support your child.

School is set to resume on Monday (1/13) at 9:30 a.m. I don't have a schedule from administration yet, but I'm assuming the students will report to homeroom. I'll look forward to seeing everyone and being together to reestablish routines and to offer support!

Sending big hugs and prayers to all my awesome students, their families, and our community! 

❀️ πŸ™ Mrs. Moffat

* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
* Please replenish school supplies for this semester. The supplies list can be found on this web page! Be sure you have pencils, an ultra-fine black Sharpie, a red pen, and a glue stick in your pencil bag. If you have lost your planner, please have an alternate (weekly calendar, composition notebook) to write in every day!
Friday (1/17): Growth Mindset project due
Monday (1/20): Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No School)
Friday (1/24): 6th Grade Dance πŸ•ΊπŸ»


Homework & Announcements

Happy Tuesday! πŸ’¨ πŸ₯³


No Homework! :)
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Thursday (1/16): Fire Drill (12:10 PM) 🧯
Monday (1/20): Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No School)
Friday (1/24): 6th Grade Dance πŸ•ΊπŸ»


Homework & Announcements

Happy Monday and Happy 2025! ❄️ πŸ₯³

I hope you all had a wonderful, restful break with family and friends! It was wonderful seeing all the students back in classes today! :)


No Homework! :) We will ease back into the school routine this week!
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Monday (1/20): Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - No school!


Homework & Announcements

Happy Wednesday! ❄️ πŸŽ„ β˜ƒοΈ

Thank you to everyone able to contribute to our "potluck" holiday feast tomorrow! 

Reminder: No nuts! We have students with nut allergies! Students with food allergies are welcome to bring their own snacks, if wanted.

Period 5/6 students can drop off their items before homeroom or bring them after lunch! We're looking forward to a fun celebration to commemorate all of the students' hard work this semester! They should be so proud of all they have accomplished to date! :)


No Homework! :)]
The students completed and turned in their Egypt Reports today! Please congratulate them for a job well-done! :)
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Thursday (12/19): Class Party and Secret Elf gift exchange!
Friday (12/20): Egypt Report cover due today!
Friday (12/20): Minimum Day Schedule (12:40 dismissal)!
Monday (12/23) through Friday (1/3): Winter Break! Happiest of holidays and Happy 2025 to all!
Monday (1/6): School resumes!


Homework & Announcements

Happy Tuesday! ❄️ πŸŽ„ β˜ƒοΈ

Please consider signing up for our "potluck" holiday feast this Thursday, December 19th!  The Google Doc entitled "Holiday Party Sign-Up Sheet" is in Google Classroom.  Thank you to all of those who have signed up already! It will be a fun celebration to commemorate all of the students' hard work this semester! They should be so proud of all they have accomplished to date! :)


1. Study for tomorrow's Main Verbs and Helping Verbs quiz! Use the "practice test" format to continue quizzing yourself!
2. If you forgot the secret elf wrapped or bagged gift with the gift tag firmly attached, please bring them tomorrow! See below for reminders. 
1. Print out 2 copies of the Egypt Report (at least one in color -- go to the HMS library if you need a color printer). Make sure the papers are single-sided. Please do not staple one of the color copies - leave the pages loose!
2. (Some students only): If you did not complete IXL H.1, please complete it tonight!
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
(If you forgot, here are extra reminders) Tuesday (12/17): Secret Elf gift card and wrapped or decoratively bagged gifts are due. Bring your gift in a bag to keep "secret". Be sure the gift tag is securely attached to the gift! Be sure your gift recipient's name is clearly written and remember to sign the tag "Your Secret Elf" so we can guess the giver on Thursday! :)
Wednesday (12/18): Main Verbs and Helping Verbs quiz
Thursday (12/19): Class Party and Secret Elf gift exchange!
Friday (12/20): Minimum Day Schedule (12:40 dismissal)!
Monday (12/23) through Friday (1/3): Winter Break! Happiest of holidays and Happy 2025 to all!
Monday (1/6): School resumes!


Homework & Announcements

Happy Monday! ❄️ πŸŽ„ β˜ƒοΈ

Please consider signing up for our "potluck" holiday feast this Thursday, December 19th!  The Google Doc entitled "Holiday Party Sign-Up Sheet" is in Google Classroom.  Thank you to all of those who have signed up already! It will be a fun celebration to commemorate all of the students' hard work this semester! They should be so proud of all they have accomplished to date! :)


1. Keep memorizing the Helping Verbs for Wednesday's quiz! Use the "practice test" format to continue quizzing yourself!
2. The secret elf wrapped or bagged gift with the gift tag firmly attached is due tomorrow! See below for reminders. 
1. (Some students only): If not done in class, finish typing, revising, and editing the Egypt Report using the "Proofreading and Editing" worksheet to help!
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Tuesday (12/17): Secret Elf gift card and wrapped or decoratively bagged gifts are due. Bring your gift in a bag to keep "secret". Be sure the gift tag is securely attached to the gift! Be sure your gift recipient's name is clearly written and remember to sign the tag "Your Secret Elf" so we can guess the giver on Thursday! :)
Wednesday (12/18): Main Verbs and Helping Verbs quiz
Thursday (12/19): Class Party and Secret Elf gift exchange!
Friday (12/20): Minimum Day Schedule (12:40 dismissal)!
Monday (12/23) through Friday (1/3): Winter Break! Happiest of holidays and Happy 2025 to all!
Monday (1/6): School resumes!


Homework & Announcements

Happy Thursday! ❄️ πŸŽ„ β˜ƒοΈ

Please consider signing up for our "potluck" holiday feast next Thursday, December 19th!  The Google Doc entitled "Holiday Party Sign-Up Sheet" is in Google Classroom.  Thank you, in advance, for your contribution!

None :) - But keep memorizing the Helping Verbs for next week's quiz!
None :)
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Monday - Friday (12/9 - 12/13): ASB Spirit Week (see attached)
Tuesday (12/17): Secret Elf gift card and wrapped or decoratively bagged gifts are due. Bring your gift in a bag to keep "secret". Be sure the gift tag is securely attached to the gift! Be sure your gift recipient's name is clearly written and remember to sign the tag "Your Secret Elf" so we can guess the giver on Thursday! :)
Wednesday (12/18): Main Verbs and Helping Verbs quiz
Thursday (12/19): Class Party and Secret Elf gift exchange!
Friday (12/20): Minimum Day Schedule (12:40 dismissal)!
Monday (12/23) through Friday (1/3): Winter Break! Happiest of holidays and Happy 2025 to all!
Monday (1/6): School resumes!


Homework & Announcements

Happy Wednesday! ❄️ πŸŽ„ β˜ƒοΈ

1. Complete and submit the Winter Traditions Slide!  Remember to reread the directions and scoring rubric multiple times to ensure all parts are done correctly. Practice reading the slide out loud to a friend or parent to catch little mistakes! "Submit" the assignment in Google Classroom before 9:00 p.m. tonight: Wednesday (12/11).
2. If not done in class, complete the "Information Sheet" for the Secret Elf assignment!
3. Please consider making a donation to next week's class party by signing up on the Sign-Up Sheet in Google Classroom! Many thanks in advance!
1. If not done in class, complete all parts in the "Report Outline" packet. Remember to circle or add the appositives in red and also circle spelling or weak words in red, too! The Introductory and Conclusion paragraphs and the body paragraph topic sentences and conclusion sentences should all be in complete sentences. The rest of the body paragraphs can be bullet points.
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Monday - Friday (12/9 - 12/13): ASB Spirit Week (see attached)
Thursday (12/12): Fire Drill 11:15 a.m.
Tuesday (12/17): Secret Elf gift card and wrapped or decoratively bagged gifts are due. Bring your gift in a bag to keep "secret". Be sure the gift tag is securely attached to the gift! Be sure your gift recipient's name is clearly written and remember to sign the tag "Your Secret Elf" so we can guess the giver on Thursday! :)
Wednesday (12/18): Main Verbs and Helping Verbs quiz
Thursday (12/19): Class Party and Secret Elf gift exchange!
Friday (12/20): Minimum Day Schedule (12:40 dismissal)!
Monday (12/23) through Friday (1/3): Winter Break! Happiest of holidays and Happy 2025 to all!
Monday (1/6): School resumes!


Homework & Announcements

Happy Tuesday! ❄️ πŸŽ„ β˜ƒοΈ

1. Set a timer and spend 20+ minutes working on your Winter Traditions Slide!  Remember to reread the directions and scoring rubric multiple times to ensure all parts are done correctly. Practice reading the slide out loud to a friend or parent to catch little mistakes! "Submit" the assignment in Google Classroom before 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday (12/11).
1. If not done in class, write your three conclusion sentences for each Egypt Report subtopic in the "Report Outline" packet. 
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Monday - Friday (12/9 - 12/13): ASB Spirit Week (see attached)
Wednesday (12/11):  Special Schedule - no homeroom! Please be to school on time to start 1st period!
Thursday (12/12): Fire Drill 11:15 a.m.
Tuesday (12/17): Secret Elf gift card and wrapped or decoratively bagged gifts are due. Bring your gift in a bag to keep "secret". Be sure the gift tag is securely attached to the gift! Be sure your gift recipient's name is clearly written and to sign the tag "Your Secret Elf" so we can guess the giver on Thursday! :)
Wednesday (12/18): Main Verbs and Helping Verbs quiz
Thursday (12/19): Class Party and Secret Elf gift exchange!
Friday (12/20): Minimum Day Schedule (12:40 dismissal)!
Monday (12/23) through Friday (1/3): Winter Break! Happiest of holidays and Happy 2025 to all!
Monday (1/6): School resumes!


Homework & Announcements

Happy Monday! ❄️ πŸŽ„ β˜ƒοΈ

1. Set a timer and spend 20+ minutes working on your Winter Traditions Slide!
2. Secret Elf permission slips are due tomorrow.
1. If not done in class, write your three topic sentences for each Egypt Report subtopic in the "Report Outline" packet. 
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Monday - Friday (12/9 - 12/13): ASB Spirit Week (see attached)
Wednesday (12/11):  Special Schedule - no homeroom! Please be to school on time to start 1st period!
Thursday (12/12): Fire Drill 11:15 a.m.
Tuesday (12/17): Secret Elf gift card and wrapped or decoratively bagged gifts are due. Bring your gift in a bag to keep "secret". Be sure the gift tag is securely attached to the gift! Be sure your gift recipient's name is clearly written and to sign the tag "Your Secret Elf" so we can guess the giver on Thursday! :)
Wednesday (12/18): Main Verbs and Helping Verbs quiz
Thursday (12/19): Class Party and Secret Elf gift exchange!
Friday (12/20): Minimum Day Schedule (12:40 dismissal)!
Monday (12/23) through Friday (1/3): Winter Break! Happiest of holidays and Happy 2025 to all!
Monday (1/6): School resumes!


Homework & Announcements

Happy Thursday! ❄️ πŸŽ„ β˜ƒοΈ

1. Set a time and spend 20+ minutes studying for tomorrow's "Eleven" test. Reread the story and add to the annotations, review the Think Questions, and know vocabulary, inferences, and symbolism found in the literature packet. You will turn in the completed packet tomorrow, so be sure all pages are done!
2. Remember to bring the "Eleven" literature packet and the StudySync workbook to class tomorrow.
1. (optional) If needed, add to your Egypt Report research notes using the provided online sources.
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Friday (12/4): "Eleven" literature test
Monday - Friday (12/9 - 12/13): ASB Spirit Week
Thursday (12/12): Fire Drill 11:15 a.m.


Homework & Announcements

Happy Wednesday! ❄️ πŸŽ„ β˜ƒοΈ

1. Spend 15 - 20 minutes working on the Winter Traditions Slide
2. Begin studying for Friday's "Eleven" test by reading and adding to the annotations, reviewing the Think Questions, and reviewing vocabulary, inferences, and symbolism in the literature packet. You will turn in the completed packet on Friday, so be sure all pages are done!
None :)
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Friday (12/4): "Eleven" literature test
Monday - Friday (12/9 - 12/13): ASB Spirit Week
Thursday (12/12): Fire Drill 11:15 a.m.


Homework & Announcements

Happy Tuesday and Happy December! ❄️ πŸŽ„ β˜ƒοΈ

1. Spend 20 minutes working on the Winter Traditions Slide by talking to your family, brainstorming ideas, and perhaps getting started on the slide.
2. Sign up to present your Winter Traditions Slide in Google Classroom
3. If not done in class, complete the "Eleven" Think Questions on page 12 in your literature packet.
None :)
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Monday - Friday (12/9 - 12/13): ASB Spirit Week
Thursday (12/12): Fire Drill 11:15 a.m.


Homework & Announcements

Happy Friday! 

Wishing all of my fabulous students and their families a restful and happy Thanksgiving break!  Enjoy this special time with family and friends, and I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, December 3rd! πŸ¦ƒ 🧑 🍁 🀎 

Monday (11/25) - Friday (11/29): Thanksgiving Break! πŸ¦ƒ
Monday (12/2): Professional Development Day (No School for Students)
Tuesday (12/3): School resumes for students


Homework & Announcements

Happy Thursday! 🍁 πŸ¦ƒ πŸ‚

None :)
None :)
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
* Tomorrow is our last chance to donate items to Operation Christmas Child! Many thanks to those of you who have already donated! πŸ§‘β€πŸŽ„
Our goal is for each student to bring in
two small items to donate to this worthy cause.
Click on the link below for more information!
Due Date: Friday, November 22nd
Thank you so much!
Friday (11/22):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (11/25) - Friday (11/29): Thanksgiving Break! πŸ¦ƒ
Monday (12/2): Professional Development Day (No School for Students)
Tuesday (12/3): School resumes for students


Homework & Announcements

Happy Wednesday! 🍁 πŸ¦ƒ πŸ‚

1. If not done in class, complete pages 9 & 10 in the "Eleven" literature packet
1. Set a timer and complete 10+ minutes of research and note-taking for your Egypt Report
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
* This is our final week to donate items to Operation Christmas Child! Many thanks to those of you who have already donated! πŸ§‘β€πŸŽ„
Our goal is for each student to bring in
two small items to donate to this worthy cause.
Click on the link below for more information!
Due Date: Friday, November 22nd
Thank you so much!
Thursday (11/21):  NWEA Test #2 (Math)
Friday (11/22):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (11/25) - Friday (11/29): Thanksgiving Break! πŸ¦ƒ
Monday (12/2): Professional Development Day (No School for Students)
Tuesday (12/3): School resumes for students


Homework & Announcements

Happy Tuesday! 🍁 πŸ¦ƒ πŸ‚

1. IXL #7 (T.3, T.4, T.5) is due tomorrow, Wednesday (11/20), by 8:00 a.m. More information can be found in Google Classroom.
1. Complete the Egypt map. Remember, the three reference maps are in Google Classroom. The Egypt map and scoring rubric are due tomorrow.
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
* This is our final week to donate items to Operation Christmas Child! Many thanks to those of you who have already donated! πŸ§‘β€πŸŽ„
Our goal is for each student to bring in
two small items to donate to this worthy cause.
Click on the link below for more information!
Due Date: Friday, November 22nd
Thank you so much!
Thursday (11/21):  NWEA Test #2 (Math)
Friday (11/22):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (11/25) - Friday (11/29): Thanksgiving Break! πŸ¦ƒ
Monday (12/2): Professional Development Day (No School for Students)
Tuesday (12/3): School resumes for students


Homework & Announcements

Happy Monday! 🍁 πŸ¦ƒ πŸ‚

1. IXL #7 (T.3, T.4, T.5) is due Wednesday (11/20) by 8:00 a.m. More information can be found in Google Classroom.
1. Rank your top 3 Egypt Report topics for topic selection tomorrow.
2. If not done in class, complete the "Egyptian Contributions" and the "Everyday Life" worksheets
3. Spend 10-20 minutes working on the Egyptian map. Remember, the three reference maps are in Google Classroom. The Egypt map and scoring rubric are due Wednesday (11/20)
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
* This is our final week to donate items to Operation Christmas Child! Many thanks to those of you who have already donated! πŸ§‘β€πŸŽ„
Our goal is for each student to bring in
two small items to donate to this worthy cause.
Click on the link below for more information!
Due Date: Friday, November 22nd
Thank you so much!
Tuesday (11/19):  NWEA Test #2 (English Language Arts)
Thursday (11/21):  NWEA Test #2 (Math)
Friday (11/22):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (11/25) - Friday (11/29): Thanksgiving Break! πŸ¦ƒ
Monday (12/2): Professional Development Day (No School for Students)
Tuesday (12/3): School resumes for students


Homework & Announcements

Happy Thursday! 🍁 πŸ¦ƒ πŸ‚

1. IXL #7 (T.3, T.4, T.5) is due Wednesday (11/20) by 8:00 a.m. More information can be found in Google Classroom.
1. Study for the Lesson 8 "Egyptian Pharaohs" test. Remember to bring the ISN reading notes (with postcards) to turn in tomorrow!
2. If not done, do the Lesson 8 Games (Information Excavation and The Museum of Parts) tonight
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
* Please consider donating items to Operation Christmas Child! Many thanks to those of you who have already donated! πŸ§‘β€πŸŽ„
Our goal is for each student to bring in
two small items to donate to this worthy cause.
Click on the link below for more information!
Due Date: Friday, November 22nd
Thank you so much!
Friday (11/15): Lesson 8 Test "Egyptian Pharaohs"
Tuesday (11/19):  NWEA Test #2 (English Language Arts)
Thursday (11/21):  NWEA Test #2 (Math)
Friday (11/22):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)
Monday (11/25) - Friday (11/29): Thanksgiving Break! πŸ¦ƒ
Monday (12/2): Professional Development Day (No School for Students)
Tuesday (12/3): School resumes for students


Homework & Announcements

Happy Wednesday! 🍁 πŸ¦ƒ πŸ‚

1. IXL #7 (T.3, T.4, T.5) is due Wednesday (11/20) by 8:00 a.m. More information can be found in Google Classroom.
1. If not done, complete pages 5 and 6 in the ISN packet for Lesson 8 "Egyptian Pharaohs". Don't forget the stamp!
2. Lesson 8 Games (Information Excavation and The Museum of Parts) are due Friday (11/15).
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
* Please consider donating items to Operation Christmas Child! Many thanks to those of you who have already donated! πŸ§‘β€πŸŽ„
Our goal is for each student to bring in
two small items to donate to this worthy cause.
Click on the link below for more information!
Due Date: Friday, November 22nd
Thank you so much!
Friday (11/15): Lesson 8 Test "Egyptian Pharaohs"
Tuesday (11/19):  NWEA Test #2 (English Language Arts)
Thursday (11/21):  NWEA Test #2 (Math)
Friday (11/22):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)


Homework & Announcements

Happy Tuesday! 🍁 πŸ¦ƒ πŸ‚

1. IXL #6 (R,1, S.1, S.3) is due tomorrow, Wednesday (11/13), by 8:00 a.m. More information can be found in Google Classroom.
1. If not done, complete pages 3 and 4 in the ISN packet for Lesson 8 "Egyptian Pharaohs". Don't forget the stamp!
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
* Please consider donating items to Operation Christmas Child! Many thanks to those of you who have already donated! πŸ§‘β€πŸŽ„
Our goal is for each student to bring in
two small items to donate to this worthy cause.
Click on the link below for more information!
Due Date: Friday, November 22nd
Thank you so much!
Friday (11/15): Lesson 8 Test "Egyptian Pharaohs"
Tuesday (11/19):  NWEA Test #2 (English Language Arts)
Thursday (11/21):  NWEA Test #2 (Math)
Friday (11/22):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)


Homework & Announcements

Happy Thursday! 🍁 πŸ¦ƒ πŸ‚

1. IXL #6 (R.1, S.1, and S.3) is due Wednesday (11/13) by 8:00 a.m. More information can be found in Google Classroom.
1. If not done, complete p. 2 in the ISN packet for Lesson 8 "Egyptian Pharaohs"
2. Watch the "Importance of the Nile River" video (in Google Classroom) and take bullet point notes on the green handout.
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
* Please consider donating items to Operation Christmas Child!
Our goal is for each student to bring in
two small items to donate to this worthy cause.
Click on the link below for more information!
Due Date: Friday, November 22nd
Thank you so much!
Monday (11/11):  Veterans Day (No School) πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
Tuesday (11/12):  Lockdown Drill (10:00 AM)
Tuesday (11/19):  NWEA Test #2 (English Language Arts)
Thursday (11/21):  NWEA Test #2 (Math)
Friday (11/22):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)


Homework & Announcements

Happy Wednesday! 🍁 πŸ¦ƒ πŸ‚

1. If not done, complete the Plot Line Planning Sheet for Hatchet
2. IXL #6 (R.1, S.1, and S.3) is due Wednesday (11/13) by 8:00 a.m. More information can be found in Google Classroom.
1. If not done, complete Social Studies IXL C.1 "Ancient Egypt: The Old Kingdom"
* Tomorrow is "Crazy Socks" Day! 🧦 πŸ€ͺ
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
* Please consider donating items to Operation Christmas Child!
Our goal is for each student to bring in
two small items to donate to this worthy cause.
Click on the link below for more information!
Due Date: Friday, November 22nd
Thank you so much!
Monday (11/11):  Veterans Day (No School) πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
Tuesday (11/12):  Lockdown Drill (10:00 AM)
Tuesday (11/19):  NWEA Test #2 (English Language Arts)
Thursday (11/21):  NWEA Test #2 (Math)
Friday (11/22):  Minimum Day (12:40 PM Dismissal)


Homework & Announcements

Happy Tuesday! 🍁 πŸ¦ƒ πŸ‚

1. If not done, complete the "Survival Guide" paragraph.
1. Set a timer for 20 minutes (or more) and study for tomorrow's Lesson 7 Test "Geography and the Early Settlement of Egypt, Kush, and Canaan"
* Tomorrow is "Stuffed Animal Day"! 🧸
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
* Please consider donating items to Operation Christmas Child! More information can be found in the attachment!
Wednesday (11/6): Lesson 7 Test "Geography and the Early Settlement of Egypt, Kush, and Canaan"


Homework & Announcements

Happy Monday! 🍁 πŸ¦ƒ πŸ‚

1. Tonight finish reading Hatchet through the Epilogue and complete the white Hatchet reading packet through page 21. Remember to complete your "Stop and Jot" post-its, if not done already. 
2. (Some students only, 2nd chance): Rewrite a meaningful writing goal, based on teacher feedback, that includes a measurable plan of action! Remember to bring the Cuyamaca/Vacation packet back to turn in with the goal.
1.  Complete the "Geography Challenge" worksheet (both sides) and the accompanying map. This is a project grade, so please proofread carefully and turn in your best work!
* Tomorrow is "We're too bright for drugs" day, so wear your shades tomorrow for Spirit Points! 😎
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
* Please consider donating items to Operation Christmas Child! More information can be found in the attachment!
Tuesday (11/5): Election Day! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 


Homework & Announcements

Happy Friday and Happy November! 🍁 πŸ¦ƒ πŸ‚

Friendly reminder that by Monday you should have read Hatchet through Chapter 17 and completed the white packet through page 23 (do not do pages 24-26).
Have a great weekend!


Homework & Announcements

Happy Thursday and Happy Halloween! πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» 

No homework! Have a fun and safe night trick or treating!
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Work on your Hatchet book report packet and "Stop and Jot" during homeroom every day
* Please consider donating items to Operation Christmas Child! More information can be found in the attachment!
Tuesday (11/5): Election Day! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 


Homework & Announcements

Happy Wednesday! πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ

1. By Wednesday night (10/30), you should have read Hatchet through Chapter 15  and completed the white Hatchet reading packet through page 17. Remember to "Stop and Jot" while you are reading. You are welcome to work ahead, but please don't fall behind! Stop at page 23 in the white packet!
1.  Second chance: If needed, label one Hammurabi paper's sentences in red, as modeled in class. Use the Scoring Rubric to help. Bring that labeled paper and a clean paper single-sided to class tomorrow!
2. Complete the yellow "Egypt: The Gift of the Nile" worksheet (1 page). You may need to look up some definitions to answer question #7. Remember to restate the prompt and answer in complete sentences.
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Work on your Hatchet book report packet and "Stop and Jot" during homeroom every day
* Please consider donating items to Operation Christmas Child! More information can be found in the attachment!
Thursday (10/31): Happy Halloween! πŸŽƒ πŸ‘»
Tuesday (11/5): Election Day! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 


Homework & Announcements

Happy Tuesday! πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ

1. By Wednesday night (10/30), you should have read Hatchet through Chapter 15  and completed the white Hatchet reading packet through page 17. Remember to "Stop and Jot" while you are reading. You are welcome to work ahead, but please don't fall behind!
2.  Study for tomorrow's Hatchet literature test, including adjectives. Remember to bring your yellow Hatchet literature packet to class tomorrow to turn in. 
1.  Print 2 single-sided copies of the Hammurabi DBQ paper paragraphs 1-4. Remember we put 2 copies in one document! Bring both to class tomorrow!
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Work on your Hatchet book report packet and "Stop and Jot" during homeroom every day
* Please consider donating items to Operation Christmas Child! More information can be found in the attachment!
Wednesday (10/30): Hatchet literature test
Thursday (10/31): Happy Halloween! πŸŽƒ πŸ‘»
Tuesday (11/5): Election Day! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 


Homework & Announcements

Happy Monday! πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ

1. By Wednesday night (10/30), you should have read Hatchet through Chapter 15  and completed the white Hatchet reading packet through page 17. Remember to "Stop and Jot" while you are reading. You are welcome to work ahead, but please don't fall behind!
2.  If not done in class, complete Think Question #5 on page 6 in your yellow Hatchet literature packet. Remember to label each sentence (R/A, C1, E1, C2, E2)
1.  If not done in class, finish typing the Hammurabi DBQ paper paragraphs 1-4 (minus the Hook/Grabber). We will draft the Hook and the final paragraph tomorrow in class.
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Work on your Hatchet book report packet and "Stop and Jot" during homeroom every day
* Please consider donating items to Operation Christmas Child! More information can be found in the attachment!
Wednesday (10/30): Hatchet literature test
Thursday (10/31): Happy Halloween! πŸŽƒ πŸ‘»
Tuesday (11/5): Election Day! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 


Homework & Announcements

Happy Thursday! πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ

1. By Friday night (10/25), you should have read Hatchet through Chapter 13  and completed the white Hatchet reading packet through page 15. Remember to "Stop and Jot" while you are reading. You are welcome to work ahead, but please don't fall behind!
2. If not done in class, complete Think Question #3 on page 6 in your yellow Hatchet literature packet 
3. Set a timer for 10 minutes and study for tomorrow's adjectives quiz using the yellow adjectives packet and IXL to actively study.
None :)
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Work on your Hatchet book report packet and "Stop and Jot" during homeroom every day
* Please consider donating items to Operation Christmas Child! More information can be found in the attachment!
Friday (10/25): Adjectives Quiz
Saturday (10/26): Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM)
Thursday (10/31): Happy Halloween! πŸŽƒ πŸ‘»
Tuesday (11/5): Election Day! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 


Homework & Announcements

Happy Wednesday! πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ

1. By tonight (10/23), you should have read Hatchet through Chapter 12 and completed the white Hatchet reading packet through page 13. Remember to "Stop and Jot" while you are reading. You are welcome to work ahead, but please don't fall behind!
2. Complete Think Question #2 on page 5 in your yellow Hatchet literature packet 
3. Complete the last page (p. 125) of the adjectives packet
1. Complete the answers for Documents D and E (pages 19 and 20) in the pink Hammurabi DBQ packet.
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Work on your Hatchet book report packet and "Stop and Jot" during homeroom every day
* Please consider donating items to Operation Christmas Child! More information can be found in the attachment!
Friday (10/25): Adjectives Quiz
Saturday (10/26): Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM)
Thursday (10/31): Happy Halloween! πŸŽƒ πŸ‘»
Tuesday (11/5): Election Day! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 


Homework & Announcements

Happy Tuesday! πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ

1. IXL #5 (Skills EE.5, EE.6, and LL.1) is due Wednesday (10/23) by 8:00 a.m.
2.  By Wednesday night (10/23), you should have read Hatchet through Chapter 12 and completed the white Hatchet reading packet through page 13. Remember to "Stop and Jot" while you are reading. You are welcome to work ahead, but please don't fall behind!
3. Complete the 2nd and 3rd pages (pgs. 121 and 123) of the adjectives packet
4. If not done in class, complete page 3 in the yellow Hatchet excerpt literature packet
None :), but if you didn't complete the DBQ classwork for Documents A and B, please complete those pages tonight
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Work on your Hatchet book report packet and "Stop and Jot" during homeroom every day
* Please consider donating items to Operation Christmas Child! More information can be found in the attachment!
Saturday (10/26): Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM)


Homework & Announcements

Happy Monday! πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ

1. IXL #5 (Skills EE.5, EE.6, and LL.1) is due Wednesday (10/23) by 8:00 a.m.
2.  By Wednesday night (10/23), you should have read Hatchet through Chapter 12 and completed the white Hatchet reading packet through page 12. Remember to "Stop and Jot" while you are reading. You are welcome to work ahead, but please don't fall behind!
3. Complete the first page (p. 119) of the adjectives packet
None :)
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Work on your Hatchet book report packet and "Stop and Jot" during homeroom every day
* Please consider donating items to Operation Christmas Child! More information can be found in the attachment!
Saturday (10/26): Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM)


Homework & Announcements

Happy Thursday! πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ

1. IXL #5 (Skills EE.5, EE.6, and LL.1) is due Wednesday (10/23) by 8:00 a.m.
2.  By Friday night (10/18), you should have read Hatchet through Chapter 8 and completed the white Hatchet reading packet through page 10. Remember to "Stop and Jot" while you are reading. You are welcome to work ahead, but please don't fall behind!
3. Print out 2 copies of the camp/vacation paper (single-sided only). Only staple 1 of the copies. Paper clip or leave the pages loose for the 2nd copy.
1. If not done in class, complete and "Submit" Lesson 6 online ISN pages (Reading Check and written responses).
2. If not done in class, complete the pink "Babylonia" reading packet.
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Work on your Hatchet book report packet and "Stop and Jot" during homeroom every day
Saturday (10/26): Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM)


Homework & Announcements

Happy Wednesday! πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ

1. IXL #5 is due Wednesday (10/23) by 8:00 a.m. (Skills EE.5, EE.6, LL.1). More information is in Google Classroom
2. By tonight, Wednesday (10/16), you should have read Hatchet through Chapter 5 and completed pages 2-7 in the white book report Hatchet packet. Remember to "Stop and Jot" while you are reading. You are welcome to work ahead, but please don't fall behind!
1. Complete the Real Estate ad project, due tomorrow,Thursday (10/17), at the beginning of class. Don't lose the rough draft (with directions and scoring information). You will be turning in both the rough draft and final versions!
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Work on your Hatchet book report packet and "Stop and Jot" during homeroom every day
Thursday (10/17): The Great California ShakeOut
Thursday (10/17): Sumerian Real Estate Ad is due
Saturday (10/26): Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM)


Homework & Announcements

Happy Tuesday! πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ

1. Complete typing the required revisions (and any other changes you need to make) on your Camp/Vacation essay. You do not need to print out this version, but the essay should be complete! We have one more revising/editing lesson to go! :)
2. Remember to bring the Hatchet book and book packet (along with the "Stop and Jot" Post-its) to class tomorrow. By Wednesday (10/16) you should have read Hatchet through Chapter 5 and completed pages 2-7 in the white book report Hatchet packet. Remember to "Stop and Jot" while you are reading. You are welcome to work ahead, but please don't fall behind!
1. Set a timer and spend 20 or more minutes continuing to work on the Real Estate ad project. The project is due this Thursday (10/17) at the beginning of class. Don't lose the rough draft (with directions and scoring information). You will be turning in both the rough and final versions!
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Work on your Hatchet book report packet and "Stop and Jot" during homeroom every day
Thursday (10/17): The Great California ShakeOut
Thursday (10/17): Sumerian Real Estate Ad is due
Saturday (10/26): Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM)


Homework & Announcements

Happy Monday! πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ

1. Print out your Camp/Vacation essay (rough draft #2). All 5 paragraphs should be completed and ready for revisions tomorrow. Please email your paper to a friend for them to print out if you didn't go to the HMS library or Crowell Library to print it out --  or otherwise need to find a printer if you don't have one at home!
2. By Wednesday (10/16) you should have read Hatchet through Chapter 5 and completed pages 2-7 in the white book report Hatchet packet. Remember to "Stop and Jot" while you are reading. You are welcome to work ahead, but please don't fall behind!
1. Set a timer and spend 20 or more minutes working on the Real Estate ad project. The project is due this Thursday (10/17) at the beginning of class. Don't lose the rough draft (with directions and scoring information). You will be turning in both the rough and final versions!
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Work on your Hatchet book report packet and "Stop and Jot" during homeroom every day
Thursday (10/17): The Great California ShakeOut
Saturday (10/26): Hauntington Breakfast (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM)


Homework & Announcements

Happy Thursday! πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ

1. Print out your Camp/Vacation essay (rough draft)
1. Look up a "fun fact" about your Ancient Sumer city. Jot it down in your Binder Reminder
2. (Optional): Print out 3 color images for the Real Estate ad (if you don't plan to draw them)
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Work on your Hatchet book packet during homeroom every day
Friday (10/11): End of Quarter 1 (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)


Homework & Announcements

Happy Wednesday! πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ

None :)
1. Study for tomorrow's Lesson 5 "Ancient Sumer" test; remember to bring your Lesson 5 ISN packet to school tomorrow
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
Work on your Hatchet book packet during homeroom every day
Thursday (10/10): Lesson 5 Test "Ancient Sumer"
Friday (10/11): End of Quarter 1 (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)


Homework & Announcements

Happy Tuesday! πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ

1.  IXL #4 (Skills P.3 and Y.1) is due tomorrow, Wednesday (10/9), by 8:00 a.m.
2. Study for tomorrow's Classical Root Test for Lessons 1-4
1. If not done in class, complete the Lesson 5 ISN for pages 32 - 37 (all parts). The artifact placards can be found in Google Classroom.
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
* Late Work Slips for late or incomplete, graded IXL assignments are due by Wednesday (10/9)
Work on your Hatchet book packet during homeroom every day
Wednesday (10/9): Classical Roots Test (Seeing, Hearing, Speaking)
Wednesday (10/9): IXL Late Work and Late Work Slips due (for Q1 credit)
Thursday (10/10): Lesson 5 Test "Ancient Sumer"
Friday (10/11): End of Quarter 1 (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)


Homework & Announcements

Happy Monday! πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ

1.  IXL #4 (Skills P.3 and Y.1) is due Wednesday (10/9) by 8:00 a.m.
2. Complete pages 16 - 20 in the Classical Roots packet (sentences optional on pages 16, 18, and 19)
3. Spend 20 minutes studying the  flashcards for Classical Roots. Additional flashcard sheets can be found in Google Classroom under "General Information"
4. Remember, this Wednesday is the last day to turn in Late Work Slips for IXL; please check PowerSchool!
1. Complete the Lesson 5 ISN for pages 32 - 37 (reading parts - not the Project/Placard notes which we will be finishing in class tomorrow)
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
* Late Work Slips for late or incomplete, graded IXL assignments are due by Wednesday (10/9)
Work on your Hatchet book packet during homeroom every day
* Check out the Hauntington Breakfast website for information about prizes and ticket sales!
Wednesday (10/9): Classical Roots Test (Seeing, Hearing, Speaking)
Thursday (10/10): Lesson 5 Test "Ancient Sumer"
Wednesday (10/9): IXL Late Work and Late Work Slips due (for Q1 credit)
Friday (10/11): End of Quarter 1 (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)


Homework & Announcements

Happy Thursday! πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ

1.  IXL #4 (Skills P.3 and Y.1) is due Wednesday (10/9) by 8:00 a.m.
2. Complete Lesson 3 Exercises A-C, pages 13 - 15, in the Classical Roots packet
3. Begin making flashcards for Classical Roots (at least 1 full lesson); you can use index card if you have them or the supplied pink sheets to cut them out! Additional flashcard sheets can be found in Google Classroom under "General Information"
1. Complete the ISN pages for Lesson 5, Sections 2 & 3 (not the bottom project portions).
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
* Late Work Slips for late or incomplete, graded IXL assignments are due by Wednesday (10/9).
* Check out the Hauntington Breakfast website for information about prizes and ticket sales!
Wednesday (10/9): Classical Roots Test (Seeing, Hearing, Speaking)
Thursday (10/10): Lesson 5 Test "Ancient Sumer"
Wednesday (10/9): IXL Late Work and Late Work Slips due (for Q1 credit)
Friday (10/11): End of Quarter 1 (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)


Homework & Announcements

Happy Wednesday! πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ

1.  IXL #4 (Skills P.3 and Y.1) is due Wednesday (10/9) by 8:00 a.m.
2. Complete Lesson 2 Exercises A-C, pages 8-10, in the Classical Roots packet
3. Bring 12 3x3 Post-it notes to class tomorrow
4.  Optional: Begin making flashcards for Classical Roots Lesson 2 (Hearing).
1. Complete the green worksheet begun in class today (both sides): "Mesopotamia" and "The Sumerians"
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
* Late Work Slips for late or incomplete, graded IXL assignments are due by Wednesday (10/9).
* Check out the Hauntington Breakfast website for information about prizes and ticket sales!
Wednesday (10/9): Classical Roots Test (Seeing, Hearing, Speaking)
Wednesday (10/9): IXL Late Work and Late Work Slips due (for Q1 credit)
Friday (10/11): End of Quarter 1 (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)


Homework & Announcements

Happy Tuesday and Happy October! πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ

1.  If not done in class, complete the Cuyamaca/Vacation Brainstorming sheet
2.  Optional: Begin making flashcards for Classical Roots Lesson 1 (Seeing).
1. Complete classwork started today, pages 22 - 27 in the Impact Inquiry Journal.
The textbook can be accessed online through Clever, then select McGraw Hill and Impact Social Studies to find the online textbook "Interactive Student Edition". Click on the online textbook and scroll down the Table of Contents to find Chapter 2 "Mesopotamia". Click on Mesopotamia and scroll to Lesson 1 "The Sumerians" to get to the lesson. 
* Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
* Late Work Slips for late or incomplete, graded IXL assignments are due by Wednesday (10/9).
* Check out the Hauntington Breakfast website for information about prizes and ticket sales!
Wednesday (10/2): Impact Social Studies Chapter 2, Lesson 1 Quiz
Wednesday (10/9): Classical Roots Test (Seeing, Hearing, Speaking)
Wednesday (10/9): IXL Late Work and Late Work Slips due (for Q1 credit)
Friday (10/11): End of Quarter 1 (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)


Homework & Announcements

Happy Monday! β˜€οΈ 🍎

1.  Complete Classical Roots vocabulary pages 3 - 5  (Lesson 1: Seeing). Optional: Begin making flashcards.
1. Complete page 22 Parts 1A and 1B in the Impact Inquiry Journal. The textbook can be accessed online through Clever, then select McGraw Hill and Impact Social Studies to find the online textbook "Interactive Student Edition". Click on the online textbook and scroll down the Table of Contents to find Chapter 2 "Mesopotamia". Click on Mesopotamia and scroll to Lesson 1 "The Sumerians" to get to the right spot. Remember we only read the first half of Chapter 2, Lesson 1 "The Sumerians".
  • Please remember to check your school email at least once a day!
  • Late Work Slips for late or incomplete, graded IXL assignments are due by Wednesday (10/9).
  • Check out the Hauntington Breakfast website for information about prizes and ticket sales!
Wednesday (10/2): Impact Social Studies Chapter 2, Lesson 1 Quiz
Wednesday (10/9): IXL Late Work and Late Work Slips due (for Q1 credit)
Friday (10/11): End of Quarter 1 (Minimum Day - 12:40 PM Dismissal)


Homework & Announcements

Happy Thursday! β˜€οΈ

1. Complete IXL OO.1 Conjunctions (the regular conditions for credit apply). See Google Classroom for how to complete an IXL assignment.
1. Optional: Bring colored pencils to class tomorrow
Please remember to check your school email at least once a day
Friday (9/20): 6th Grade Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM)
(Theme: 80's Neon ~ Location: HMS Cafeteria)
Monday (9/23) - Friday (9/27): Cuyamaca Outdoor Education Camp! ⛺️


Homework & Announcements

Happy Wednesday! β˜€οΈ

1. If not done, complete the conjunctions page in your "Writing Detailed and Varied Sentences" packet
1. Mandatory: complete the online Lesson 3 game "Charting the Course" by looking up the correct answers in your readings before making an answer selection.
2. After completing the lesson game, spend an additional 20+ minutes studying for the Lesson 3 Test "From Hunters and Gatherers to Farmers"; refer to the test preparation checklist in your white binder and attached below for ideas. 
Please remember to check your school email at least once a day
Thursday (9/19): Lesson 3 test "From Hunters and Gatherers to Farmers"
Friday (9/20): 6th Grade Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM)
(Theme: 80's Neon ~ Location: HMS Cafeteria)
Monday (9/23) - Friday (9/27): Cuyamaca Outdoor Education Camp! ⛺️


Homework & Announcements

Happy Tuesday! β˜€οΈ

1. IXL #3 (ELA Skills F.1, G.1, Z.1, EE.2) is due Wednesday (9/18) by 8:00 a.m. Remember: Stop when you get to 100 or 20 minutes/score of 80 or higher -- whichever comes first! More information is in Google Classroom!
1. If not done in class, complete ISN Sections 2-6.
Please remember to check your school email at least once a day
Wednesday (9/18): IXL #3 Due
Language Arts Skills F.1, G.1, Z.1, EE.2
Friday (9/20): 6th Grade Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM)
(Theme: 80's Neon ~ Location: HMS Cafeteria)
Monday (9/23) - Friday (9/27): Cuyamaca Outdoor Education Camp! ⛺️


Homework & Announcements

Happy Monday! β˜€οΈ

1. IXL #3 (ELA Skills F.1, G.1, Z.1, EE.2) is due Wednesday (9/18) by 8:00 a.m. Remember: Stop when you get to 100 or 20 minutes/score of 80 or higher -- whichever comes first! More information is in Google Classroom!
2. Spend 20+ minutes studying for the "Stray" literature test. Set a timer! Remember to bring your neatly completed "Stray" packet to class to turn in tomorrow!
1. If not done in class, complete ISN p.1 (Section 1)
Please remember to check your school email at least once a day
Tuesday (9/17): "Stray" Literature test
Wednesday (9/18): IXL #3 Due
Language Arts Skills F.1, G.1, Z.1, EE.2
Friday (9/20): 6th Grade Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM)
(Theme: 80's Neon ~ Location: HMS Cafeteria)
Monday (9/23) - Friday (9/27): Cuyamaca Outdoor Education Camp! ⛺️


Homework & Announcements

Happy Thursday! β˜€οΈ

Academic Support classes began this week! Please see the attached schedule. My classroom is open on Mondays from 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. Students are welcome in all classrooms (it doesn't have to be their classroom teacher)!

1. IXL #3 (ELA Skills F.1, G.1, Z.1, EE.2) is due Wednesday (9/18) by 8:00 a.m. Remember: Stop when you get to 100 or 20 minutes/score of 80 or higher -- whichever comes first! More information is in Google Classroom!
1. Complete the Lesson 1 game "Crack the Code" by looking up the correct responses as you play the online game. Remember to submit when done.
2. Spend 20+ minutes studying for tomorrow's Lesson 1 Test "Investigating the Past". Use the pink handout sheet discussed today for preparing for a TCI - History Alive Social Studies test (also attached).
Please remember to check your school email at least once a day
Friday (9/13): Lesson 1 Test "Investigating the Past"
Wednesday (9/18): IXL #3 Due
Language Arts Skills F.1, G.1, Z.1, EE.2
Friday (9/20): 6th Grade Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM)
(Theme: 80's Neon ~ Location: HMS Cafeteria)
Monday (9/23) - Friday (9/27): Cuyamaca Outdoor Education Camp


Homework & Announcements

Happy Wednesday! β˜€οΈ

Academic Support classes began this week! Please see the attached schedule. My classroom is open on Mondays from 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. Students are welcome in all classrooms (it doesn't have to be their classroom teacher)!

1. IXL #3 (ELA Skills F.1, G.1, Z.1, EE.2) is due Wednesday (9/18) by 8:00 a.m. Remember: Stop when you get to 100 or 20 minutes/score of 80 or higher -- whichever comes first! More information is in Google Classroom!
1. Complete the TCI (access through Clever) Lesson 1 Video Assignment started in class today. Remember to take notes in your IEN packet to help prepare for Friday's test!
  • Please remember to check your school email at least once a day
Friday (9/13): Lesson 1 Test "Investigating the Past"
Wednesday (9/18): IXL #3 Due
Language Arts Skills F.1, G.1, Z.1, EE.2
Friday (9/20): 6th Grade Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM)
(Theme: 80's Neon ~ Location: HMS Cafeteria)
Monday (9/23) - Friday (9/27): Cuyamaca Outdoor Education Camp


Homework & Announcements

Happy Monday! β˜€οΈ

Academic Support classes began today! Please see the attached schedule. My classroom is open on Mondays from 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. Students are welcome in all classrooms (doesn't have to be their classroom teacher)!

1. IXL #2 (ELA Skills Z.2, FF.1, and RR.2) is due Wednesday (9/1) by 8:00 a.m. Remember: Stop when you get to 100 or 20 minutes/score of 80 or higher -- whichever comes first! More information is in Google Classroom!
1. If not done in class, complete Questions #1 (label) and #2 (2+ sentences making an inference) in your Lesson 1 ISN packet for Sections 3-8. The placards can be found in Google Classroom.
  • Please remember to check your school email at least once a day
Wednesday (9/11): IXL #2 Due
Language Arts Skills Z.2, FF.1, and RR.2
Wednesday (9/11): Fire Drill
Friday (9/20): 6th Grade Dance (6:00 - 8:00 PM)
(Theme: 80's Neon ~ Location: HMS Cafeteria)
Monday (9/23) - Friday (9/27): Cuyamaca Outdoor Education Camp


Homework & Announcements

Happy Thursday! β˜€οΈ

1. IXL #2 (ELA Skills Z.2, FF.1, and RR.2) is due Wednesday (9/1) by 8:00 a.m. Remember: Stop when you get to 100 or 20 minutes/score of 80 or higher -- whichever comes first! More information is in Google Classroom!
2. Spend 20 minutes or more studying for tomorrow's Types of Sentences quiz. Refer to the study guide sheets we did today in class and the IXL assignments you did last week.
None :)
  • Please remember to check your school email at least once a day
  • Students, please remember to give your parents the information you received in Homeroom last week about the Hauntington Breakfast which will be held on Saturday, October 26th. Please go to https://www.hauntingtonbreakfast.com/ for more information. πŸŽƒ
Friday (9/6): Types of Sentences quiz
Wednesday (9/11): IXL #2 Due
(Language Arts Skills (Z.2, FF.1, and RR.2)
Wednesday (9/11): Fire Drill


Homework & Announcements

Happy Wednesday! β˜€οΈ

1. IXL #2 (ELA Skills Z.2, FF.1, and RR.2) is due Wednesday (9/1) by 8:00 a.m. Remember: Stop when you get to 100 or 20 minutes/score of 80 or higher -- whichever comes first! More information is in Google Classroom!
1. Study for tomorrow's Ch. 1, Lesson 1 quiz "The First Humans"
  • Please remember to check your school email at least once a day
  • Students, please remember to give your parents the information you received in Homeroom last week about the Hauntington Breakfast which will be held on Saturday, October 26th. Please go to https://www.hauntingtonbreakfast.com/ for more information. πŸŽƒ
Thursday (9/5): Chapter 1, Lesson 1 Social Studies quiz "The First Humans"
Friday (9/6): Types of Sentences quiz


Homework & Announcements

Happy Tuesday and Happy September! β˜€οΈ

1. IXL #1 (ELA Skills EE.1, EE.9, and QQ.2) is due Wednesday (9/4) by 8:00 a.m. Remember: Stop when you get to 100 or 20 minutes/score of 80 or higher -- whichever comes first! More information is in Google Classroom.
2. Complete the 3rd page in your yellow Sentences packet "Expanding Sentences" - remember to add exactly 2 sentence expanders to each given sentence!
1. If not done, complete pages 1-3 in the white Guided Reading Lesson 1 packet. Remember to answer in complete, detailed sentences that restate the prompt!
2. Please bring earbuds to class tomorrow!
  • Please remember to check your school email at least once a day
  • Students, please remember to give your parents the information you received in Homeroom last week about the Hauntington Breakfast which will be held on Saturday, October 26th. Please go to https://www.hauntingtonbreakfast.com/ for more information. πŸŽƒ
Thursday (9/5): Chapter 1, Lesson 1 Social Studies quiz "The First Humans"
Friday (9/6): Types of Sentences quiz


Homework & Announcements

Happy Friday! β˜€οΈ

Students, please give your parents the information you received in Homeroom today about the Hauntington Breakfast which will be held on Saturday, October 26th.  Please go to https://www.hauntingtonbreakfast.com/ for more information.

Have a fabulous 3-day Labor Day Weekend! See you Tuesday!


Homework & Announcements

Happy Thursday! 😎 πŸ“šπŸ˜

Parents: Tonight is Back-to-School Night for parents! Look for an email from the school! Classroom presentations begin at 6:20 p.m. Your child should be sharing their schedule with you!
1. IXL #1 (ELA Skills EE.1, EE.9, and QQ.2) is due Wednesday (9/4) by 8:00 a.m. Spend 10 - 20 minutes tonight ensuring you know what to do and have questions to ask tomorrow in class, if you need help! Remember: Stop when you get to 100 or 20 minutes/score of 80 or higher -- whichever comes first!
1. If not done, complete the "Scavenger Hunt" worksheet related to the Impact Social Studies textbook.
β€’ Please remember to check your school email at least once a day
Thursday (8/29): Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 7:45 p.m.)
* Parents Only
Friday (8/30): Parent Homework (yellow sheet) and Course Outline Signature portion due
Friday (8/30):  Minimum Day (12:40 p.m. dismissal)
Monday (9/2):  Labor Day - No School


Homework & Announcements

Happy Wednesday! 😎 πŸ“šπŸ˜

1. If not done, give the yellow "Parent Homework" sheet to one parent to complete and review with your parents the green "Course Outline and Signature" handout. Both the yellow paper with signatures and green signature portion (cut) are due by Friday (8/30)!
2. IXL #1 (ELA Skills EE.1, EE.9, and QQ.2) is due Wednesday (9/4) by 8:00 a.m. Spend 10 - 20 minutes tonight ensuring you know what to do and have questions to ask tomorrow in class, if you need help! Remember: Stop when you get to 100 or 20 minutes/score of 80 or higher -- whichever comes first!
None :)
Tomorrow is the NWEA Math test during homeroom! Please arrive to school on time to avoid unnecessary delays! Thank you!
β€’ Please remember to check your school email at least once a day
Thursday (8/29): NWEA Test (Math) in homeroom - special schedule (see the attached Bell Schedule)
Thursday (8/29): Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 7:45 p.m.)
* Parents Only
Friday (8/30): Parent Homework (yellow sheet) and Course Outline Signature portion due
Friday (8/30):  Minimum Day (12:40 p.m. dismissal)
Monday (9/2):  Labor Day - No School


Homework & Announcements

Happy Tuesday! 😎 πŸ“šπŸ˜

1. If not done, give the yellow "Parent Homework" sheet to one parent to complete and review with your parents the green "Course Outline and Signature" handout. Both the yellow paper with signatures and green signature portion (cut) are due by Friday (8/30)!
None :)
Thursday is the NWEA Math test during homeroom! Please arrive to school on time to avoid unnecessary delays! Thank you!
β€’ Please remember to check your school email at least once a day.
β€’ Please remember that students are not allowed in school hallways prior to the 8:00 a.m. bell. Thank you so much for your cooperation!
The HMS bell schedule is linked below. β° πŸ›Ž
Thursday (8/29): Make-Up Picture Day πŸ“Έ
Thursday (8/29): NWEA Test (Math) in homeroom - special schedule (see the attached Bell Schedule)
Thursday (8/29): Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 7:45 p.m.)
* Parents Only
Friday (8/30): Parent Homework (yellow sheet) and Course Outline Signature portion due
Friday (8/30):  Minimum Day (12:40 p.m. dismissal)
Monday (9/2):  Labor Day - No School


Homework & Announcements

Happy Monday! 😎 πŸ“šπŸ˜

1. If not done, give the yellow "Parent Homework" sheet to one parent to complete and review with your parents the green "Course Outline and Signature" handout. Both the yellow paper with signatures and green signature portion (cut) are due by Friday (8/30)!
None :)
Tomorrow is the NWEA English test during homeroom! Please arrive to school on time to avoid unnecessary delays! Thank you!
β€’ Please remember to check your school email at least once a day.
β€’ Please remember that students are not allowed in school hallways prior to the 8:00 a.m. bell. Thank you so much for your cooperation!
The HMS bell schedule is linked below. β° πŸ›Ž
Tuesday (8/27): NWEA Test (English) in homeroom - special schedule (see the attached Bell Schedule)
Thursday (8/29): Make-Up Picture Day πŸ“Έ
Thursday (8/29): NWEA Test (Math) in homeroom - special schedule (see the attached Bell Schedule)
Thursday (8/29): Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 7:45 p.m.)
* Parents Only
Friday (8/30): Parent Homework (yellow sheet) and Course Outline Signature portion due
Friday (8/30):  Minimum Day (12:40 p.m. dismissal)
Monday (9/2):  Labor Day - No School


Homework & Announcements

Happy Thursday! 😎 πŸ“šπŸ˜

1. If not done, work on the "Email Etiquette" email assignment, due this Friday (8/23) by 9:00 p.m. Refer to the pink direction sheet with the rubric and the notes you took while we went over the assignment in class. Remember to turn in the pink direction sheet in class after you've sent the email!
2. If not done, give the yellow "Parent Homework" sheet to one parent to complete and review with your parents the green "Course Outline and Signature" handout. Both the yellow paper with signatures and green signature portion (cut) are due by Friday (8/30)!
1. (some students - 2nd chance to complete correctly) Complete the Growth Mindset worksheet by rewatching the video for Station 2 found in Google Classroom and fixing the incorrect answers on the salmon sheet (due tomorrow at the beginning of class).
Tomorrow, please bring to class:
1. Binder Reminder;
2. The White Binder (for ELA/SS);
3. Pencil bag/case with a pencil (and other supplies); and
4. Homeroom only: a reading book
All other workbooks and supplies can be left in the locker or at home to be used at a later date. Please remember that having all supplies is a part of your citizenship grade!
β€’ Please remember to check your school email at least once a day.
β€’ Please remember that students are not allowed in school hallways
prior to the 8:00 a.m. bell. Thank you so much for your cooperation!
The HMS bell schedule is linked below. β° πŸ›Ž
Monday (8/19) - Friday (8/23):  Welcome Back Spirit Week πŸŽ‰
Friday (8/23): Email Etiquette email due to Mrs. Moffat by 9:00 p.m.
Thursday (8/29):  Make-Up Picture Day πŸ“Έ
Thursday (8/29):  Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 7:45 p.m.)
* Parents Only
Friday (8/30): Parent Homework (yellow sheet) and Course Outline Signature portion due
Friday (8/30):  Minimum Day (12:40 p.m. dismissal)
Monday (9/2):  Labor Day - No School


Homework & Announcements

Happy Wednesday! 😎 πŸ“šπŸ˜

1. If not done, complete your "About Me" slide, due Thursday (8/22) by 8:00 a.m. Remember to sign up to present on the sign up sheet in Google Classroom!
2. If not done, work on the "Email Etiquette" email assignment, due this Friday (8/23) by 9:00 p.m. Refer to the pink direction sheet with the rubric and the notes you took while we went over the assignment in class. Remember to turn in the pink direction sheet in class after you've sent the email!
3. Give the yellow "Parent Homework" sheet and review with your parents the green "Course Outline and Signature" handout. Both the yellow paper with signatures and green signature portion (cut) are due by Friday (8/30)
None :)
Tomorrow, please bring to class:
1. Binder Reminder;
2. The White Binder (for ELA/SS);
3. Pencil bag/case with a pencil (and other supplies); and
4. Homeroom only: a reading book
All other workbooks and supplies can be left in the locker or at home to be used at a later date.
Please remember that students are not allowed in school hallways
prior to the 8:00 a.m. bell. Thank you so much for your cooperation!
The HMS bell schedule is linked below. β° πŸ›Ž
Monday (8/19) - Friday (8/23):  Welcome Back Spirit Week πŸŽ‰
Thursday (8/22): "About Me" Slide and Sign Up due
Friday (8/23): Email Etiquette email due to Mrs. Moffat by 9:00 p.m.
Thursday (8/29):  Make-Up Picture Day πŸ“Έ
Thursday (8/29):  Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 7:45 p.m.)
* Parents Only
Friday (8/30):  Minimum Day (12:40 p.m. dismissal)
Monday (9/2):  Labor Day - No School


Homework & Announcements

Happy Tuesday! 😎 πŸ“šπŸ˜

1. If not done, spend 5-10 minutes working on your "About Me" slide, due Thursday (8/22) by 8:00 a.m. Remember to sign up to present on the sign up sheet in Google Classroom!
2. If not done, work on the "Email Etiquette" email assignment, due this Friday (8/23) by 9:00 p.m. Refer to the pink direction sheet with the rubric and the notes you took while we went over the assignment today in class. Remember to turn in the pink direction sheet in class after you've sent the email!
None :)
Tomorrow, please bring to class:
1. Binder Reminder;
2. The White Binder (for ELA/SS);
3. Pencil bag/case with a pencil (and other supplies); and
4. Homeroom only: a reading book
All other workbooks and supplies can be left in the locker or at home to be used at a later date.
Please remember that students are not allowed in school hallways
prior to the 8:00 a.m. bell. Thank you so much for your cooperation!
The HMS bell schedule is linked below. β° πŸ›Ž
Monday (8/19) - Friday (8/23):  Welcome Back Spirit Week πŸŽ‰
Thursday (8/22): "About Me" Slide and Sign Up due
Friday (8/23): Email Etiquette email due to Mrs. Moffat by 9:00 p.m.
Thursday (8/29):  Make-Up Picture Day πŸ“Έ
Thursday (8/29):  Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 7:45 p.m.)
* Parents Only
Friday (8/30):  Minimum Day (12:40 p.m. dismissal)
Monday (9/2):  Labor Day - No School


Homework & Announcements

Happy Monday! 😎 🚌 😍

1. (Some students only): Spend 5-10 minutes working on your "About Me" slide, due Thursday (8/22) by 8:00 a.m. Remember to sign up to present on the sign up sheet in Google Classroom!
2. The "Email Etiquette" email assignment is due this Friday (8/23) by 9:00 p.m. Please spend 5 minutes drafting the email tonight and ask any questions in class tomorrow, if you need additional clarification. Refer to the pink direction sheet with the rubric and the notes you took while we went over the assignment today in class.
None :)
Tomorrow, please bring to class:
1. Binder Reminder;
2. The White Binder (for ELA/SS);
3. Pencil bag/case with a pencil (and other supplies); and
4. Homeroom only: a reading book
All other workbooks and supplies can be left in the locker or at home to be used at a later date.
Please remember that students are not allowed in school hallways
prior to the 8:00 a.m. bell. Thank you so much for your cooperation!
The HMS bell schedule is linked below. β° πŸ›Ž
Monday (8/19) - Friday (8/23):  Welcome Back Spirit Week πŸŽ‰
Thursday (8/22): "About Me" Slide and Sign Up due
Friday (8/23): Email Etiquette email due to Mrs. Moffat by 9:00 p.m.
Thursday (8/29):  Make-Up Picture Day πŸ“Έ
Thursday (8/29):  Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 7:45 p.m.)
* Parents Only
Friday (8/30):  Minimum Day (12:40 p.m. dismissal)
Monday (9/2):  Labor Day - No School


Homework & Announcements

Happy Thursday! 😎 🚌 😍

1. (Some students only): The Student Survey (sent to students via email and reviewed how to access today in class) is due tomorrow, Friday (8/19) by 8:00 a.m. 
2. Spend 5-10 minutes working on your "About Me" slide
3. Gather school supplies. Yesterday, you received a gold handout with a list of supplies that are needed in our class. The list was also emailed to you and your parents earlier this week. It is also posted under "Files" on this web page! Please have supplies by Monday, August 19th. Thank you to all who have donated Kleenex and wipes to our classroom! It is so appreciated!
None :)
Tomorrow, please bring to class:
1. Binder Reminder;
2. The White Binder (for ELA/SS);
3. Pencil bag/case with a pencil (and other supplies, if you have them); and
4. Homeroom only: a reading book
All other workbooks and supplies can be left in the locker or at home to be used at a later date.
Please remember that students are not allowed in school hallways
prior to the 8:00 a.m. bell. Thank you so much for your cooperation!
The HMS bell schedule is linked below. β° πŸ›Ž
Friday (8/16):  ASB Kickoff Assembly (HMS Gym) 🍎
See the attached flyer for more Spirit Week information!
Monday (8/19) - Friday (8/23):  Welcome Back Spirit Week πŸŽ‰
Thursday (8/29):  Make-Up Picture Day πŸ“Έ
Thursday (8/29):  Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 7:45 p.m.)
* Parents Only
Friday (8/30):  Minimum Day (12:40 p.m. dismissal)
Monday (9/2):  Labor Day - No School


Homework & Announcements

Welcome to HMS! 🦊 ❀️

What a great first day!!!

Parents: Although students were attentive listeners, they may come home feeling overwhelmed with the amount of information provided today. Please reassure your child that teachers will review procedures repeatedly over the next few weeks. Encourage your child to ask questions and seek help when needed. My goal is for all students to feel safe and comfortable in their new learning environment. I am already impressed with this group of 6th graders, and I know it will be a rewarding, positive, and successful year for all!
Also, many thanks to those families who provided tissue paper and disinfectant wipes for our classroom! We appreciate your donations very much! :)
Social Studies and English:
1. Some students only: Find the "Welcome Letter and General Information" email sent by me to your school email account and join our Google Classroom by using the class code in the letter.
2. The Student Survey (sent to students via email) is due Friday (8/19) 
3. Begin or continue gathering supplies from the Supplies List. Most supplies should be in hand by Monday, August 19th, if possible.The Supplies List was sent home today with your student and sent to you in an email from me. It is also under "Files" on this web page!
Tomorrow, please bring to class:
1. Binder Reminder;
2. The White Binder (for ELA/SS);
3. Pencil bag/case with a pencil (and other supplies, if you have them); and
4. Homeroom only: a reading book
All other workbooks and supplies can be left in the locker or at home to be used at a later date.
Friday (8/16):  ASB Kickoff Assembly (HMS Gym) 🍎
Monday (8/19) - Friday (8/23):  Welcome Back Spirit Week πŸŽ‰
Thursday (8/29):  Make-Up Picture Day πŸ“Έ
Thursday (8/29):  Back-to-School Night (6:00 - 7:45 p.m.)
* Parents Only
Friday (8/30):  Minimum Day (12:40 p.m. dismissal)
Monday (9/2):  Labor Day - No School
see you in class